(define-module (vcomponent parse) :use-module ((rnrs io ports) :select (get-u8)) :use-module (rnrs bytevectors) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-9) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (datetime util) :use-module (srfi srfi-26) :use-module ((ice-9 hash-table) :select (alist->hash-table)) :use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) :select (read-line)) :use-module ((ice-9 textual-ports) :select (unget-char)) :use-module ((ice-9 ftw) :select (scandir ftw)) :use-module (util) :use-module (util time) :use-module (util strbuf) :use-module (util exceptions) :use-module (vcomponent base) :use-module (vcomponent datetime) :use-module (datetime util) ) (use-modules ((rnrs base) #:select (assert))) (define-record-type (make-parse-ctx% filename row col ctx line-key param-key param-table) parse-ctx? (filename get-filename) ; string (row get-row set-row!) ; [0, ] (col get-col set-col!) ; [1, ) (ctx get-ctx set-ctx!) ; '(key value param-name param-value escape) (line-key get-line-key set-line-key!) ; string (param-key get-param-key set-param-key!) ; string (param-table get-param-table set-param-table!) ; hash-map ) (define (make-parse-ctx filename) (make-parse-ctx% filename 1 0 'key #f #f (make-hash-table))) (define (increment-column! ctx) (set-col! ctx (1+ (get-col ctx)))) (define (increment-row! ctx) (set-col! ctx 0) (set-row! ctx (1+ (get-row ctx)))) (define (ctx-dump-strings! ctx) (set-line-key! ctx "") (set-param-key! ctx "") ;; (set-param-table! ctx (make-hash-table)) ) (define-macro (with-vline-tz object . body) `(let-env ((TZ (and=> (prop ,object 'TZID) car))) ,@body)) (define (fold-proc ctx c) ;; First extra character optional read is to get the \n if our line ;; ended with \r\n. Secound read is to get the first character of the ;; next line. The initial \r which might recide in @var{c} is discarded. (let ((pair (cons (if (char=? #\newline (integer->char c)) c (get-u8 (current-input-port))) (get-u8 (current-input-port))))) (increment-row! ctx) (cond [(not (char=? #\newline (integer->char (car pair)))) (error "Expected newline after CR")] ;; The standard (3.4, l. 2675) says that each icalobject must ;; end with CRLF. My files however does not. This means that ;; an EOF can immideately follow a \n\r pair. But this case is the ;; same as that we are at the end of line, so we spoof it and let ;; the regular parser loop handle it. [(eof-object? (cdr pair)) 'end-of-line] ;; Following line begins with a whitespace character, ;; meaning that we don't break the logical line here. [(memv (integer->char (cdr pair)) '(#\space #\tab)) (increment-column! ctx) ; since we just read the space 'fold] [else ;; TODO check if this failed, and signal a writeback error (unget-char (current-input-port) (integer->char (cdr pair))) 'end-of-line]))) (define (handle-value! key vline strbuf) (case key ;; As far as I can tell the RFC says nothing about special ;; encoding for individual fields. It mentieons UTF-8, and ;; that transfer encoding should be set in the mime-headers. ;; That however seems like a breach of abstractions. ;; Currently I allow a CHARSET property on SUMMARY fields, ;; since I know that at least www.lysator.liu.se/alma/alma.cgi ;; uses it. [(SUMMARY) (cond [(and=> (prop vline 'CHARSET) car) => (lambda (encoding) (set! (value vline) (strbuf->string strbuf ((@ (rnrs io ports) make-transcoder) encoding))))])] [(DTSTART DTEND RECURRENCE-ID LAST-MODIFIED DTSTAMP EXDATE) ;; '("Africa/Ceuta" "Europe/Stockholm" "local") (let ((tz (or (and=> (prop vline 'TZID) car) (and (string= "Z" (string-take-right (value vline) 1)) "UTC")))) (let ((type (and=> (prop vline 'VALUE) car))) (if (or (and=> type (cut string=? <> "DATE-TIME")) (string-contains (value vline) "T")) (set! (value vline) (parse-ics-datetime (value vline) tz) (prop vline 'VALUE) 'DATE-TIME) (set! (value vline) (parse-ics-date (value vline)) (prop vline 'VALUE) 'DATE))))])) ;; Reads a vcomponent from the given port. (define-public (parse-calendar port) ;; (report-time! "Parsing ~a" port) (with-input-from-port port (lambda () (let ((component (make-vcomponent)) (ctx (make-parse-ctx (port-filename port))) (strbuf (make-strbuf))) (parameterize ((warning-handler (lambda (fmt . args) (format #f "== PARSE WARNING == filename = ~a row ~a column ~a ctx = ~a ~a ; ~a = ... : ... ~?