export { SmallcalCellHighlight, Timebar, initialize_clock_components } import { makeElement, date_to_percent } from './lib' abstract class Clock { abstract update(now: Date): void; } class Timebar extends Clock { // start_time: Date // end_time: Date bar_object: HTMLElement | null constructor(/*start_time: Date, end_time: Date*/) { super(); // this.start_time = start_time; // this.end_time = end_time; this.bar_object = null } update(now: Date) { // if (! (this.start_time <= now.getTime() && now.getTime() < this.end_time)) // return; var event_area = document.getElementById(now.format("~Y-~m-~d")) if (event_area) { if (this.bar_object !== null && this.bar_object.parentNode !== null) { this.bar_object.parentNode.removeChild(this.bar_object) } else { this.bar_object = makeElement('div', { id: 'bar', className: 'eventlike current-time', }); } this.bar_object.style.top = date_to_percent(now) + "%"; event_area.append(this.bar_object) } } } class SmallcalCellHighlight extends Clock { small_cal: HTMLElement current_cell: HTMLElement | null constructor(small_cal: HTMLElement) { super(); this.small_cal = small_cal; this.current_cell = null } update(now: Date) { if (this.current_cell) { this.current_cell.style.border = ""; } /* This is expeced to fail if the current date is not currently on screen. */ this.current_cell = this.small_cal.querySelector( "time[datetime='" + now.format("~Y-~m-~d") + "']"); if (this.current_cell) { this.current_cell.style.border = "1px solid black"; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------- */ class ClockElement extends HTMLElement { timer_id: number constructor() { super(); this.timer_id = 0 } connectedCallback() { let interval = this.hasAttribute('interval') ? +(this.getAttribute('interval') as string) : 60; interval *= 1000 /* ms */ this.timer_id = window.setInterval(() => this.update(new Date), interval) this.update(new Date) } static get observedAttributes() { return ['timer_id'] } update(now: Date) { /* noop */ } } class TodayButton extends ClockElement { a: HTMLAnchorElement; constructor() { super(); this.a = document.createElement('a'); this.a.textContent = 'Idag'; this.a.classList.add('btn'); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.replaceChildren(this.a); } update(now: Date) { this.a.href = now.format("~Y-~m-~d.html") } } class CurrentTime extends ClockElement { update(now: Date) { this.textContent = now.format('~H:~M:~S') } } function initialize_clock_components() { customElements.define('today-button', TodayButton) customElements.define('current-time', CurrentTime) }