(define-module (util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module ((ice-9 optargs) #:select (define*-public)) #:use-module ((sxml fold) #:select (fold-values)) #:export (destructure-lambda let-multi fold-lists catch-let for-each-in for define-quick-record mod! sort* sort*! mod/r! set/r! find-min catch-multiple) #:replace (let* set! define-syntax) ) ((@ (guile) define-syntax) define-syntax (syntax-rules () ((_ (name args ...) body ...) ((@ (guile) define-syntax) name (lambda (args ...) body ...))) ((_ otherwise ...) ((@ (guile) define-syntax) otherwise ...)))) (define-public unspecified (if #f #f)) (define-public upstring->symbol (compose string->symbol string-upcase)) (define-public symbol-upcase (compose string->symbol string-upcase symbol->string)) (define-public symbol-downcase (compose string->symbol string-downcase symbol->string)) (define-syntax destructure-lambda (syntax-rules () ((_ expr-list body ...) (lambda (expr) (apply (lambda expr-list body ...) expr))))) (define-syntax catch-let (syntax-rules () ((_ thunk ((type handler) ...)) (catch #t thunk (lambda (err . args) (case err ((type) (apply handler err args)) ... (else (format #t "Unhandled error type ~a, rethrowing ~%" err) (apply throw err args)))))))) ;;; For-each with arguments in reverse order. (define-syntax-rule (for-each-in lst proc) (for-each proc lst)) (define-syntax for (syntax-rules (in) ((for in b1 body ...) (for-each (lambda () b1 body ...) )))) ;;; Helper macros to make define-quick-record better (define (class-name symb) (symbol-append '< symb '>)) (define (constructor symb) (symbol-append 'make- symb)) (define (pred symb) (symbol-append symb '?)) (define (getter name symb) (symbol-append 'get- name '- symb)) (define* (setter name symb #:optional bang?) (symbol-append 'set- name '- symb (if bang? '! (symbol)))) (define (%define-quick-record internal-define bang? name fields) (let ((symb (gensym))) `((,internal-define ,(class-name name) (,(constructor name) ,@fields) ,(pred name) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,f ,(getter f symb) ,(setter f symb bang?))) fields)) ,@(map (lambda (f) `(define ,f (make-procedure-with-setter ,(getter f symb) ,(setter f symb bang?)))) fields)))) ;;; Creates srfi-9 define{-immutable,}-record-type declations. ;;; Also creates srfi-17 accessor ((set! (access field) value)) ;;; TODO allow extra properties to be sent to this macro, ;;; such as @var{:muttable} or @var{:immutable} (define-macro (define-quick-record name . fields) (let ((public-fields (or (assoc-ref fields #:public) '())) (private-fields (or (assoc-ref fields #:private) '()))) `(begin ,@(%define-quick-record '(@ (srfi srfi-9 gnu) define-immutable-record-type) #f name (append public-fields private-fields)) ,@(map (lambda (field) `(export ,field)) public-fields)))) ;; Replace let* with a version that can bind from lists. ;; Also supports SRFI-71 (extended let-syntax for multiple values) ;; @lisp ;; (let* ([a b (values 1 2)] ; @r{SRFI-71} ;; [(c d) '(3 4)] ; @r{Let-list (mine)} ;; [(a b . c) (cons* 1 2 3)] ; @r{Improper list matching (mine)} ;; [e 5]) ; @r{Regular} ;; (list e d c b a)) ;; ;; => (5 4 3 2 1) ;; @end lisp (define-syntax let* (syntax-rules () ;; Base case [(_ () body ...) (begin body ...)] ;; (let (((a b) '(1 2))) (list b a)) => (2 1) [(_ (((k ... . (k*)) list-value) rest ...) body ...) (apply (lambda (k ... k*) (let* (rest ...) body ...)) list-value)] ;; Improper list matching ;; (let* (((a b . c) (cons* 1 2 3))) (list a c)) ; => (1 3) [(_ (((k1 k ... . k*) imp-list) rest ...) body ...) (apply (lambda (k1 k ... k*) (let* (rest ...) body ...)) (improper->proper-list imp-list (length (quote (k1 k ...)))))] ;; "Regular" case [(_ ((k value) rest ...) body ...) (let ((k value)) (let* (rest ...) body ...))] ;; SRFI-71 let-values [(_ ((k k* ... values) rest ...) body ...) (call-with-values (lambda () values) (lambda (k k* ...) (let* (rest ...) body ...)))] ;; Declare variable without a value (actuall #f). ;; Useful for inner mutation. [(_ (v rest ...) body ...) (let* ((v #f) rest ...) body ...)] )) (define (improper->proper-list lst len) (let* ((head tail (split-at lst len))) (append head (list tail)))) ;; Allow set to work on multiple values at once, ;; similar to Common Lisp's @var{setf} ;; @example ;; (set! x 10 ;; y 20) ;; @end example ;; Still requires all variables to be defined beforehand. (define-syntax set! (syntax-rules () ((_ field val) ((@ (guile) set!) field val)) ((_ field val rest ...) (begin ((@ (guile) set!) field val) (set! rest ...))))) (define-syntax modf% (syntax-rules (=) ((_ field = (op args ...)) (set! field (op field args ...))) ((_ field proc) (set! field (proc field)))) ) ;; Like set!, but applies a transformer on the already present value. (define-syntax mod! (syntax-rules (=) ((_) unspecified) ((_ field = proc) (modf% field = proc)) ((_ field = proc rest ...) (begin (modf% field = proc) (mod! rest ...))) ((_ field proc) (modf% field proc)) ((_ field proc rest ...) (begin (modf% field proc) (mod! rest ...))))) (define-syntax-rule (set/r! args ... final) (let ((val final)) (set! args ... val) val)) (define-syntax mod/r! (syntax-rules (=) ((_ args ... field = (proc pargs ...)) (begin (mod! args ...) (set/r! field (proc field pargs ...)))) ((_ args ... ffield fproc) (begin (mod! args ...) (set/r! ffield (fproc ffield)))))) ;; This function borrowed from web-ics (calendar util) (define* (sort* items comperator #:optional (get identity)) "A sort function more in line with how python's sorted works" (sort items (lambda (a b) (comperator (get a) (get b))))) ;; Sorts the list @var{items}. @em{May} destroy the input list in the process (define* (sort*! items comperator #:optional (get identity)) "A sort function more in line with how python's sorted works" (sort! items (lambda (a b) (comperator (get a) (get b))))) ;; Finds the smallest element in @var{items}, compared with @var{<} after ;; applying @var{foo}. Returns 2 values. The smallest item in @var{items}, ;; and the other items in some order. (define (find-min < ac items) (if (null? items) ;; Vad fan retunerar man här? (values #f '()) (fold-values (lambda (c min other) (if (< (ac c) (ac min)) ;; Current stream head is smaller that previous min (values c (cons min other)) ;; Previous min is still smallest (values min (cons c other)))) (cdr items) ;; seeds: (car items) '()))) ;; TODO This might be utterly broken, do some real tests on it ;; (and then run equivalent tests on the stream variant) (define-public (filter-sorted proc list) (take-while proc (drop-while (negate proc) list))) ;; (define (!= a b) (not (= a b))) (define-public != (negate =)) (define-public (take-to lst i) "Like @var{take}, but might lists shorter than length." (if (> i (length lst)) lst (take lst i))) (define-public (as-string s) (if (symbol? s) (symbol->string s) s)) (define-public (as-symb s) (if (string? s) (string->symbol s) s)) (define-public (enumerate lst) (zip (iota (length lst)) lst)) ;; Map with index (define-syntax-rule (map-each proc lst) (map (lambda (x i) (proc x i)) lst (iota (length lst)))) (export map-each) ;; Takes a procedure returning multiple values, and returns a function which ;; takes the same arguments as the original procedure, but only returns one of ;; the procedures. Which procedure can be sent as an additional parameter. (define*-public (unval proc #:optional (n 0)) (lambda args (call-with-values (lambda () (apply proc args)) (lambda args (list-ref args n))))) ;; Takes a (non nested) list, and replaces all single underscore ;; symbols with a generated symbol. For macro usage. (define (multiple-ignore lst) (cond ((not-pair? lst) lst) ((eq? '_ (car lst)) (cons (gensym "ignored_") (multiple-ignore (cdr lst)))) (else (cons (car lst) (multiple-ignore (cdr lst)))))) (define (catch-recur% errs thunk cases) (let* ((v (car errs)) (case other (partition (lambda (case) (eq? v (car case))) cases)) (g!rest (gensym "rest"))) `(catch (quote ,v) ,(if (null? (cdr errs)) thunk `(lambda () ,(catch-recur% (cdr errs) thunk other))) (lambda (err . ,g!rest) (apply (lambda ,(multiple-ignore (second (car case))) ,@(cddr (car case))) ,g!rest))))) ;; Like @var{catch}, but multiple handlers can be specified. ;; Each handler is on the form ;; @example ;; [err-symb (args ...) body ...] ;; @end example ;; ;; Only errors with a handler are caught. Error can *not* be given as ;; an early argument. (define-macro (catch-multiple thunk . cases) (catch-recur% (map car cases) thunk cases)) (define-public (flatten lst) (fold (lambda (subl done) (append done ((if (list? subl) flatten list) subl))) '() lst)) ;; Retuns two values. The longset head which satisfies @var{pred?}, ;; and the rest of the elements of list. ;; Guarentees to only call @var{pred?} once for each element. (define-public (take-drop-while pred? list) (let loop ((done '()) (rem list)) (cond ((null? rem) (values (reverse done) '())) ((pred? (car rem)) (loop (cons (car rem) done) (cdr rem))) (else (values (reverse done) rem)))))