(define-module (vcomponent recurrence parse) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) ; Datetime #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module ((vcomponent datetime) #:select (parse-datetime)) #:duplicates (last) ; Replace @var{count} #:use-module (vcomponent recurrence internal) #:use-module (util) #:use-module (exceptions) #:use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions) #:export (parse-recurrence-rule)) (define (printerr fmt . args) (apply format (current-error-port) fmt args)) (define (parse-recurrence-rule str) (catch-multiple (lambda () (%build-recur-rules str)) [unfulfilled-constraint (cont obj key val . rest) (printerr "ERR ~a [~a] doesn't fulfill constraint of type [~a], ignoring~%" err val key) (cont #f)] [invalid-value (cont obj key val . rest) (printerr "ERR ~a [~a] for key [~a], ignoring.~%" err val key) (cont #f)])) (eval-when (expand) (define ((handle-case stx obj) key val proc) (with-syntax ((skey (datum->syntax stx (symbol-downcase (syntax->datum key))))) #`((#,key) (let ((v #,val)) (cond ((not v) (throw-returnable 'invalid-value #,obj (quote #,key) v)) ((#,proc #,val) (set! (skey #,obj) v)) (else (set! (skey #,obj) (throw-returnable 'unfulfilled-constraint #,obj (quote #,key) v))))))))) ;; A special form of case only useful in parse-recurrence-rules above. ;; Each case is on the form (KEY val check-proc) where: ;; `key` is what should be matched against, and what is used for the setter ;; `val` is the value to bind to the loop object and ;; `check` is something the object must conform to (define-syntax quick-case (lambda (stx) (syntax-case stx () ((_ var-key obj (key val proc) ...) #`(case var-key #,@(map (handle-case stx #'obj) #'(key ...) #'(val ...) #'(proc ...)) (else obj)))))) (define-syntax all-in (syntax-rules () ((_ var rules ...) (cut every (lambda (var) (and rules ...)) <>)))) (define (string->number-list val delim) (map string->number (string-split val delim))) (define (string->symbols val delim) (map string->symbol (string-split val delim))) ;; @example ;; ∈ weekdays ;; ::= [[±] ] ;; +3MO ;; (, ...) ;; @end example ;; Returns a pair, where the @code{car} is the offset ;; and @code{cdr} is the day symbol. ;; The @code{car} may be @code{#f}. (define (parse-day-spec str) (let* ((numchars (append '(#\+ #\-) (map integer->char (iota 10 #x30)))) (num symb (span (cut memv <> numchars) (string->list str)))) (cons (string->number (list->string num)) (apply symbol symb)))) (define (%build-recur-rules str) (fold (lambda (kv obj) (let* (((key val) kv)) (let-lazy ((symb (string->symbol val)) (date (date->time-utc (parse-datetime val))) (days (map parse-day-spec (string-split val #\,))) (num (string->number val)) (nums (string->number-list val #\,))) (quick-case (string->symbol key) obj (FREQ symb (cut memv <> intervals)) ; Required (UNTIL date identity) (COUNT num (cut <= 0 <>)) (INTERVAL num (cut <= 0 <>)) (BYSECOND nums (all-in n (<= 0 n 60))) (BYMINUTE nums (all-in n (<= 0 n 59))) (BYHOUR nums (all-in n (<= 0 n 23))) (BYDAY days (lambda (p*) (map (lambda (p) (let* (((n . s) p)) (memv s weekdays))) p*))) (BYMONTHDAY nums (all-in n (<= -31 n 31) (!= n 0))) (BYYEARDAY nums (all-in n (<= -366 n 366) (!= n 0))) (BYWEEKNO nums (all-in n (<= -53 n 53) (!= n 0))) (BYMONTH nums (all-in n (<= 1 n 12))) (BYSETPOS nums (all-in n (<= -366 n 366) (!= n 0))) (WKST symb (cut memv <> weekdays)))))) ;; obj (make-recur-rule 1 'MO) ;; ((key val) ...) (map (cut string-split <> #\=) (string-split str #\;))))