(define-module (vcomponent) #:use-module (vcomponent datetime) #:use-module (vcomponent recurrence) #:use-module (vcomponent timezone) #:use-module (vcomponent base) #:use-module (vcomponent parse) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 setters) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (util) #:export (parse-calendar) #:re-export (repeating? make-vcomponent)) ;; All VTIMEZONE's seem to be in "local" time in relation to ;; themselves. Therefore, a simple comparison should work, ;; and then the TZOFFSETTO attribute can be subtracted from ;; the event DTSTART to get UTC time. (re-export-modules (vcomponent base)) (define string->time-utc (compose date->time-utc parse-datetime)) (define (parse-dates! cal) "Parse all start times into scheme date objects." (for tz in (filter (lambda (o) (eq? 'VTIMEZONE (type o))) (children cal)) (for-each (lambda (p) (mod! (attr p "DTSTART") string->time-utc)) (children tz)) ;; TZSET is the generated recurrence set of a timezone (set! (attr tz 'X-HNH-TZSET) (make-tz-set tz))) (for ev in (filter (lambda (o) (eq? 'VEVENT (type o))) (children cal)) (define dptr (attr* ev 'DTSTART)) (define eptr (attr* ev 'DTEND)) (define date (parse-datetime (value dptr))) (define end-date (cond ;; [(attr ev 'DURATION) => (lambda (d) (add-duration ...))] [(not eptr) (let ((d (set (date-hour date) = (+ 1)))) (set! (attr ev 'DTEND) d eptr (attr* ev 'DTEND)) d)] [(value eptr) => parse-datetime] [else (set (date-hour date) = (+ 1))])) (set! (value dptr) (date->time-utc date) (value eptr) (date->time-utc end-date)) (when (prop (attr* ev 'DTSTART) 'TZID) (set! (zone-offset date) (get-tz-offset ev) (value dptr) (date->time-utc date) ;; The standard says that DTEND must have the same ;; timezone as DTSTART. Here we trust that blindly. (zone-offset end-date) (zone-offset date) (value eptr) (date->time-utc end-date))))) (define* (parse-calendar path) (let ((root (parse-cal-path path))) (let* ((component (case (string->symbol (or (attr root "X-HNH-SOURCETYPE") "no-type")) ;; == Single ICS file == ;; Remove the abstract ROOT component, ;; returning the wanted VCALENDAR component ((file) ;; TODO test this when an empty file is given. (car (children root))) ;; == Assume vdir == ;; Also removes the abstract ROOT component, but also ;; merges all VCALENDAR's children into the a newly ;; created VCALENDAR component, and return that component. ;; ;; TODO the other VCALENDAR components might not get thrown away, ;; this since I protect them from the GC in the C code. ((vdir) (let ((accum (make-vcomponent 'VCALENDAR)) (ch (children root))) ;; Copy attributes from our parsed VCALENDAR ;; to our newly created one. (unless (null? ch) (for key in (attributes (car ch)) (set! (attr accum key) (attr (car ch) key)))) ;; Merge all children (let ((tz '())) (for cal in ch (for component in (children cal) (case (type component) ((VTIMEZONE) (set! tz (cons component tz)) #; (unless (find (lambda (z) (string=? (attr z "TZID") (attr component "TZID"))) (filter (lambda (o) (eq? 'VTIMEZONE (type o))) (children accum))) (add-child! accum component))) ((VEVENT) (add-child! accum component) ) (else => (lambda (type) (format (current-error-port) "Got unexpected component of type ~a~%" type)) #; (add-child! accum component) )))) (unless (null? tz) (add-child! accum (car tz))) ) ;; return accum)) ((no-type) (error 'no-type))))) (parse-dates! component) (unless (attr component "NAME") (set! (attr component "NAME") (or (attr component "X-WR-CALNAME") (attr root "NAME") "[NAMELESS]"))) (unless (attr component "COLOR") (set! (attr component "COLOR") (attr root "COLOR"))) ;; return component)))