export { ComponentEdit } import { ComponentVEvent } from './vevent' import { DateTimeInput } from './date-time-input' import { vcal_objects, event_calendar_mapping } from '../globals' import { VEvent } from '../vevent' import { create_event } from '../server_connect' /* Edit form for a given VEvent. Used as the edit tab of popups. */ class ComponentEdit extends ComponentVEvent { constructor() { super(); let frag = this.template.content.cloneNode(true) as DocumentFragment let body = frag.firstElementChild! this.replaceChildren(body); } connectedCallback() { /* Edit tab is rendered here. It's left blank server-side, since it only makes sense to have something here if we have javascript */ let data = vcal_objects.get(this.uid) if (!data) { throw `Data missing for uid ${this.dataset.uid}.` } // return; /* Handle calendar dropdown */ for (let el of this.getElementsByClassName('calendar-selection')) { for (let opt of el.getElementsByTagName('option')) { opt.selected = false; } if (data.calendar) { (el as HTMLSelectElement).value = data.calendar; } el.addEventListener('change', (e) => { let v = (e.target as HTMLSelectElement).selectedOptions[0].value let obj = vcal_objects.get(this.uid)! obj.calendar = v; }); } this.redraw(data); // for (let el of this.getElementsByClassName("interactive")) { for (let el of this.querySelectorAll("[data-property]")) { // console.log(el); el.addEventListener('input', () => { let obj = vcal_objects.get(this.uid) if (obj === undefined) { throw 'No object with uid ' + this.uid } if (!(el instanceof HTMLInputElement || el instanceof DateTimeInput || el instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement )) { console.log(el, 'not an HTMLInputElement'); return; } obj.setProperty( el.dataset.property!, el.value) }); } let wholeday_ = this.querySelector('[name="wholeday"]') if (wholeday_) { let wholeday = wholeday_ as HTMLInputElement if (data.getProperty('dtstart')?.dateonly) { wholeday.checked = true; } wholeday.addEventListener('click', () => { let chk = wholeday.checked let start = data!.getProperty('dtstart') let end = data!.getProperty('dtend') start.dateonly = chk end.dateonly = chk data!.setProperty('dtstart', start); data!.setProperty('dtend', end); }); } let submit = this.querySelector('form') as HTMLFormElement submit.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { console.log(submit, e); create_event(vcal_objects.get(this.uid)!); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } redraw(data: VEvent) { /* We only update our fields, instead of reinstansiating ourselves from the template, in hope that it's faster */ for (let el of this.querySelectorAll("[data-property]")) { if (!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) continue; let p = el.dataset.property!; let d: any; if ((d = data.getProperty(p))) { /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57157830/how-can-i-specify-the-sequence-of-running-nested-web-components-constructors */ window.setTimeout(() => { /* NOTE Some specific types might require special formatting here. But due to my custom components implementing custom `.value' procedures, we might not need any special cases here */ /* Technically we just want to cast to HTMLElement with value field here, but multiple types implement it sepparately, and no common interface exist */ (el as HTMLInputElement).value = d; }); } } if (data.calendar) { for (let el of this.getElementsByClassName('calendar-selection')) { (el as HTMLSelectElement).value = data.calendar; } } } }