~%~%" (get-filename ctx) (get-row ctx) (get-col ctx) (get-ctx ctx) (get-line-key ctx) (get-param-key ctx) fmt args)))) (with-throw-handler #t (lambda () (while #t (let ((c (get-u8 (current-input-port)))) (cond ;; End of file [(eof-object? c) ;; == NOTE == ;; We never check the final line here. But since it ;; ALWAYS should be "END:VCOMPONENT", and we do all ;; the setup at creation this shouldn't be a problem. (let ((component (case (get-ctx ctx) ;; Line ended before we came here, get the actual root ;; component (instead of our virtual one: [(key) (car (children component))] ;; Line wasn't ended before we get here, so our current ;; component is our "actual" root. NOTE that this never ;; actually finalizes the root object, which matters if ;; if do something with the finalizer below. ;; At the time of writing we just set the parent. [(value) component] [else => (lambda (a) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "parse-break" (string-append "Bad context at end of file. " "Expected `key' or `value', got ~a") (list a) #f))]))) ;; == NOTE == ;; This sets to the VCALENDAR, which is correct, ;; but the program later squashes together everything ;; and drops this information. (set! (attr component 'X-HNH-FILENAME) (get-filename ctx) (parent component) #f) (break component))] ;; End of line [(memv (integer->char c) '(#\return #\newline)) (case (fold-proc ctx c) [(end-of-line) (let ((str (strbuf->string strbuf))) (cond [(and (eq? 'key (get-ctx ctx)) (string-null? str)) ;; I believe that an empty line is against the standard ;; in every way. But it's nice to handle it. (warning "Unexpected completely empty line")] [(eq? 'BEGIN (get-line-key ctx)) (let ((child (make-vcomponent (string->symbol str)))) (add-child! component child) (set! component child))] [(eq? (get-line-key ctx) 'END) ;; Ensure that we have a DTEND ;; TODO Objects aren't required to have a DTEND, or a DURATION. ;; write fancier code which acknoledges this. (when (and (eq? 'VEVENT (type component)) (not (attr component 'DTEND))) (set! (attr component 'DTEND) (let ((start (attr component 'DTSTART))) ;; p. 54, 3.6.1 ;; If DTSTART is a date then it's an all ;; day event. If DTSTART instead is a ;; datetime then the event has a length ;; of 0? (if (date? start) (date+ start (date day: 1)) (datetime+ start (datetime time: (time hour: 1))))))) (set! component (parent component))] [else ; Regular key-value line (let ((key (get-line-key ctx)) (vline (make-vline str (get-param-table ctx)))) ;; Type specific processing (handle-value! key vline strbuf) ;; From RFC 5545 §3.6.1 ;; DTEND and DURATION are mutually exclusive ;; DTSTART is required to exist while the other two are optional. ;; Allowed (some) repeated keys (if (memv key '(EXDATE ATTENDEE)) (aif (attr* component key) ;; updates the current vline ;; NOTE that this discards any properties belonging to this object ;; TODO a more propper way to do it would be to store multiple vline ;; objects for a given key. (set! (value it) (cons (value vline) (value it))) (begin (mod! (value vline) list) (set-vline! component key vline))) ;; Keys which aren't allowed to be repeated. (begin (awhen (attr* component key) (warning "Key ~a encountered more than once, overriding old value [~a] with [~a]" key (value it) (value vline))) (set-vline! component key vline)))) (set-param-table! ctx (make-hash-table))]) (strbuf-reset! strbuf) (ctx-dump-strings! ctx) (set-ctx! ctx 'key))] [(fold) 'noop] ; Good case, here to catch errors in else [else => (lambda (a) (error "Bad return from fold, unexpected" a))])] ;; Escaped characters [(char=? #\\ (integer->char c)) (case (integer->char (get-u8 (current-input-port))) ;; Escape character '\' and escaped token sepparated by a newline ;; (since the standard for some reason allows that (!!!)) ;; We are at least guaranteed that it's a folded line, so just ;; unfold it and continue trying to find a token to escape. [(#\return #\newline) => (lambda (c) (case (fold-proc ctx (char->integer c)) [(end-of-line) (throw 'escape-error "ESC before not folded line")] [(fold) (increment-column! ctx) (strbuf-append! strbuf (get-u8 (current-input-port)))]))] [(#\n #\N) (strbuf-append! strbuf (char->integer #\newline))] [(#\; #\, #\\) => (lambda (c) (strbuf-append! strbuf (char->integer c)))] [else => (lambda (c) (warning "Non-escapable character: ~a" c))]) (increment-column! ctx)] ;; Delimiter between param key and param value [(and (eq? (get-ctx ctx) 'param-name) (char=? #\= (integer->char c))) (set-param-key! ctx (string->symbol (strbuf->string strbuf))) (strbuf-reset! strbuf) (set-ctx! ctx 