(define-module (text numbers sv) :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (every)) :use-module (srfi srfi-71) :use-module (hnh util) :export (number->string-cardinal number->string-ordinal each-string)) ;; only used in number->string-cardinal (define (large-prefix e) (cond [(<= 6 e 11) "m"] [(<= 12 e 17) "b"] [(<= 18 e 23) "tr"] [(<= 24 e 29) "kvadr"] [(<= 30 e 35) "kvint"] [(<= 36 e 41) "sext"] [(<= 42 e 47) "sept"] [(<= 48 e 53) "okt"] [(<= 54 e 59) "non"] [(<= 60 e 65) "dec"] )) (define (number->string-cardinal n . _) (cond [(< n 0) (string-append "minus " (number->string-cardinal (- n)))] [(= n 0) "noll"] [(= n 1) "ett"] [(= n 2) "två"] [(= n 3) "tre"] [(= n 4) "fyra"] [(= n 5) "fem"] [(= n 6) "sex"] [(= n 7) "sju"] [(= n 8) "åtta"] [(= n 9) "nio"] [(= n 10) "tio"] [(= n 11) "elva"] [(= n 12) "tolv"] [(= n 13) "tretton"] [(= n 14) "fjorton"] [(= n 15) "femton"] [(= n 16) "sexton"] [(= n 17) "sjutton"] [(= n 18) "arton"] [(= n 19) "nitton"] [(= n 20) "tjugo"] [(<= 21 n 29) (string-append "tjugo" (number->string-cardinal (- n 20)))] [(= n 30) "trettio"] [(<= 31 n 39) (string-append "trettio" (number->string-cardinal (- n 30)))] [(= n 40) "fyrtio"] [(<= 31 n 49) (string-append "fyrtio" (number->string-cardinal (- n 40)))] [(<= 50 n 69) (let ((big small (floor/ n 10))) (string-append (number->string-cardinal big) "tio" (if (zero? small) "" (number->string-cardinal small))))] [(= n 70) "sjuttio"] [(<= 71 n 79) (string-append "sjuttio" (number->string-cardinal (- n 70)))] [(= n 80) "åttio"] [(<= 81 n 89) (string-append "åttio" (number->string-cardinal (- n 80)))] [(= n 90) "nittio"] [(<= 91 n 99) (string-append "nittio" (number->string-cardinal (- n 90)))] [(= n 100) "etthundra"] [(< 100 n 200) (string-append "etthundra" (number->string-cardinal (- n 100)))] [(= n 200) "tvåhundra"] [(< 200 n 1000) (let ((big small (floor/ n 100))) (string-append (number->string-cardinal big) "hundra" (if (zero? small) "" (number->string-cardinal small))))] [(<= 1000 n 999999) (let ((big small (floor/ n 1000))) (let ((big* (number->string-cardinal big))) (string-append (if (= 1 big) "et" big*) (if (<= 18 (string-length big*)) " " "") "tusen" (if (zero? small) "" (string-append " " (number->string-cardinal small))))))] [(<= #e1e6 n (1- #e1e66)) (let ((e (inexact->exact (floor (log10 n)))) (big small (floor/ n #e1e6))) (if (zero? big) (number->string-cardinal (modulo small 1000)) (string-append (if (or (= 1 big) (= 0 (modulo big 1000))) "en" (number->string-cardinal (floor-quotient big (if (even? (floor-quotient e 3)) 1 1000)))) " " (large-prefix e) (if (even? (floor-quotient e 3)) "iljon" "iljard") (if (or (= 1 big) (= 0 (modulo big 1000))) "" "er") (if (zero? small) "" (string-append " " (number->string-cardinal small))))))] [else ;; I give up, don't have larger numbers that that! (string-append "det stora talet " (number->string n))])) (define* (number->string-ordinal n key: a-form? allow-other-keys:) (define a-string (if a-form? "a" "e")) (cond [(>= -3 n) (string-append (number->string-ordinal (- n)) " sista" )] [(= -2 n) "näst sista"] [(= -1 n) "sista"] [(= 0 n) "nollte"] ; [(= 1 n) (string-append "först" a-string)] [(= 2 n) (string-append "andr" a-string)] [(= 3 n) "tredje"] [(= 4 n) "fjärde"] [(= 5 n) "femte"] [(= 6 n) "sjätte"] [(= 7 n) "sjunde"] [(= 8 n) "åttonde"] [(= 9 n) "nionde"] [(= 10 n) "tionde"] [(= 11 n) "elfte"] [(= 12 n) "tolfte"] [(= 13 n) "trettonde"] [(= 14 n) "fjortonde"] [(= 15 n) "femtonde"] [(= 16 n) "sextonde"] [(= 17 n) "sjuttonde"] [(= 18 n) "artonde"] [(= 19 n) "nittonde"] [(= 20 n) "tjugonde"] [(<= 20 n 29) (string-append "tjugo" (number->string-ordinal (- n 20) a-form?: a-form?))] [(<= 30 n 99) (let ((big small (floor/ n 10))) (string-append (case big [(3) "tret"] [(4) "fyr"] [(8) "åt"] [(7) "sjut"] [(9) "nit"] [else (number->string-cardinal big)]) "tio" (if (zero? (modulo small 10)) "nde" (number->string-ordinal small a-form?: a-form?))))] [(= n 100) "etthundrade"] [(= n 1000) "etttusende"] [(= n #e1e6) "miljonte"] [(= n #e1e9) "miljarde"] [(= n #e1e12) "biljonte"] [else (let ((big small (floor/ n 100))) (string-append (number->string-cardinal (* big 100)) (if (zero? small) "de" (number->string-ordinal small a-form?: a-form?))))])) ;; (each-string 1) ; => "varje" ;; (each-string 2) ; => "varannan" ;; (each-string 3) ; => "var tredje" ;; (each-string 3 #t) ; => "vart tredje" (define* (each-string count key: neutrum allow-other-keys:) (string-flatten (cons "var" (case count [(1) '("je")] [(2) ;; varannan månad ;; vartannat år (list (when neutrum "t") "anna" (if neutrum "t" "n"))] [else (list (when neutrum "t") " " (number->string-ordinal count))]))))