(define-module (vcomponent) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (calp util config) :use-module (vcomponent base) ;; :use-module ((vcomponent util instance methods) ;; :select (make-vcomponent)) :use-module ((vcomponent util parse-cal-path) :select (parse-cal-path)) :re-export (make-vcomponent parse-cal-path)) (define cm (module-public-interface (current-module))) (module-use! cm (resolve-interface '(vcomponent base))) (module-use! cm (resolve-interface '(vcomponent util instance methods))) (define-config calendar-files '() description: "Which files to parse. Takes a list of paths or a single string which will be globbed." pre: (lambda (v) (cond [(list? v) v] [(string? v) ((@ (glob) glob) v)] [else #f]))) (define-config default-calendar "" description: "Default calendar to use for operations. Set to empty string to unset" pre: (ensure string?))