#include "guile_interface.h" #include "calendar.h" #include "guile_type_helpers.h" static SCM vcomponent_type; void init_vcomponent_type (void) { SCM name = scm_from_utf8_symbol("vcomponent"); SCM slots = scm_list_1(scm_from_utf8_symbol("data")); vcomponent_type = scm_make_foreign_object_type(name, slots, NULL); } SCM_DEFINE (make_vcomponent, "%vcomponent-make", 0, 1, 0, (SCM path), "Loads a vdir iCalendar from the given path.") { vcomponent* cal = (vcomponent*) scm_gc_malloc ( sizeof(*cal), "vcomponent"); if (SCM_UNBNDP(path)) { INIT(vcomponent, cal); } else { INIT(vcomponent, cal, "ROOT"); char* p = scm_to_utf8_stringn(path, NULL); read_vcalendar(cal, p); free(p); } return scm_from_vcomponent (cal); } /* * Returns a line from a component. */ SCM_DEFINE (vcomponent_get_attribute, "%vcomponent-get-attribute", 2, 0, 0, (SCM calendar, SCM attr), "Retuns the given attribute from the vevent object at index in calendar.") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, calendar); vcomponent* cal = scm_foreign_object_ref (calendar, 0); char* key = scm_to_utf8_stringn(scm_string_upcase(attr), NULL); content_line* c = get_attributes (cal, key); free(key); if (c == NULL) return SCM_BOOL_F; SCM llist = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, content_set, v, c) { llist = scm_cons(scm_from_strbuf(&v->key), llist); } /* returns the car of list if list is one long. */ if (scm_to_int(scm_length(llist)) == 1) { return SCM_CAR(llist); } else { return llist; } } SCM_DEFINE (vcomponent_get_property, "%vcomponent-get-property", 3, 0, 0, (SCM component, SCM attr, SCM prop), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); char* key = scm_to_utf8_stringn(scm_string_upcase(attr), NULL); char* prop_key = scm_to_utf8_stringn(scm_string_upcase(prop), NULL); content_line* cl = get_attributes (comp, key); free(key); if (cl == NULL) return SCM_BOOL_F; SCM llist = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, content_set, cs, cl) { LLIST(strbuf)* strs = GET(TRIE(param_set))(&cs->val, prop_key); if (strs == NULL) continue; SCM subl = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, strbuf, s, strs) { subl = scm_cons(scm_from_strbuf(s), subl); } llist = scm_cons(subl, llist); } return llist; } SCM_DEFINE (vcomponent_set_attr_x, "%vcomponent-set-attribute!", 3, 0, 0, (SCM component, SCM attr, SCM new_value), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* com = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); char* key = scm_to_utf8_stringn(scm_string_upcase(attr), NULL); content_line* c = get_attributes (com, key); /* Create the position in the TRIE if it doesn't already exist */ if (c == NULL) { /* Insert empty key since this allows me to use the helper * function */ vcomponent_push_val(com, key, ""); c = get_attributes (com, key); } else { /* * The SCM representation of an object is usually initialized * when an attribute is first accessed from guile. If we * however try to set it before accessing it then that field * will still be NULL. * * If the object, and its SCM instance exist, unprotect it. * Otherwise we know that it's NULL and safe to write a new * SCM value there. */ if (c->cval->key.scm != NULL) { scm_gc_unprotect_object(c->cval->key.scm); } } free(key); strbuf* target = &c->cval->key; target->scm = new_value; scm_gc_protect_object(target->scm); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM_DEFINE (vcomponent_child_count, "%vcomponent-child-count", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "Returns number of child components.") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* c = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); return scm_from_size_t (SIZE(LLIST(vcomponent))(&c->components)); } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_children, "%vcomponent-children", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* cal = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); SCM llist = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, vcomponent, v, &cal->components) { llist = scm_cons(scm_from_vcomponent(v), llist); } return llist; } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_filter_children_x, "%vcomponent-filter-children!", 2, 0, 0, (SCM pred, SCM component), "Remove all children from component who DOESN'T satisfy `pred`") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* cal = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); for (LINK(vcomponent)* l = FIRST(&cal->components); l->after != NULL; l = l->after) { if (scm_is_false(scm_call_1 (pred, scm_from_vcomponent(l->value)))) { FFREE(vcomponent, l->value); UNLINK(LINK(vcomponent))(l); } } return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_push_child_x, "%vcomponent-push-child!", 2, 0, 0, (SCM component, SCM child), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, child); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); vcomponent* chil = scm_foreign_object_ref (child, 0); PUSH(vcomponent)(comp, chil); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM_DEFINE (vcomponent_parent, "%vcomponent-parent", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); vcomponent* parent = comp->parent; if (strcmp(parent->type, "ROOT") == 0) { return SCM_BOOL_F; } else { return scm_from_vcomponent(parent); } } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_typeof, "%vcomponent-get-type", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "Returns type of vcomponent") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); return scm_from_utf8_symbol(comp->type); } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_set_type_x, "%vcomponent-set-type!", 2, 0, 0, (SCM component, SCM type), "Replace current type of vcomponent") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); if (comp->type) free (comp->type); char* ntype = scm_to_utf8_stringn (type, NULL); comp->type = calloc(sizeof(*ntype), strlen(ntype) + 1); strcpy(comp->type, ntype); return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } SCM scm_from_vcomponent(vcomponent* v) { if (v->scm == NULL) { v->scm = scm_make_foreign_object_1 (vcomponent_type, v); scm_gc_protect_object(v->scm); } return v->scm; } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_attr_list, "%vcomponent-attribute-list", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "Returns list of all keys in component.") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); LLIST(strbuf)* keys = KEYS(TRIE(content_line))(&comp->clines); SCM llist = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, strbuf, s, keys) { llist = scm_cons(scm_from_strbuf(s), llist); } FFREE(LLIST(strbuf), keys); return llist; } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_prop_list, "%vcomponent-property-list", 2, 0, 0, (SCM component, SCM attr), "") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* comp = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); char* key = scm_to_utf8_stringn(scm_string_upcase(attr), NULL); content_line* cl = get_attributes (comp, key); free(key); if (cl == NULL) return SCM_BOOL_F; SCM llist = SCM_EOL; FOR (LLIST, content_set, cs, cl) { LLIST(strbuf)* keys = KEYS(TRIE(param_set))(&cs->val); if (keys == NULL) continue; FOR (LLIST, strbuf, s, keys) { SCM symb = scm_string_to_symbol(scm_from_strbuf(s)); if ( scm_is_false(scm_memv (symb, llist)) ) { llist = scm_cons(symb, llist); } } FFREE(LLIST(strbuf), keys); } return llist; } SCM_DEFINE(vcomponent_shallow_copy, "%vcomponent-shallow-copy", 1, 0, 0, (SCM component), "Creates a shallow copy of the given component.") { scm_assert_foreign_object_type (vcomponent_type, component); vcomponent* src = scm_foreign_object_ref (component, 0); vcomponent* dest = (vcomponent*) scm_gc_malloc ( sizeof(*dest), "vcomponent"); INIT(vcomponent, dest, src->type, NULL); vcomponent_copy (dest, src); return scm_from_vcomponent (dest); } void init_lib (void) { init_vcomponent_type(); #ifndef SCM_MAGIC_SNARFER #include "guile_interface.x" #endif }