(define-module (sxml namespaced) :use-module (sxml ssax) :use-module (sxml util) :use-module (ice-9 match) :use-module (ice-9 pretty-print) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-71) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (hnh util state-monad) :use-module ((hnh util io) :select (->port)) :use-module (hnh util object) :use-module (hnh util type) :use-module (hnh util table) :use-module ((hnh util lens) :select (car* cdr* modify lens-compose)) :export (xml->namespaced-sxml namespaced-sxml->xml namespaced-sxml->sxml namespaced-sxml->sxml/namespaces sxml->namespaced-sxml xml attribute xml-element xml-element? xml-element*? xml-element-tagname xml-element-namespace xml-element-attributes xml-element-children xml-document xml-document-root xml-document-pis pi-element pi-element? pi-tag pi-body )) (define (car+cadr p) (values (car p) (cadr p))) (define (2list->pair l) (call-with-values (lambda () (car+cadr l)) cons)) (define (attributes->table attributes) (alist->table (map 2list->pair attributes))) ;; XML processing instruction elements (and other things with identical syntax) ;; For example: would be encoded as ;; (make-pi-element 'xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"") ;; tag should always be a symbol ;; body should always be a string (define-type (pi-element constructor: (lambda (constructor typecheck) (lambda (tag body) (typecheck tag body) (constructor tag body)))) (pi-tag type: symbol?) (pi-body type: string?)) (define (serialize-xml-element el) `(xml-element tag: ,(xml-element-tagname el) ns: ,(xml-element-namespace el) attributes: ,(serialize-table (xml-element-attributes el)) children: (list ,@(map (lambda (e) (cond ((xml-element*? e) (serialize-xml-element e)) (else e))) (xml-element-children el))))) (define-type (xml-element printer: (lambda (r p) (pretty-print (serialize-xml-element r) p))) (xml-element-tagname type: symbol? keyword: tag) (xml-element-namespace type: (or false? symbol?) default: #f keyword: ns) (xml-element-attributes type: table? ;; (table-of symbol? string?) ;; (table-of symbol? any?) default: (table) keyword: attributes) (xml-element-children type: (list-of (or string? xml-element? pi-element?)) keyword: children default: '())) ;;; NOTE Due to how define-type works, and how guile expands forms, ;;; this MUST be placed after the xml-element declaration. Otherwise ;;; `xml-element?' is of type syntax-transformer, which isn't a procedure. (define (xml-element*? x) (xml-element? x)) (define-type (xml-document) (xml-document-root type: xml-element*? keyword: root) (xml-document-pis type: (list-of pi-element?) keyword: pi default: '())) (define xml (case-lambda ((tag) (lambda children (xml-element children: children tag: tag))) ((ns tag) (lambda children (xml-element children: children tag: tag ns: ns))) ((ns tag attrs) (lambda children (xml-element children: children tag: tag ns: ns attributes: (attributes->table attrs)))))) (define (attribute xml attr) (assoc-ref (xml-element-attributes xml) attr)) (define (add-child child el) (xml-element-children el (cons child (xml-element-children el)))) (define (make-stack) (list)) (define push cons) (define peek car) (define pop car+cdr) ;;; Lens focusing the first element of list matching predicate (define (find* predicate) (lambda (list) (lambda (f) (let loop ((rem list)) (cond ((null? rem) '()) ((predicate (car rem)) (cons (f (car rem)) (cdr rem))) (else (cons (car rem) (loop (cdr rem))))))))) (define* (parser key: trim-whitespace?) (ssax:make-parser ;; DOCTYPE ;; (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed) ;; (format (current-error-port) ;; "doctype: port=~s, docname=~s, systemid=~s, internal-subset?=~s, seed=~s~%" ;; port docname systemid internal-subset? seed) ;; (values #f '() '() seed)) ;; UNDECL-ROOT ;; (lambda (elem-gi seed) ;; (format (current-error-port) "Undecl-root: ~s~%" elem-gi) ;; (values #f '() '() seed)) ;; DECL-ROOT ;; (lambda (elem-gi seed) ;; (format (current-error-port) "Decl-root: ~s~%" elem-gi) ;; seed) NEW-LEVEL-SEED (lambda (elem-gi attrs namespaces expected-content seed) (push (match elem-gi ((ns . tag) (xml-element tag: tag attributes: (attributes->table attrs) ns: ns)) (tag (xml-element tag: tag attributes: (attributes->table attrs)))) seed)) FINISH-ELEMENT (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed) (let ((head tail (pop seed))) (modify tail (find* xml-element*?) (lambda (parent) (add-child (modify head xml-element-children* reverse) parent))))) CHAR-DATA-HANDLER (lambda (s1 s2 seed) (define s (if trim-whitespace? (string-trim-both (string-append s1 s2)) (string-append s1 s2))) (if (string-null? s) seed (modify seed (lens-compose (find* xml-element*?) xml-element-children*) (lambda (ch) (cons s ch))))) PI ((*DEFAULT* . (lambda (port pi-tag seed) (let ((body (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string port))) (modify seed (find* xml-element*?) (lambda (parent) (add-child (pi-element pi-tag body) parent))))))))) (define* (xml->namespaced-sxml port-or-string key: (trim-whitespace? #t)) (define result (with-ssax-error-to-port (current-error-port) (lambda () ((parser trim-whitespace?: trim-whitespace?) (->port port-or-string) (list ((xml 'ROOT))))))) (let ((roots pis (partition xml-element*? (-> result peek xml-element-children)))) (xml-document root: (car roots) pi: (reverse pis)))) (define (pi-element->sxml pi) `(*PI* ,(pi-tag pi) ,(pi-body pi))) (define (ns-pair->attribute pair) (let ((fqdn short (car+cdr pair))) (list (string->symbol (format #f "xmlns:~a" short)) (symbol->string fqdn)))) ;; Takes an association list from full namespace names (as symbols), to their ;; short forms, and returns a list containing xmlns:x-attributes suitable for ;; splicing into scheme's "regular" sxml. (define (ns-alist->attributes ns) (map ns-pair->attribute ns)) (define (get-prefix ns) (do namespaces <- (get) (cond ((assq-ref namespaces ns) => return) (else (do prefix = (gensym "ns") (put (acons ns prefix namespaces)) (return prefix)))))) (define (xml-element->sxml el) (do tag <- (cond ((xml-element-namespace el) => (lambda (ns) (do pre <- (get-prefix ns) (return (string->symbol (format #f "~a:~a" pre (xml-element-tagname el))))))) (else (return (xml-element-tagname el)))) children <- (sequence (map namespaced-sxml->sxml* (xml-element-children el))) (return (cond ((table-empty? (xml-element-attributes el)) `(,tag ,@children)) (else `(,tag (@ ,@(map (lambda (p) (call-with-values (lambda () (car+cdr p)) list)) (table->list (xml-element-attributes el)))) ,@children)))))) (define (sxml->xml-element el namespaces) (lambda (children) (let ((tag-symb attrs (match el ((tag ('@ attrs ...)) (values tag (map (lambda (p) (apply cons p)) attrs))) ((tag) (values tag '()))))) (let ((parts (string-split (symbol->string tag-symb) #\:))) (cons (case (length parts) ((1) (xml (assoc-ref namespaces #f) (string->symbol (car parts)) attrs)) ((2) (cond ((assoc-ref namespaces (string->symbol (car parts))) => (lambda (ns) (xml ns (string->symbol (cadr parts)) attrs))) (else (scm-error 'missing-namespace "sxml->xml-element" "Unknown namespace prefix encountered: ~s (on tag ~s)" (list (car parts) (cadr parts)) #f)))) (else (scm-error 'misc-error "sxml->xml-element" "Invalid QName: more than one colon ~s" (list tag-symb) #f))) children))))) (define (namespaced-sxml->sxml* tree) (cond ((string? tree) (return tree)) ((xml-element*? tree) (xml-element->sxml tree)) ((pi-element? tree) (return (pi-element->sxml tree))) ((xml-document? tree) (do pis <- (sequence (map namespaced-sxml->sxml* (xml-document-pis tree))) el <- (namespaced-sxml->sxml* (xml-document-root tree)) (return `(*TOP* ,@pis ,el)))) (else (scm-error 'misc-error "namespaced-sxml->sxml*" "Unexpected token in tree: ~s" (list tree) #f)))) ;; Takes a tree of namespaced-sxml, and optionally an assoc list from namespace symbols, to prefered prefix. ;; Returns a sxml tree, with xmlns:=namespace attributes (define* (namespaced-sxml->sxml tree optional: (namespace-prefixes '())) (let ((tree ns ((namespaced-sxml->sxml* tree) namespace-prefixes))) ((get-root-element tree) (lambda (root) (add-attributes root (ns-alist->attributes ns)))))) (define* (namespaced-sxml->xml tree key: (namespaces '()) (port (current-output-port))) ((@ (sxml simple) sxml->xml) (namespaced-sxml->sxml tree namespaces) port)) ;; Takes a tree of namespaced-sxml, and optionally an assoc list from namespace symbols, to prefered prefix. ;; Returns two values: a sxml tree without declared namespaces ;; and a association list from namespace symbols, to used prefixes (define* (namespaced-sxml->sxml/namespaces tree optional: (namespace-prefixes '())) ((namespaced-sxml->sxml* tree) namespace-prefixes)) (define (split-namespace symb) (apply values (map string->symbol (string-split (symbol->string symb) #\:)))) ;; Takes an sxml tree, and an association list from prefixes to namespaces ;; Returns a namespaced sxml tree (define (sxml->namespaced-sxml tree namespaces) (match tree (('*PI* tag body) (pi-element tag body)) (('*TOP* rest ...) (let ((groups (group-by (lambda (x) (cond ((xml-element*? x) 'el) ((pi-element? x) 'pi) (else #f))) (map (lambda (r) (sxml->namespaced-sxml r namespaces)) rest)))) ;; NOTE should multiple roots be allowed? sxml->xml allows it. ;; NOTE should a warning be emitted if the #f groups isn't empty? (xml-document root: (car (assoc-ref groups 'el)) pi: (or (assoc-ref groups 'pi) '())))) ((el ('@ attrs ...) rest ...) (apply (call-with-values (lambda () (split-namespace el)) (case-lambda ((tag) (xml (assoc-ref namespaces #f) tag attrs)) ((ns tag) (cond ((assoc-ref namespaces ns) => (lambda (ns) (xml ns tag attrs))) (else (scm-error 'missing-namespace "sxml->xml-element" "Unknown namespace prefix encountered: ~s (on tag ~s)" (list ns tag) #f)))))) (map (lambda (el) (sxml->namespaced-sxml el namespaces)) rest))) ((el rest ...) (sxml->namespaced-sxml `(,el (@) ,@rest) namespaces)) (atom atom))) ;;; TODO read intro-comment in SSAX file ;;; TODO Figure out how to still use (sxml match) and (sxml xpath) with these ;;; new trees (probably rewriting to a "regular" sxml tree, and keeping ;;; a strict mapping of namespaces)