"use strict"; const vcal_objects = {}; class ComponentVEvent extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super (); this.template = document.getElementById(this.tagName); let uid; if ((uid = this.dataset.uid)) { vcal_objects[uid].register(this); } /* We DON'T have a redraw here in the general case, since the HTML rendered server-side should be fine enough for us. Those that need a direct rerendering (such as the edit tabs) should take care of that some other way */ } connectedCallback () { let uid; if ((uid = this.dataset.uid)) { this.redraw (vcal_objects[uid]); } } redraw (data) { // update ourselves from template if (! this.template) { throw "Something"; } let body = this.template.content.cloneNode(true).firstElementChild; for (let el of body.getElementsByClassName("bind")) { let p = el.dataset.property; let d, fmt; if ((d = data.getProperty(p))) { if ((fmt = el.dataset.fmt)) { el.innerHTML = d.format(fmt); } else { el.innerHTML = d; } } } this.replaceChildren(body); } } class ComponentDescription extends ComponentVEvent { constructor () { super() ; } } class ComponentEdit extends ComponentVEvent { constructor () { super(); this.firstTime = true; } connectedCallback() { /* Edit tab is rendered here. It's left blank server-side, since it only makes sense to have something here if we have javascript */ let data = vcal_objects[this.dataset.uid] if (! data) { throw `Data missing for uid ${this.dataset.uid}.` } this.redraw(data); for (let el of this.getElementsByClassName("interactive")) { el.addEventListener('input', () => { vcal_objects[this.dataset.uid].setProperty( el.dataset.property, el.value) }); } } redraw (data) { // update ourselves from template if (! this.template) { throw "Something"; } let body; if (this.firstTime) { body = this.template.content.cloneNode(true).firstElementChild; } else { body = this; } for (let el of body.getElementsByClassName("interactive")) { let p = el.dataset.property; let d; if ((d = data.getProperty(p))) { /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57157830/how-can-i-specify-the-sequence-of-running-nested-web-components-constructors */ window.setTimeout (() => { /* NOTE Some specific types might require special formatting here. But due to my custom components implementing custom `.value' procedures, we might not need any special cases here */ el.value = d; }); } } if (this.firstTime) { this.replaceChildren(body); this.firstTime = false; } } } function find_popup (uid) { // for (let el of vcal_objects[uid].registered) { // if (el.tagName === 'popup-element') { // return el; // } // } // throw 'Popup not fonud'; return document.querySelector(`popup-element[data-uid="${uid}"]`) } function find_block (uid) { for (let el of vcal_objects[uid].registered) { if (el.tagName === 'vevent-block') { return el; } } throw 'Popup not fonud'; } class ComponentBlock extends ComponentVEvent { constructor () { super(); this.addEventListener('click', () => { toggle_popup(find_popup(this.dataset.uid)); }); } redraw (data) { super.redraw(data); let p; if ((p = data.getProperty('dtstart'))) { this.style.top = date_to_percent(to_local(p), 1) + "%"; // console.log('dtstart', p); } if ((p = data.getProperty('dtend'))) { this.style.height = 'unset'; // console.log('dtend', p); this.style.bottom = (100 - date_to_percent(to_local(p), 1)) + "%"; } } } window.addEventListener('load', function () { // let json_objects_el = document.getElementById('json-objects'); let div = document.getElementById('xcal-data'); let vevents = div.firstElementChild.childNodes; for (let vevent of vevents) { let ev = xml_to_vcal(vevent); vcal_objects[ev.getProperty('uid')] = ev } /* - .popup - .block - .list */ /* let vevent_els = document.getElementsByClassName('vevent') for (let el of vevent_els) { try { vcal_objects[el.dataset.uid].register(el); } catch { console.error("Invalid something, uid = ", el.dataset.uid, "el = ", el ); } } */ customElements.define('vevent-description', ComponentDescription); customElements.define('vevent-edit', ComponentEdit); customElements.define('vevent-block', ComponentBlock); }) class DateTimeInput extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super(); this.innerHTML = '' } static get observedAttributes () { return [ 'dateonly' ] } attributeChangedCallback (name, from, to) { console.log(this, name, boolean(from), boolean(to)); switch (name) { case 'dateonly': this.querySelector('[type="time"]').disabled = boolean(to) break; } } get dateonly () { return boolean(this.getAttribute('dateonly')); } set dateonly (bool) { this.setAttribute ('dateonly', bool); } get value () { let dt; let date = this.querySelector("[type='date']").value; if (boolean(this.getAttribute('dateonly'))) { dt = parseDate(date); dt.type = 'date'; } else { let time = this.querySelector("[type='time']").value; dt = parseDate(date + 'T' + time) dt.type = 'date-time'; } return dt; } set value (new_value) { let date, time; if (new_value instanceof Date) { date = new_value.format("~L~Y-~m-~d"); time = new_value.format("~L~H:~M:~S"); } else { [date, time] = new_value.split('T') } this.querySelector("[type='date']").value = date; this.querySelector("[type='time']").value = time; } addEventListener(type, proc) { if (type != 'input') throw "Only input supported"; this.querySelector("[type='date']").addEventListener(type, proc); this.querySelector("[type='time']").addEventListener(type, proc); } } customElements.define('date-time-input', DateTimeInput) class PopupElement extends HTMLElement { constructor () { super(); /* TODO populate remaining */ // this.id = 'popup' + this.dataset.uid } redraw () { console.log('IMPLEMENT ME'); } connectedCallback() { let body = document.getElementById('popup-template').content.cloneNode(true).firstElementChild; let uid = this.dataset.uid // console.log(uid); body.getElementsByClassName('populate-with-uid') .forEach((e) => e.setAttribute('data-uid', uid)); /* tabs */ let tabgroup_id = gensym(); for (let tab of body.querySelectorAll(".tabgroup .tab")) { let new_id = gensym(); let input = tab.querySelector("input"); input.id = new_id; input.name = tabgroup_id; tab.querySelector("label").setAttribute('for', new_id); } /* end tabs */ /* nav bar */ let nav = body.getElementsByClassName("popup-control")[0]; bind_popup_control(nav); let btn = body.querySelector('.popup-control .close-tooltip') btn.addEventListener('click', () => { close_popup(this); }); /* end nav bar */ this.replaceChildren(body); let that = this; /* this.getElementsByClassName("calendar-selection") .addEventListener('change', function () { let uid = that.closest('[data-uid]').dataset.uid let obj = vcal_objects[uid] this.value; // event.properties.calendar = this.value; }); */ } } window.addEventListener('load', function () { customElements.define('popup-element', PopupElement) }); function wholeday_checkbox (box) { box.closest('.timeinput') .getElementsByTagName('date-time-input') .forEach(el => el.dateonly = box.checked); }