;;; Commentary: ;;; Module for writing components to the vdir storage format. ;;; Currently also has some cases for "big" icalendar files, ;;; but those are currently unsupported. ;;; TODO generalize save-event and remove-event into a general interface, ;;; which different database backends can implement. Actually, do that for all ;;; loading and writing. ;;; Code: (define-module (vcomponent formats vdir save-delete) :use-module (calp util) :use-module ((calp util exceptions) :select (assert)) :use-module (vcomponent formats ical output) :use-module (vcomponent) :use-module ((calp util io) :select (with-atomic-output-to-file)) ) (define-public (save-event event) (define calendar (parent event)) (assert (eq? 'vdir (prop calendar '-X-HNH-SOURCETYPE))) (let* ((uid (or (prop event 'UID) (uuidgen)))) (set! (prop event 'UID) uid ;; TODO use existing filename if present? (prop event '-X-HNH-FILENAME) (path-append (prop calendar '-X-HNH-DIRECTORY) (string-append uid ".ics"))) (with-atomic-output-to-file (prop event '-X-HNH-FILENAME) (lambda () (print-components-with-fake-parent (list event)))) uid)) (define-public (remove-event event) (define calendar (parent event)) (assert (eq? 'vdir (prop calendar '-X-HNH-SOURCETYPE))) (delete-file (prop event '-X-HNH-FILENAME)))