(define-module (vcomponent datetime output) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (calp util config) :use-module (hnh util exceptions) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (vcomponent base) :use-module (text util) :use-module (calp translation) :use-module ((vcomponent recurrence display) :select (format-recurrence-rule)) ) (define-config summary-filter (lambda (_ a) a) pre: (ensure procedure?)) (define-config description-filter (lambda (_ a) a) pre: (ensure procedure?)) ;; ev → sxml ;; TODO translation (define-public (format-recurrence-rule ev) ;; [FRR] ;; Part of the sentance "Repeated [every two weeks], except on ~a, ~a & ~a" ;; See everything tagged [FRR] `(,(_ "Repeated ") ,(format-recurrence-rule (prop ev 'RRULE)) ,@(awhen (prop* ev 'EXDATE) (list ;; See [FRR] (_ ", except on ") (add-enumeration-punctuation (map (lambda (d) ;; TODO show year if different from current year (if (date? d) ;; [FRR] Exception date without time (date->string d (_ "~e ~b")) ;; NOTE only show time when it's different than the start time? ;; or possibly only when FREQ is hourly or lower. (if (memv ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) freq) (prop ev 'RRULE)) '(HOURLY MINUTELY SECONDLY)) ;; [FRR] Exception date with time (datetime->string d (_ "~e ~b ~k:~M")) ;; [FRR] Exception date without time (datetime->string d (_ "~e ~b"))))) (map value it))))) ".")) (define-public (format-summary ev str) ((get-config 'summary-filter) ev str)) ;; NOTE this should have information about context (html/term/...) (define-public (format-description ev str) (catch #t (lambda () ((get-config 'description-filter) ev str)) (lambda (err . args) ;; Warning message for failure to format description. ;; First argument is name of warning/error, ;; second is error arguments (warning (_ "~a on formatting description, ~s") err args) str))) ;; Takes an event, and returns a pretty string for the time interval ;; the event occupies. (define-public (fmt-time-span ev) (cond [(prop ev 'DTSTART) date? => (lambda (s) (cond [(prop ev 'DTEND) => (lambda (e) (if (date= e (date+ s (date day: 1))) (_ "~Y-~m-~d") ; start = end, only return one value (values (_ "~Y-~m-~d") (_ "~Y-~m-~d"))))] ;; no end value, just return start [else (date->string s)]))] [else ; guaranteed datetime (let ((s (prop ev 'DTSTART)) (e (prop ev 'DTEND))) (if e (let ((fmt-str (if (date= (get-date s) (get-date e)) (_ "~H:~M") ;; Note the non-breaking space (_ "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")))) (values fmt-str fmt-str)) ;; Note the non-breaking space (_ "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")))]))