function jcal_type_to_xcal(doc, type, value) { let el = doc.createElementNS(xcal, type); switch (type) { case 'boolean': el.innerHTML = value ? "true" : "false"; break; case 'float': case 'integer': el.innerHTML = '' + value; break; case 'period': let [start, end] = value; let startEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'start'); startEl.innerHTML = start; let endEL; if (end.find('P')) { endEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'duration'); } else { endEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'end'); } endEl.innerHTML = end; el.appendChild(startEl); el.appendChild(endEl); break; case 'recur': el.appendChild(recur_jcal_to_rrule(value).asXcal(doc)); break; case 'date': case 'time': case 'date-time': case 'duration': case 'binary': case 'text': case 'uri': case 'cal-address': case 'utc-offset': el.innerHTML = value; break; default: /* TODO error */ } return el; } function jcal_property_to_xcal_property(doc, jcal) { let [propertyName, params, type, ...values] = jcal; let tag = doc.createElementNS(xcal, propertyName); if (params !== {}) { let params = doc.createElementNS(xcal, params); for (var key in params) { let el = doc.createElementNS(xcal, key); for (let v of asList(params[key])) { let text = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'text'); text.innerHTML = '' + v; el.appendChild(text); } params.appendChild(el); } tag.appendChild(params); } // let typeEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, type); switch (propertyName) { case 'geo': if (type == 'float') { // assert values[0] == [x, y] let [x, y] = values[0]; let lat = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'latitude') let lon = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'longitude') lat.innerHTML = x; lon.innerHTML = y; tag.appendChild(lat); tag.appendChild(lon); } else { /* TODO, error */ } break; case 'request-status': if (type == 'text') { // assert values[0] instanceof Array let [code, desc,] = values[0]; let codeEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'code') code.innerHTML = code; tag.appendChild(codeEl); let descEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'description') desc.innerHTML = desc; tag.appendChild(descEl); if (data !== []) { data = data[0]; let dataEl = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'data') data.innerHTML = data; tag.appendChild(dataEl); } } else { /* TODO, error */ } break; default: for (let value of values) { tag.appendChild(jcal_type_to_xcal(doc, type, value)) } } return tag; } function jcal_to_xcal(...jcals) { let doc = document.implementation.createDocument(xcal, 'icalendar'); for (let jcal of jcals) { doc.documentElement.appendChild(jcal_to_xcal_inner(doc, jcal)); } return doc; } function jcal_to_xcal_inner(doc, jcal) { let [tagname, properties, components] = jcal; let xcal_tag = doc.createElementNS(xcal, tagname); /* I'm not sure if the properties and components tag should be left out when empty. It should however NOT be an error to leave them in. */ let xcal_properties = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'properties'); for (let property of properties) { xcal_properties.appendChild(jcal_property_to_xcal_property(property)); } let xcal_children = doc.createElementNS(xcal, 'components'); for (let child of components) { xcal_children.appendChild(jcal_to_xcal_inner(doc, child)); } xcal_tag.appendChild(xcal_properties); xcal_tag.appendChild(xcal_children); return xcal_tag; }