.PHONY: all clean watch TARGETS := style.css smallcal.css script.out.js WATCH= # script explicitly named, since that is our entry point TS_FILES = script.ts $(shell find . -type f -name \*.ts -not -path */node_modules/*) export PATH := $(shell npm bin):$(PATH) all: $(TARGETS) %.map.json: %.out.js tail -n1 $< | tail -c+65 | base64 --decode | jq '.' > $@ # r!browserify --list script.ts -p tsify | xargs -L1 basename | tac script.out.js: $(TS_FILES) browserify $< -p tsify --noImplicitAny --debug -o $@ # Note that 'tsc --watch' doesn't provide the files we are using. It's # just here for debug. watch: tmux \ new-session "scss --watch -I. style.scss:style.css" \; \ split-window "tsc --watch" \; \ rename-session "calp watch" \; \ select-layout even-vertical clean: rm $(TARGETS) %.css: %.scss scss $(WATCH) -I. $< $@