(define-module (entry-points server) :export (main) :use-module (util) :use-module (vcomponent) ) (use-modules* (web (server request response uri)) (output (html)) (server (util macro)) (sxml (simple)) (ice-9 (match control rdelim curried-definitions ftw getopt-long iconv regex #| regex here due to bad macros |# )) (srfi (srfi-1 srfi-88))) (use-modules (datetime) (datetime util)) (define (file-extension name) (car (last-pair (string-split name #\.)))) (define (sxml->html-string sxml) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (display "\n") (sxml->xml sxml)))) (define (directory-table dir) `(table (thead (tr (th "") (th "Name") (th "Perm"))) (tbody ,@(map (lambda (k) (let* ((stat (lstat k))) `(tr (td ,(case (stat:type stat) [(directory) "📁"] [(regular) "📰"] [else "🙃"])) (td (a (@ (href "/" ,dir ,k)) ,k)) (td ,(number->string (stat:perms stat) 8))))) (cddr (scandir dir)))))) (define (make-make-routes calendar regular repeating events) (make-routes (GET "/week/:start-date.html" (start-date) (let* ((start-date (parse-iso-date start-date))) (return '((content-type text/html)) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (html-generate calendars: calendar events: events start-date: start-date end-date: (date+ start-date (date day: 6)) next-start: (lambda (d) (date+ d (date day: 7))) prev-start: (lambda (d) (date- d (date day: 7))) render-calendar: render-calendar )))))) (GET "/month/:start-date.html" (start-date) (let* ((start-date (parse-iso-date start-date))) (return '((content-type text/html)) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (html-generate calendars: calendar events: events start-date: start-date end-date: (date- (month+ start-date) (date day: 1)) next-start: month+ prev-start: month- render-calendar: render-calendar-table pre-start: (start-of-week start-date) post-end: (end-of-week (end-of-month start-date)) )))))) ;; TODO export all events in interval ;; (GET "/calendar" (start end) ;; (ical-main calendars ;; regular ;; repeating ;; (parse-iso-date start) ;; (parse-iso-date end))) ;; TODO this returns "invalid" events, since the surrounding VCALENDAR is missing. (GET "/calendar/:uid.ics" (uid) ;; NOTE build an index. (aif (or (find (lambda (ev) (equal? uid (attr ev 'UID))) regular) (find (lambda (ev) (equal? uid (attr ev 'UID))) repeating)) (return '((content-type text/calendar)) (with-output-to-string (lambda () ((@ (output ical) print-components-with-fake-parent) (list it))))) (return (build-response code: 404) (format #f "No component with UID=~a found." uid)))) (GET "/static" () (return '((content-type text/html)) (sxml->html-string (directory-table "static/")))) (GET "/static/:filename.css" (filename) (return `((content-type text/css)) (call-with-input-file (string-append "static/" filename ".css") read-string))) (GET "/static/:filename.js" (filename) (return `((content-type text/javascript)) (call-with-input-file (string-append "static/" filename ".js") read-string))) (GET "/count" () ;; (sleep 1) (return '((content-type text/plain)) (string-append (number->string state) "\n") (1+ state))) )) (define options '((port (value #t) (single-char #\p)) (addr (value #t)) ;; TODO numbers as single-char seems to not work. (six (single-char #\6)) (four (single-char #\4)))) (define-public (main args) (define opts (getopt-long args options)) (define port (option-ref opts 'port 8080)) (define addr (option-ref opts 'addr #f)) (define family (cond [(option-ref opts 'six #f) AF_INET6] [(option-ref opts 'four #f) AF_INET] [(and addr (string-contains addr ":")) AF_INET6] [(and addr (string-contains addr ".")) AF_INET] [else AF_INET6])) (define-values (c regular repeating) (cond [(option-ref opts 'file #f) => (compose load-calendars* list)] [else (load-calendars*)])) (define all-events ((@ (vcomponent load) calculate-recurrence-set) regular repeating)) ;; update address if it was left blank. A bit clumsy since ;; @var{addr} & @var{family} depend on each other. ;; placed after load-calendars to keep Guile 2.2 compability. (set! addr (if addr addr (if (eqv? family AF_INET6) "::" ""))) ;; NOTE The default make-default-socket is broken for IPv6. ;; A patch has been submitted to the mailing list. 2020-03-31 (module-set! (resolve-module '(web server http)) 'make-default-socket (lambda (family addr port) (let ((sock (socket family SOCK_STREAM 0))) (setsockopt sock SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1) (bind sock family addr port) sock))) ;; TODO possibly test inet-pton here on address? (format #t "Starting server on ~a:~a~%I'm ~a, runing from ~a~%" addr port (getpid) (getcwd)) (run-server (make-make-routes c regular repeating all-events) 'http `(family: ,family port: ,port host: ,addr) 0))