(define-module (vcalendar output) #:use-module (vcalendar) #:use-module (vcalendar control) #:use-module (util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-19 util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:export (print-vcomponent serialize-vcomponent color-if STR-YELLOW STR-RESET)) (define STR-YELLOW "\x1b[0;33m") (define STR-RESET "\x1b[m") (define-syntax-rule (color-if pred color body ...) (let ((pred-value pred)) (format #f "~a~a~a" (if pred-value color "") (begin body ...) (if pred-value STR-RESET "")))) (define* (print-vcomponent comp #:optional (depth 0)) (let ((kvs (map (lambda (key) (cons key (attr comp key))) (attributes comp)))) (format #t "~a <~a> :: ~:a~%" (make-string depth #\:) (type comp) comp) (for-each-in kvs (lambda (kv) (let ((key (car kv)) (value (cdr kv))) (format #t "~a ~20@a: ~a~%" (make-string depth #\:) key value)))) (for-each-in (children comp) (cut print-vcomponent <> (1+ depth))))) ;;; TODO ;; Error in CREATED /home/hugo/.calendars/b85ba2e9-18aa-4451-91bb-b52da930e977/a1a25238-d63d-46a1-87fd-d0c9334a7a30CalSync.ics: ;; Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting string): ("20180118T124015Z" "VALARM") (define (string->ics-safe-string str) "TODO wrap at 75(?) columns." (define (escape char) (string #\\ char)) (string-concatenate (map (lambda (c) (case c ((#\newline) "\\n") ((#\, #\; #\\) => escape) (else => string))) (string->list str)))) ;;; TODO parameters ( ;KEY=val: ) (define* (serialize-vcomponent comp #:optional (port (current-output-port))) "Recursively write a component back to its ICS form. Removes the X-HNH-FILENAME attribute, and sets PRODID to \"HugoNikanor-calparse\" in the output." (with-replaced-attrs (comp (prodid "HugoNikanor-calparse")) (format port "BEGIN:~a~%" (type comp)) (let ((kvs (map (lambda (key) (list key (attr comp key))) (filter (negate (cut key=? <> 'X-HNH-FILENAME)) (attributes comp))))) (for-each-in kvs (lambda (kv) (let* (((key value) kv)) (catch 'wrong-type-arg (lambda () (format port "~a:~a~%" key (string->ics-safe-string (case key ((DTSTART DTEND) (if (string? value) value (time->string value "~Y~m~dT~H~M~S"))) ((RRULE DURATION) "Just forget it") (else value))))) ;; Catch (lambda (type proc fmt . args) (apply format (current-error-port) "[ERR] ~a in ~a (~a) ~a:~%~?~%" type key proc (attr comp 'X-HNH-FILENAME) fmt args)))))) (for-each (cut serialize-vcomponent <> port) (children comp))) (format port "END:~a~%" (type comp))))