(define-module (output ical) :use-module (ice-9 format) :use-module (ice-9 match) :use-module (util) :use-module (util exceptions) :use-module (util app) :use-module (vcomponent) :use-module (vcomponent datetime) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (datetime util) :use-module (srfi srfi-41) :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util) :use-module (datetime zic) :use-module (glob) :use-module (vcomponent recurrence) :use-module (output types) ) ;; TODO this is also defined @ (vcomponent parse component) (define (x-property? symb) (string=? "X-" (string-take (symbol->string symb) 2))) ;; Format value depending on key type. ;; Should NOT emit the key. (define (value-format key vline) (define writer ;; fields which can hold lists need not be considered here, ;; since they are split into multiple vlines when we parse them. (cond [(and=> (prop vline 'VALUE) string->symbol) => get-writer] [(memv key '(COMPLETED DTEND DUE DTSTART RECURRENCE-ID CREATED DTSTAMP LAST-MODIFIED ACKNOWLEDGED EXDATE)) (get-writer 'DATE-TIME)] [(memv key '(TRIGGER DURATION)) (get-writer 'DURATION)] [(memv key '(FREEBUSY)) (get-writer 'PERIOD)] [(memv key '(CALSCALE METHOD PRODID COMMENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION SUMMARY TZID TZNAME CONTACT RELATED-TO UID CATEGORIES RESOURCES VERSION)) (get-writer 'TEXT)] [(memv key '(TRANSP CLASS PARTSTAT STATUS ACTION)) (lambda (p v) ((get-writer 'TEXT) p (symbol->string v)))] [(memv key '(TZOFFSETFROM TZOFFSETTO)) (get-writer 'UTC-OFFSET)] [(memv key '(ATTACH TZURL URL)) (get-writer 'URI)] [(memv key '(PERCENT-COMPLETE PRIORITY REPEAT SEQUENCE)) (get-writer 'INTEGER)] [(memv key '(GEO)) (error "Fuck you")] [(memv key '(RRULE)) (get-writer 'RECUR)] [(memv key '(ORGANIZER ATTENDEE)) (get-writer 'CAL-ADDRESS)] [(x-property? key) (get-writer 'TEXT)] [else (warning "Unknown key ~a" key) (get-writer 'TEXT)])) (catch #t #; 'wrong-type-arg (lambda () (writer ((@@ (vcomponent base) get-vline-parameters) vline) (value vline))) (lambda (err caller fmt args call-args) (define fallback-string (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display value)))) (warning "key = ~a, caller = ~s, call-args = ~s~%~k~%Falling back to ~s" key caller call-args fmt args fallback-string) fallback-string))) (define (generate-uuid) ((@ (rnrs io ports) call-with-port) ((@ (ice-9 popen) open-input-pipe) "uuidgen") (@ (ice-9 rdelim) read-line))) ;; Fold long lines to limit width. ;; Since this works in characters, but ics works in bytes ;; this will overshoot when faced with multi-byte characters. ;; But since the line wrapping is mearly a recomendation it's ;; not a problem. ;; Setting the wrap-len to slightly lower than allowed also help ;; us not overshoot. (define* (ical-line-fold string #:key (wrap-len 70)) (cond [(< wrap-len (string-length string)) (format #f "~a\r\n ~a" (string-take string wrap-len) (ical-line-fold (string-drop string wrap-len)))] [else string])) (define* (internal-field? symbol optional: (prefix "X-HNH-")) (string=? prefix (string-take-to (symbol->string symbol) (string-length prefix)))) (define (->string a) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display a)))) (define (vline->string vline) (define key (vline-key vline)) (ical-line-fold ;; Expected output: key;p1=v;p3=10:value (string-append (symbol->string key) (string-concatenate (map (match-lambda [(? (compose internal-field? car)) ""] [(key values ...) (string-append ";" (symbol->string key) (string-join (map (compose (get-writer 'TEXT) ->string) values) "," 'infix))]) (properties vline))) ":" (value-format key vline)))) (define-public (component->ical-string component) (format #t "BEGIN:~a\r\n" (type component)) ;; TODO this leaks internal information, ;; write a better API for vcomponent. (hash-for-each ;; Special cases depending on key. ;; Value formatting is handled in @code{value-format}. (match-lambda* [(? (compose internal-field? car)) 'noop] [(key (vlines ...)) (for vline in vlines (display (vline->string vline)) (display "\r\n"))] [(key vline) (display (vline->string vline)) (display "\r\n")]) (attributes component)) (for-each component->ical-string (children component)) (format #t "END:~a\r\n" (type component)) ;; If we have alternatives, splice them in here. (cond [(attr component 'X-HNH-ALTERNATIVES) => (lambda (alts) (hash-map->list (lambda (_ comp) (component->ical-string comp)) alts))])) ;; TODO tzid prop on dtstart vs tz field in datetime object ;; how do we keep these two in sync? (define (write-event-to-file event calendar-path) (define cal (make-vcomponent 'VCALENDAR)) (set! (attr cal 'PRODID) (@ (global) *prodid*) (attr cal 'VERSION) "2.0" (attr cal 'CALSCALE) "GREGORIAN") (add-child! cal event) (awhen (prop (attr* event 'DTSTART) 'TZID) ;; TODO this is broken (add-child! cal (zoneinfo->vtimezone (getf 'zoneinfo) it))) (unless (attr event 'UID) (set! (attr event 'UID) (generate-uuid))) (with-output-to-file (glob (format #f "~a/~a.ics" calendar-path (attr event 'UID))) (lambda () (component->ical-string cal)))) (define (print-header) (format #t "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r PRODID:~a\r VERSION:2.0\r CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r " (@ (global) *prodid*) )) (define (print-footer) (format #t "END:VCALENDAR\r\n")) (define (get-tz-names events) (lset-difference equal? (lset-union equal? '("dummy") (filter-map (lambda (vline) (and=> (prop vline 'TZID) car)) (filter-map (extract* 'DTSTART) events))) '("dummy" "local"))) (define-public (print-components-with-fake-parent events) ;; The events are probably sorted before, but until I can guarantee ;; that we sort them again here. We need them sorted from earliest ;; and up to send the earliest to zoneinfo->vtimezone (set! events (sort* events date/-time<=? (extract 'DTSTART))) (print-header) (let ((tz-names (get-tz-names events))) (for-each component->ical-string ;; TODO we realy should send the earliest event from each timezone here, ;; instead of just the first. (map (lambda (name) (zoneinfo->vtimezone (getf 'zoneinfo) name (car events))) tz-names))) (for-each component->ical-string events) (print-footer)) (define-method (print-all-events) (print-components-with-fake-parent (append (getf 'fixed-events) ;; TODO RECCURENCE-ID exceptions ;; We just dump all repeating objects, since it's much cheaper to do ;; it this way than to actually figure out which are applicable for ;; the given date range. (getf 'repeating-events)))) (define-method (print-events-in-interval start end) (print-components-with-fake-parent (append (fixed-events-in-range start end) ;; TODO RECCURENCE-ID exceptions ;; We just dump all repeating objects, since it's much cheaper to do ;; it this way than to actually figure out which are applicable for ;; the given date range. (getf 'repeating-events))))