;;; Commentary: ;;; Small utility functions which helps the rest of the text processing. ;;; Code: (define-module (text util) :use-module ((calp util) :select (define*-public intersperse) ) ) (define-public (words str) (string-split str #\space)) (define-public (unwords list) (string-join list " " 'infix)) (define-public (lines str) (string-split str #\newline)) (define-public (unlines list) (string-join list "\n" 'infix)) ;; Alternative string-length whith counts ANSI escapes as 0-length. ;; NOTE Some way to opt in and out of different features would be nice. (define-public (true-string-length word) (let loop ((chars (string->list word))) (if (null? chars) 0 (let ((char (car chars))) (if (eqv? #\escape char) (loop (cdr (memv #\m chars))) (1+ (loop (cdr chars)))))))) (define*-public (true-string-pad str len optional: (chr #\space)) (let ((strlen (true-string-length str))) (if (> strlen len) str (string-append (make-string (- len strlen) chr) str)))) (define-public (trim-to-width str len) (let ((trimmed (string-pad-right str len))) (if (< (string-length trimmed) (string-length str)) (string-append (string-drop-right trimmed 1) "…") trimmed))) ;; TODO more options for infix strings (define*-public (add-enumeration-punctuation list optional: (final-delim "&")) (cond [(null? list) ""] [(= 1 (length list)) (car list)] [else (let* ((rev (reverse list)) (tail (car rev)) (rest (cdr rev))) (reverse (cons* tail " " final-delim " " (intersperse ", " rest))))]))