(define-module (srfi srfi-19 util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 setters) #:export (copy-date drop-time! drop-time in-day? today? ;; seconds minutes hours days weeks ;; time-add make-duration time->string add-day remove-day)) #; (define (copy-date date) "Returns a copy of the given date structure" (let* ((date-type (@@ (srfi srfi-19) date)) (access (lambda (field) ((record-accessor date-type field) date)))) (apply make-date (map access (record-type-fields date-type))))) (define (drop-time! date) "Sets the hour, minute, second and nanosecond attribute of date to 0." (set! (hour date) 0) (set! (minute date) 0) (set! (second date) 0) (set! (nanosecond date) 0) date) (define (drop-time date) "Returns a copy of date; with the hour, minute, second and nanosecond attribute set to 0. Can also be seen as \"Start of day\"" (set-fields date ((date-hour) 0) ((date-minute) 0) ((date-second) 0) ((date-nanosecond) 0))) (define (make-duration s) (make-time time-duration 0 s)) (define (in-day? day-date time) (let* ((now (date->time-utc (drop-time day-date))) (then (add-duration now (make-duration (* 60 60 24))))) (and (time<=? now time) (time<=? time then)))) (define (today? time) (in-day? (current-date) time)) (define* (time->string time #:optional (format "~c")) (date->string (time-utc->date time) format)) (define (add-day time) (add-duration time (make-time time-duration 0 (* 60 60 24)))) (define (remove-day time) (add-duration time (make-time time-duration 0 (- (* 60 60 24))))) ;; A B C D ¬E ;; |s1| : |s2| : |s1| : |s2| : |s1| ;; | | : | | : | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | | ;; | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | || | : | || | : ;; | | : | | : | || | : | || | : |s2| ;; | | : | | : | | : | | : | | (define-public (timespan-overlaps? s1-begin s1-end s2-begin s2-end) "Return whetever or not two timespans overlap." (or ;; A (and (time<=? s2-begin s1-end) (time<=? s1-begin s2-end)) ;; B (and (time<=? s1-begin s2-end) (time<=? s2-begin s1-end)) ;; C (and (time<=? s1-begin s2-begin) (time<=? s2-end s1-end)) ;; D (and (time<=? s2-begin s1-begin) (time<=? s1-end s2-end))))