export { PopupElement, setup_popup_element } import { VEvent } from '../vevent' import { bind_popup_control } from '../dragable' import { find_block, vcal_objects } from '../globals' import { ComponentVEvent } from './vevent' import { remove_event } from '../server_connect' /* */ class PopupElement extends ComponentVEvent { /* The popup which is the "selected" popup. /* Makes the popup last hovered over the selected popup, moving it to * the top, and allowing global keyboard bindings to affect it. */ static activePopup: PopupElement | null = null; constructor(uid?: string) { super(uid); /* TODO populate remaining (??) */ let obj = vcal_objects.get(this.uid); if (obj && obj.calendar) { this.dataset.calendar = obj.calendar; } /* Makes us the active popup */ this.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { if (PopupElement.activePopup) { PopupElement.activePopup.removeAttribute('active'); } PopupElement.activePopup = this; this.setAttribute('active', 'active'); }) } redraw(data: VEvent) { if (data.calendar) { /* The CSS has hooks on [data-calendar], meaning that this can (and will) change stuff */ this.dataset.calendar = data.calendar; } } connectedCallback() { let template = document.getElementById('popup-template') as HTMLTemplateElement let body = (template.content.cloneNode(true) as DocumentFragment).firstElementChild!; let uid = this.uid; /* nav bar */ let nav = body.getElementsByClassName("popup-control")[0] as HTMLElement; bind_popup_control(nav); let close_btn = body.querySelector('.popup-control .close-button') as HTMLButtonElement close_btn.addEventListener('click', () => this.visible = false); let maximize_btn = body.querySelector('.popup-control .maximize-button') as HTMLButtonElement maximize_btn.addEventListener('click', () => this.maximize()); let remove_btn = body.querySelector('.popup-control .remove-button') as HTMLButtonElement remove_btn.addEventListener('click', () => remove_event(uid)); /* end nav bar */ this.replaceChildren(body); } static get observedAttributes() { return ['visible']; } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldValue?: string, newValue?: string) { switch (name) { case 'visible': this.onVisibilityChange() break; } } get visible(): boolean { return this.hasAttribute('visible'); } set visible(isVisible: boolean) { if (isVisible) { this.setAttribute('visible', 'visible'); } else { this.removeAttribute('visible'); } } private onVisibilityChange() { /* TODO better way to find root */ let root; switch (window.VIEW) { case 'week': root = document.getElementsByClassName("days")[0]; break; case 'month': default: root = document.body; break; } let element = find_block(this.uid) as HTMLElement | null /* start sets offset between top left corner of event in calendar and popup. 10, 10 soo old event is still visible */ let offsetX = 10, offsetY = 10; while (element !== root && element !== null) { offsetX += element.offsetLeft; offsetY += element.offsetTop; element = element.offsetParent as HTMLElement; } this.style.left = offsetX + "px"; this.style.top = offsetY + "px"; /* Reset width and height to initial, to save user if they have resized it to something weird */ let el = this.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; el.style.removeProperty('width'); el.style.removeProperty('height'); } maximize() { /* TODO this assumes that popups are direct decendant of their parent, which they really ought to be */ let parent = this.parentElement!; let el = this.firstElementChild as HTMLElement /* TODO offsetParent.scrollLeft places us "fullscreen" according to the currently scrolled viewport. But is this the correct way to do it? How does it work for month views */ this.style.left = `${this.offsetParent!.scrollLeft + 10}px`; this.style.top = '10px'; /* 5ex is width of tab labels */ el.style.width = `calc(${parent.clientWidth - 20}px - 5ex)` el.style.height = `${parent.clientHeight - 20}px` } } /* Create a new popup element for the given VEvent, and ready it for editing the event. Used when creating event (through the frontend). The return value can safely be ignored. */ function setup_popup_element(ev: VEvent): PopupElement { let uid = ev.getProperty('uid'); let popup = new PopupElement(uid); ev.register(popup); /* TODO propper way to find popup container */ (document.querySelector('.days') as Element).appendChild(popup); let tabBtn = popup.querySelector('[role="tab"][title="Redigera"]') as HTMLButtonElement tabBtn.click() let tab = document.getElementById(tabBtn.getAttribute('aria-controls')!)! let input = tab.querySelector('input[name="summary"]') as HTMLInputElement popup.visible = true; input.select(); return popup; }