(define-module (text markup) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-71) :use-module (ice-9 match) :use-module (ice-9 pretty-print) :use-module (text util) :use-module (text flow) :use-module (texinfo string-utils) :export (sxml->ansi-text)) ;; Takes an HTML-like sxml coded tree, and produces a string with ;; appropriate spacing and ANSI-escapes for different tags. (define (sxml->ansi-text tree) ((parse-tree ontree onleaf) tree)) (define (esc . effect) (format #f "\x1b[~am" (if (null? effect) "" (case (car effect) [(bold) 1] [(italic) 3] [(invert) 7] [else 4])))) ;; tag := (tag-name [(@ attributes ...)] body ...) ;; alist → tag → tag (define (add-attributes args) (match-lambda [(name ('@ tagargs ...) body ...) `(,name (@ ,@(assq-limit (assq-merge tagargs args))) ,@body)] [(name body ...) `(,name (@ ,@args) ,@body)] [nonlist nonlist])) (define (get-attr args key default) (aif (assoc-ref args key) (car it) default)) ;; NOTE Some tags can be given a `width' attribute. This is however not yet ;; fully supported. (define* (ontree tag body optional: (args '())) (case tag [(*TOP* group block) (string-concatenate (map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes args)) body))] [(header) (sxml->ansi-text `(group (center (@ ,@args) (b ,@body)) (br)))] [(center) (center-string (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) (get-attr args 'width 70))] [(p) (string-append (string-join (flow-text (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) width: (get-attr args 'width 70)) "\n") (if (assoc-ref args 'inline) "" "\n\n") )] [(b) (string-append (esc 'bold) (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) (esc))] [(i em) (string-append (esc 'italic) (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) (esc))] ;; NOOP, but for future use. [(code) (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body))] [(blockquote) (string-concatenate (map (lambda (line) (sxml->ansi-text `(group (ws (@ (minwidth 4))) ,line (br)))) (flow-text (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) ;; TODO shouldn't this use (- width 4)? width: 66)))] [(ws) (make-string (aif (assoc-ref args 'minwidth) (car it) 1) #\space)] [(br) "\n"] [(hr) (string-append " " (make-string 60 #\─) " \n")] [(dl) (let* ((dts dds (partition (lambda (x) (eq? 'dt (car x))) body)) (dts* (map sxml->ansi-text dts)) (m (if (null? dts*) 0 (apply max (map true-string-length dts*))))) (string-concatenate (map (lambda (dt dd) (let ((dds (string-split dd #\newline))) (string-concatenate (map (lambda (left right) (string-append (true-string-pad left m) " │ " right "\n")) (cons dt (map (const "") (iota (1- (length dds))))) dds)))) dts* (map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes `((width ,(- 70 m 5))))) dds))))] [(dt) (string-concatenate (map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes args)) body))] [(dd) (string-concatenate (map (compose sxml->ansi-text (add-attributes args)) body))] [(scheme) (string-concatenate (map (lambda (form) (string-trim-both (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pretty-print form width: (aif (assoc-ref args 'width) (car it) 70)))))) body))] [else (string-append (esc 'bold) "??" "`" (esc 'invert) (string-concatenate (map sxml->ansi-text body)) (esc) "'")] ) ) (define (onleaf leaf) (format #f "~a" leaf)) (define (parse-tree tree-callback leaf-callback) (match-lambda [(tag ('@ args ...) body ...) (tree-callback tag body args)] [(tag body ...) (tree-callback tag body) ] [() ""] [(any ...) (map leaf-callback any)] [any (leaf-callback any)]))