(define-module (scripts peg-to-graph) :use-module ((graphviz) :prefix #{gv:}#) :use-module ((hnh module-introspection) :select (unique-symbols get-forms)) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (ice-9 match) :use-module (hnh util options) :use-module (ice-9 getopt-long) :export (main)) (define option-spec `((engine (value #t) (description "Graphviz rendering engine to use. Defaults to DOT")) (output (single-char #\o) (value #t) (description "Name of output pdf")))) (define %summary "Output peg-pattern relations as a graphviz graph.") (define %synopsis "peg-to-graph [options] ") (define %help (format-arg-help option-spec)) (define peg-primitives '(and or * + ? followed-by not-followed-by peg-any range ignore capture peg)) (define (handle-peg-form! graph form) (match form (`(define-peg-pattern ,name ,capture ,body) (let ((node (gv:node graph (format #f "~a" name)))) (gv:setv node "style" (case capture ((all) "solid") ((body) "dashed") ((none) "dotted")))) (for-each (lambda (symbol) (gv:edge graph (format #f "~a" name) (format #f "~a" symbol))) (remove (lambda (x) (memv x peg-primitives)) (unique-symbols (list body))))))) (define (main . args) (define options (getopt-long (cons "peg-to-graph" args) (getopt-opt option-spec))) (define engine (option-ref options 'engine "dot")) (define output-file (option-ref options 'output "lex2.pdf")) (define input-file (let ((filenames (option-ref options '() '()))) (when (null? filenames) (format #t "Usage: ~a~%" %summary) (exit 1)) (car filenames))) (let ((graph (gv:digraph "G"))) (for-each (lambda (form) handle-peg-form! graph form) (filter (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (not (null? x)) (eq? 'define-peg-pattern (car x)))) (call-with-input-file input-file get-forms))) (gv:layout graph engine) (gv:render graph "pdf" output-file)))