(define-module (util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module ((sxml fold) #:select (fold-values)) #:export (destructure-lambda let-multi fold-lists catch-let for-each-in define-quick-record define-quick-record! mod! sort* sort*! find-min) #:replace (let*) ) (define-public upstring->symbol (compose string->symbol string-upcase)) (define-public symbol-upcase (compose string->symbol string-upcase symbol->string)) (define-public symbol-downcase (compose string->symbol string-downcase symbol->string)) (define-syntax destructure-lambda (syntax-rules () ((_ expr-list body ...) (lambda (expr) (apply (lambda expr-list body ...) expr))))) (define-syntax catch-let (syntax-rules () ((_ thunk ((type handler) ...)) (catch #t thunk (lambda (err . args) (case err ((type) (apply handler err args)) ... (else (format #t "Unhandled error type ~a, rethrowing ~%" err) (apply throw err args)))))))) ;;; For-each with arguments in reverse order. (define-syntax-rule (for-each-in lst proc) (for-each proc lst)) ;;; Helper macros to make define-quick-record better (define (class-name symb) (symbol-append '< symb '>)) (define (constructor symb) (symbol-append 'make- symb)) (define (pred symb) (symbol-append symb '?)) (define (getter name symb) (symbol-append 'get- name '- symb)) (define* (setter name symb #:optional bang?) (symbol-append 'set- name '- symb (if bang? '! (symbol)))) (define (%define-quick-record internal-define bang? name fields) (let ((symb (gensym))) `((,internal-define ,(class-name name) (,(constructor name) ,@fields) ,(pred name) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,f ,(getter f symb) ,(setter f symb bang?))) fields)) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(define ,f (make-procedure-with-setter ,(getter f symb) ,(setter f symb bang?)))) fields)))) ;;; Creates srfi-9 define{-immutable,}-record-type declations. ;;; Also creates srfi-17 accessor ((set! (access field) value)) ;; (define (define-quick-record-templated define-proc name field)) (define-macro (define-quick-record name . fields) (let ((public-fields (or (assoc-ref fields #:public) '())) (private-fields (or (assoc-ref fields #:private) '()))) `(begin ,@(%define-quick-record '(@ (srfi srfi-9 gnu) define-immutable-record-type) #f name (append public-fields private-fields)) ,@(map (lambda (field) `(export ,field)) public-fields)))) ;; (define-quick-record-templated 'define-immutable-record-type name fields)) ;; (define-macro (define-quick-record! name . fields) ;; (define-quick-record-templated 'define-record-type name fields)) ;; Replace let* with a version that can bind from lists. ;; Also supports SRFI-71 (extended let-syntax for multiple values) ;; @lisp ;; (let* ([a b (values 1 2)] ; @r{SRFI-71} ;; [(c d) '(3 4)] ; @r{Let-list (mine)} ;; [e 5]) ; @r{Regular} ;; (list e d c b a)) ;; ;; => (5 4 3 2 1) ;; @end lisp (define-syntax let* (syntax-rules () ;; Base case [(_ () body ...) (begin body ...)] ;; (let (((a b) '(1 2))) (list b a)) => (2 1) [(_ (((k k* ...) list-value) rest ...) body ...) (apply (lambda (k k* ...) (let* (rest ...) body ...)) list-value)] ;; "Regular" case [(_ ((k value) rest ...) body ...) (let ((k value)) (let* (rest ...) body ...))] ;; SRFI-71 let-values [(_ ((k k* ... values) rest ...) body ...) (call-with-values (lambda () values) (lambda (k k* ...) (let* (rest ...) body ...)))] )) ;; Like set!, but applies a transformer on the already present value. (define-syntax-rule (mod! field transform-proc) (set! field (transform-proc field))) (define-public (concat lists) (apply append lists)) ;; This function borrowed from web-ics (calendar util) (define* (sort* items comperator #:optional (get identity)) "A sort function more in line with how python's sorted works" (sort items (lambda (a b) (comperator (get a) (get b))))) ;;; This function borrowed from web-ics (calendar util) (define* (sort*! items comperator #:optional (get identity)) "A sort function more in line with how python's sorted works" (sort! items (lambda (a b) (comperator (get a) (get b))))) ;; Finds the smallest element in @var{items}, compared with @var{<} after ;; applying @var{foo}. Returns 2 values. The smallest item in @var{items}, ;; and the other items in some order. (define (find-min < ac items) (if (null? items) ;; Vad fan retunerar man här? (values #f '()) (fold-values (lambda (c min other) (if (< (ac c) (ac min)) ;; Current stream head is smaller that previous min (values c (cons min other)) ;; Previous min is still smallest (values min (cons c other)))) (cdr items) ;; seeds: (car items) '()))) ;; TODO This might be utterly broken, do some real tests on it ;; (and then run equivalent tests on the stream variant) (define-public (filter-sorted proc list) (take-while proc (drop-while (negate proc) list))) ;; (define (!= a b) (not (= a b))) (define-public != (negate =)) (define-public (take-to lst i) "Like @var{take}, but might lists shorter than length." (if (> i (length lst)) lst (take lst i)))