(define-module (srfi srfi-41 util) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-41) #:use-module (srfi srfi-71) #:use-module ((ice-9 sandbox) :select (call-with-time-limit)) #:use-module (hnh util) ; find-min #:export (stream-car+cdr interleave-streams stream-timeslice-limit)) (define (stream-car+cdr stream) (values (stream-car stream) (stream-cdr stream))) ;; Merges a number of totally ordered streams into a single ;; totally ordered stream. ;; ((≺, stream)) → (≺, stream) (define (interleave-streams < streams) ;; Drop all empty streams (let ((streams (remove stream-null? streams))) ;; If all streams where empty, end the output stream (if (null? streams) stream-null (let* ((min other (find-extreme streams < stream-car)) (m ms (stream-car+cdr min))) (stream-cons m (interleave-streams < (cons ms other))))))) (define-public (stream-insert < item s) (interleave-streams < (list (stream item) s))) ;; Requires that stream is a total order in regards to what we filter ;; on. From there it knows that once it has found the first element ;; that satisfies our predicate all remaining elements satisfying pred ;; will be in direct succession. ;; Does have some drawbacks, concider an event between 2020-01-01 and 2020-12-31. ;; The collection is sorted on start time, and we want all events overlapping the ;; interval 2020-02-01 to 2020-02-29. We would get the long event, but then probably ;; stop because all regular small events in january. (define-public (filter-sorted-stream pred stream) (stream-take-while pred (stream-drop-while (negate pred) stream))) ;; Simmilar to the regular @code{filter-sorted-stream}, but once an ;; element satisfies @code{keep-remaning?} then the remaining tail ;; of the stream is all assumed to be good. (define-public (filter-sorted-stream* pred? keep-remaining? stream) (cond [(stream-null? stream) stream-null] [(keep-remaining? (stream-car stream)) stream] [(pred? (stream-car stream)) (stream-cons (stream-car stream) (filter-sorted-stream* pred? keep-remaining? (stream-cdr stream)))] [else (filter-sorted-stream* pred? keep-remaining? (stream-cdr stream))])) ;; returns all object in stream from the first object satisfying ;; start-pred, until the last object which sattisfies end-pred. (define-public (get-stream-interval start-pred end-pred stream) (stream-take-while end-pred (stream-drop-while (negate start-pred) stream))) ;; Finds the first element in stream satisfying pred. ;; Returns #f if nothing was found (define-public (stream-find pred stream) (cond ((stream-null? stream) #f) ((pred (stream-car stream)) (stream-car stream)) (else (stream-find pred (stream-cdr stream))))) (define-public (stream-remove pred stream) (stream-filter (negate pred) stream)) (define-public (stream->values stream) (apply values (stream->list stream))) ;; Natural numbers from 1 and up, each number repeated 7 times. (define-public (repeating-naturals from repeats) (stream-unfold cdr ; map (const #t) ; continue? (lambda (x) ; gen next (if (= (1- repeats) (car x)) (cons 0 (1+ (cdr x))) (cons (1+ (car x)) (cdr x)))) (cons 0 from))) ;; Returns two values. A stream of all the elements in stream ;; which satisfiy @var{pred}, and a stream of those elements ;; that don't. @var{pred} is called once per value in the ;; input stream. (define-public (stream-partition pred stream) (let ((strm (stream-zip (stream-map pred stream) stream))) (values (stream-map cadr (stream-filter car strm)) (stream-map cadr (stream-remove car strm))))) (define-public (stream-split idx stream) (stream-cons (stream-take idx stream) (stream-drop idx stream))) (define-stream (stream-paginate% stream page-size) (stream-match (stream-split page-size stream) ((page . rest) (if (stream-null? page) stream-null (stream-cons page (stream-paginate rest page-size)))))) (define*-public (stream-paginate stream optional: (page-size 10)) (stream-paginate% stream page-size)) ;; stream cons, but eval arguments beforehand. (define (eager-stream-cons a b) (stream-cons a b)) ;; Wrap a stream in time limits. Each element has at most @var{timeslice} ;; seconds to produce a value, otherwise the stream ends. Useful for finding the ;; "final" element matching a predicate in an infinite stream. (define-stream (stream-timeslice-limit strm timeslice) (call-with-time-limit timeslice (lambda () (eager-stream-cons (stream-car strm) (stream-timeslice-limit (stream-cdr strm) timeslice))) (lambda _ stream-null)))