#!/usr/bin/guile \ -s !# ;;; Commentary: ;;; Script for finding all top level `config' forms. Run this from the ;;; project root. ;;; Code: (add-to-load-path "module") (use-modules (util) (ice-9 ftw) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-1) ) (define (read-multiple) (let loop ((done '())) (let ((sexp (read))) (if (eof-object? sexp) (reverse done) (loop (cons sexp done)))))) (define remove-stat (match-lambda ((name state) name) ((name stat children ...) (cons name (map remove-stat children))))) (define (f tree) (let loop ((rem tree) (path '())) (cond [(string? rem) (string-join (reverse (cons rem path)) "/" 'infix)] [(null? rem) '()] [else (map (lambda (branch) (loop branch (cons (car rem) path))) (cdr rem))]))) ((@ (ice-9 pretty-print) pretty-print) (filter (lambda (form) (and (list? form) (not (null? form)) (eq? 'define-config (car form)))) (concatenate (map (lambda (filename) (with-input-from-file filename read-multiple)) (flatten (f (remove-stat (file-system-tree "module")))))))) ;; expected result => #; ((config debug) (config edit-mode) (config summary-filter) (config description-filter) (config tz-dir "Directory in which zoneinfo files can be found") (config tz-list "List of default zoneinfo files to be parsed") (config default-week-start "First day of week") (config calendar-files "Which files to parse. Takes a list of paths or a single string which will be globbed."))