'param-value)] ;; Delimiter between parameters (;), or between ;; "something" and attribute value (:) [(and (memv (integer->char c) '(#\: #\;)) (memv (get-ctx ctx) '(param-value key))) (case (get-ctx ctx) [(param-value) (hashq-set! (get-param-table ctx) (get-param-key ctx) (strbuf->string strbuf)) (strbuf-reset! strbuf)] [(key) (set-line-key! ctx (string->symbol (strbuf->string strbuf))) (strbuf-reset! strbuf)]) (set-ctx! ctx (case (integer->char c) [(#\:) 'value] [(#\;) 'param-name]))] ;; Regular character [else (strbuf-append! strbuf c) (increment-column! ctx)])))) (lambda _ ;; display is atomic, format isn't (display (format #f "== PARSE ERROR == filename = ~a row ~a column ~a ctx = ~a ~a ; ~a = ... : ...~%~%" (get-filename ctx) (get-row ctx) (get-col ctx) (get-ctx ctx) (get-line-key ctx) (get-param-key ctx)))))))))) ;; All VTIMEZONE's seem to be in "local" time in relation to ;; themselves. Therefore, a simple comparison should work, ;; and then the TZOFFSETTO attribute can be subtd. (define (parse-vdir path) (let ((/ (lambda args (string-join args file-name-separator-string 'infix)))) (let ((color (catch 'system-error (lambda () (call-with-input-file (/ path "color") read-line)) (const "#FFFFFF"))) (name (catch 'system-error (lambda () (call-with-input-file (/ path "displayname") read-line)) (const #f)))) (reduce (lambda (item calendar) (define-values (events other) (partition (lambda (e) (eq? 'VEVENT (type e))) (children item))) ;; (assert (eq? 'VCALENDAR (type calendar))) (assert (eq? 'VCALENDAR (type item))) (for child in (children item) (set! (attr child 'X-HNH-FILENAME) (attr (parent child) 'X-HNH-FILENAME))) ;; NOTE The vdir standard says that each file should contain ;; EXACTLY one event. It can however contain multiple VEVENT ;; components, but they are still the same event. ;; In our case this means exceptions to reccurence rules, which ;; is set up here, and then later handled in rrule-generate. ;; NOTE These events also share UID, but are diferentiated ;; by RECURRENCE-ID. As far as I can tell this goes against ;; the standard. Section ;; TODO Also make this grouping when reading in a whole ;; icalendar-file (one with multiple events) (case (length events) [(0) (format (current-error-port) "WARNING: No events in component~%~a~%" (attr item 'X-HNH-FILENAME))] [(1) (let ((child (car events))) (assert (memv (type child) '(VTIMEZONE VEVENT))) (add-child! calendar child))] ;; two or more [else ;; Sorting on SEQUENCE here would have been nice. ;; But the patches can apparently share a sequence number ;; of 0 with the original event! ;; (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ (let* ((head (find (negate (extract 'RECURRENCE-ID)) events)) (rest (delete head events eq?))) (set! (attr head 'X-HNH-ALTERNATIVES) (alist->hash-table (map cons (map (extract 'RECURRENCE-ID) rest) rest)) #; (sort*! rest ;; HERE date/-time< (extract 'RECURRENCE-ID))) (add-child! calendar head))]) ;; return calendar) (make-vcomponent) ((@ (ice-9 threads) par-map) (lambda (fname) (let ((fullname (/ path fname))) (let ((cal (call-with-input-file fullname parse-calendar))) (set! (attr cal 'COLOR) color (attr cal 'NAME) name) cal))) (scandir path (lambda (s) (and (not (string= "." (string-take s 1))) (string= "ics" (string-take-right s 3)))))))))) ;; Parse a vdir or ics file at the given path. (define-public (parse-cal-path path) (define st (stat path)) (define cal (case (stat:type st) [(regular) (let ((comp (call-with-input-file path parse-calendar))) (set! (attr comp 'X-HNH-SOURCETYPE) "file") comp) ] [(directory) (report-time! "Parsing ~a" path) (let ((comp (parse-vdir path))) (set! (attr comp 'X-HNH-SOURCETYPE) "vdir") comp)] [(block-special char-special fifo socket unknown symlink) => (lambda (t) (error "Can't parse file of type " t))])) (unless (attr cal "NAME") (set! (attr cal "NAME") (or (attr cal "X-WR-CALNAME") (string-append "[" (basename path) "]")))) cal ) ;; DEPRECATED ;; find all ics files in a tree, and does something with them (define-public (read-tree path) (define list '()) (ftw path (lambda (filename statinfo flag) (case flag [(regular) (case (stat:type statinfo) [(regular) (when (and (not (string= "." (string-take filename 1))) (string= "ics" (string-take-right filename 3))) (set! list (cons filename list))) #t] [else #t])] [(directory) #t] [else #f]))) ((@ (ice-9 threads) n-par-map) 12 (lambda (fname) (call-with-input-file fname parse-calendar)) list))