export { DateTimeInput } import { makeElement, parseDate } from '../lib' /* '' */ class DateTimeInput extends /* HTMLInputElement */ HTMLElement { readonly time: HTMLInputElement; readonly date: HTMLInputElement; constructor() { super(); this.date = makeElement('input', { type: 'date' }) as HTMLInputElement this.time = makeElement('input', { type: 'time', disabled: this.dateonly }) as HTMLInputElement } connectedCallback() { /* This can be in the constructor for chromium, but NOT firefox... Vivaldi 4.3.2439.63 stable Mozilla Firefox 94.0.1 */ /* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes#boolean_attributes https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getAttribute */ this.replaceChildren(this.date, this.time) } static get observedAttributes() { return ['dateonly'] } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, _: string | null, to: string | null): void { switch (name) { case 'dateonly': if (to == null) { this.time.disabled = false } else { if (to == '' || to == name) { this.time.disabled = true; } else { throw new TypeError(`Invalid value for attribute dateonly: ${to}`) } } break; } } get dateonly(): boolean { return this.hasAttribute('dateonly'); } set dateonly(b: boolean) { if (b) { this.setAttribute('dateonly', ""); } else { this.removeAttribute('dateonly'); } } set value(date: Date) { let [d, t] = date.format("~L~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S").split('T'); // console.log(d, t); this.date.value = d; this.time.value = t; this.dateonly = date.dateonly; } get value(): Date { let dt; let date = this.date.value; if (this.dateonly) { dt = parseDate(date); dt.dateonly = true; } else { let time = this.time.value; dt = parseDate(date + 'T' + time) dt.dateonly = false; } return dt; } get stringValue(): string { if (this.dateonly) { return this.value.format("~Y-~m-~d") } else { return this.value.format("~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S") } } set stringValue(new_value: Date | string) { // console.log('Setting date'); let date, time, dateonly = false; if (new_value instanceof Date) { date = new_value.format("~L~Y-~m-~d"); time = new_value.format("~L~H:~M:~S"); dateonly = new_value.dateonly; } else { [date, time] = new_value.split('T') } this.dateonly = dateonly; this.date.value = date; this.time.value = time; } addEventListener(type: string, proc: ((e: Event) => void)) { if (type != 'input') throw "Only input supported"; this.date.addEventListener(type, proc); this.time.addEventListener(type, proc); } }