(define-module (vcalendar) #:use-module (vcalendar primitive) #:use-module (vcalendar datetime) #:use-module (vcalendar recur) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-26) #:use-module (util) #:export (make-vcomponent) #:re-export (repeating?)) (define (parse-dates! cal) "Parse all start times into scheme date objects." (for-each-in (children cal 'VEVENT) (lambda (ev) (mod! (attr ev "DTSTART") parse-datetime) (mod! (attr ev "DTEND") parse-datetime))) cal) (define-public (type-filter t lst) (filter (lambda (e) (eqv? t (type e))) lst)) (define* (children component #:optional only-type) (let ((childs (%vcomponent-children component))) (if only-type (type-filter only-type childs) childs))) (export children) (define (set-attr! component attr value) (%vcomponent-set-attribute! component (as-string attr) value)) (define (get-attr component attr) (%vcomponent-get-attribute component (as-string attr))) ;; Enables symmetric get and set: ;; (set! (attr ev "KEY") 10) (define-public attr (make-procedure-with-setter get-attr set-attr!)) ;; (define-public type %vcomponent-get-type) (define-public type (make-procedure-with-setter %vcomponent-get-type %vcomponent-set-type!)) (define-public parent %vcomponent-parent) (define-public push-child! %vcomponent-push-child!) (define-public (attributes component) (map string->symbol (%vcomponent-attribute-list component))) (define-public copy-vcomponent %vcomponent-shallow-copy) (define-public filter-children! %vcomponent-filter-children!) (define-public (search cal term) (cdr (let ((events (filter (lambda (ev) (eq? 'VEVENT (type ev))) (children cal)))) (find (lambda (ev) (string-contains-ci (car ev) term)) (map cons (map (cut get-attr <> "SUMMARY") events) events))))) (define-public (extract field) (cut get-attr <> field)) (define-public (key=? k1 k2) (eq? (as-symb k1) (as-symb k2))) (define* (make-vcomponent #:optional path) (if (not path) (%vcomponent-make) (let* ((root (%vcomponent-make path)) (component (parse-dates! (case (string->symbol (or (attr root "X-HNH-SOURCETYPE") "no-type")) ;; == Single ICS file == ;; Remove the abstract ROOT component, ;; returning the wanted VCALENDAR component ((file) (car (%vcomponent-children root))) ;; == Assume vdir == ;; Also removes the abstract ROOT component, but also ;; merges all VCALENDAR's children into the first ;; VCALENDAR, and return that VCALENDAR. ;; ;; TODO the other VCALENDAR components might not get thrown away, ;; this since I protect them from the GC in the C code. ((vdir) (reduce (lambda (cal accum) (for-each (lambda (component) (case (type component) ((VTIMEZONE) (let ((zones (children cal 'VTIMEZONE))) (unless (find (lambda (z) (string=? (attr z "TZID") (attr component "TZID"))) zones) (%vcomponent-push-child! accum component)))) (else (%vcomponent-push-child! accum component)))) (%vcomponent-children cal)) accum) '() (%vcomponent-children root))) ((no-type) (throw 'no-type)) (else (throw 'something)))))) (set! (attr component "NAME") (attr root "NAME")) (set! (attr component "COLOR") (attr root "COLOR")) component)))