(define-module (datetime util) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-26) :use-module (srfi srfi-41) :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util) :use-module (ice-9 i18n) :use-module (ice-9 format) :use-module (util) :use-module (util config) :re-export (locale-month) ) (define-public (start-of-month date) (set (day date) 1)) (define-public (end-of-month date) (set (day date) (days-in-month date))) (define-public (start-of-year date) (set-> date (day 1) (month 1))) (define-public (parse-freeform-date str) (let* (((year month day) (map string->number (string-split str #\-)))) (date year: year month: month day: day) )) (define-public (date-stream date-increment start-day) (stream-iterate (cut date+ <> date-increment) start-day)) (define-public (day-stream start-day) (date-stream (date day: 1) start-day)) (define-public (month-stream start-day) (date-stream (date month: 1) start-day)) (define-public (week-stream start-day) (date-stream (date day: 7) start-day)) (define-public (time-min a b) (if (time day-index 3) (date+ ystart (date day: (- 7 day-index))) (date- ystart (date day: day-index))))) ;; (week-number #2020-01-01 mon) ; => 1 ;; (week-number #2019-12-31 mon) ; => 1 (define*-public (week-number d optional: (wkst sun)) ;; Calculating week number for starts of week was much simpler. ;; We can both skip the special cases for Jan 1, 2 & 3. It also ;; solved some weird bug that was here before. (let ((d (start-of-week d wkst))) (cond [(and (= 12 (month d)) (memv (day d) '(29 30 31)) (< (year d) (year (date+ (start-of-week d wkst) (date day: 3))))) 1] [else (let* ((w1-start (week-1-start d wkst)) (week day (floor/ (days-in-interval w1-start d) 7))) (1+ week))]))) (define*-public (date-starting-week week-number d optional: (wkst sun)) (date+ (week-1-start d wkst) (date day: (* (1- week-number) 7)))) (define*-public (week-day-name week-day-number optional: truncate-to key: (locale %global-locale)) ;; NOTE this allows days larger than 7 (sunday if counting from monday). (let ((str (catch 'out-of-range (lambda () (locale-day (1+ (modulo week-day-number 7)) locale)) (lambda (oor str num) (scm-error 'out-of-range 'week-day-name "~a == (~a % 7) + 1" (list num week-day-number) (list week-day-number)))))) ;; I also know about the @var{locale-day-short} method, but I need ;; strings of length 2. (if truncate-to (string-take str truncate-to) str))) (define*-public (datetime->string datetime optional: (fmt "~Y-~m-~dT~H:~M:~S") key: allow-unknown?) (define date (get-date datetime)) (define time ((@ (datetime) get-time%) datetime)) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (fold (lambda (token state) (case state ((#\~) (case token ((#\~) (display "~")) ((#\H) (format #t "~2'0d" (hour time))) ((#\k) (format #t "~2' d" (hour time))) ((#\M) (format #t "~2'0d" (minute time))) ((#\S) (format #t "~2'0d" (second time))) ;; TODO ;; ((#\z) (when (utc? time) (display "Z"))) ((#\Y) (format #t "~4'0d" (year date))) ((#\m) (format #t "~2'0d" (month date))) ((#\d) (format #t "~2'0d" (day date))) ;; Should be same as ~_d ((#\s) (display (datetime->unix-time datetime))) ; epoch time! ((#\e) (format #t "~2' d" (day date))) ((#\1) (format #t "~4'0d-~2'0d-~2'0d" (year date) (month date) (day date))) ((#\3) (format #t "~2'0d:~2'0d:~2'0d" (hour time) (minute time) (second time))) ((#\A) (display (week-day-name (week-day date)))) ((#\a) (display (week-day-name (week-day date) 3))) ((#\b) (display (locale-month-short (month date)))) ((#\B) (display (locale-month (month date)))) ((#\Z) (when (equal? "UTC" (get-timezone datetime)) (display "Z"))) (else (unless allow-unknown? (error 'datetime->string "Invalid format token ~a" token)))) #f) (else (unless (char=? #\~ token) (display token)) token))) #f (string->list fmt))))) (define*-public (date->string date optional: (fmt "~Y-~m-~d") key: allow-unknown?) (datetime->string (datetime date: date) fmt allow-unknown?: allow-unknown?)) (define*-public (time->string time optional: (fmt "~H:~M:~S") key: allow-unknown?) (datetime->string (datetime time: time) fmt allow-unknown?: allow-unknown?)) ;; @verbatim ;; A B C D E ¬F ;; |s1| : |s2| : |s1| : |s2| : : |s1| ;; | | : | | : | ||s2| : |s1|| | : |s1||s2| : | | ;; | ||s2| : |s1|| | : | || | : | || | : | || | : ;; | | : | | : | || | : | || | : | || | : |s2| ;; | | : | | : | | : | | : : | | ;; @end verbatim ;; ;; E is covered by both case A and B. (define-public (timespan-overlaps? s1-begin s1-end s2-begin s2-end) "Return whetever or not two timespans overlap." (or ;; A (and (date/-time 2020-03-29 (define*-public (start-of-week d optional: (week-start mon)) (date- d (date day: (modulo (- (week-day d) week-start) 7)))) ;; (end-of-week #2020-04-01 mon) ;; => 2020-04-05 (define*-public (end-of-week d optional: (week-start mon)) (date+ (start-of-week d week-start) (date day: 6))) ;; Given a month and and which day the week starts on, ;; returns three lists, which are: ;; The days leading up to the current month, but share a week ;; The days in the current month ;; The days after the current month, but which shares a week. ;; ;; mars 2020 ;; må ti on to fr lö sö ;; 1 ;; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ;; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ;; 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ;; 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;; 30 31 ;; (month-days #2020-03-01 mon) ;; => (2020-02-24 ... 2020-02-29) ;; => (2020-03-01 ... 2020-03-31) ;; => (2020-04-01 ... 2020-04-05) ;; TODO Currently givining a non-start-of-month date for @var{date} is an error. (define-public (month-days date week-start) (let* ((month-len (days-in-month date)) (prev-month-len (days-in-month (month- date))) (month-start (modulo (- (week-day date) week-start) 7))) (values (map (lambda (d) (set (day (month- date)) d)) (iota month-start (1+ (- prev-month-len month-start)))) (map (lambda (d) (set (day date) d)) (iota month-len 1)) (map (lambda (d) (set (day (month+ date)) d)) (iota (modulo (- (* 7 5) month-len month-start) 7) 1))))) (define-public (days-in-interval start-date end-date) (let ((diff (date-difference (date+ end-date (date day: 1)) start-date))) (with-streams (fold + (day diff) (map days-in-month (take (+ (month diff) (* 12 (year diff))) (month-stream start-date))))))) ;; also known as Julian day. (define-public (year-day date) (days-in-interval (start-of-year date) date)) ;; @example ;; (time->decimal-hour #10:30:00) ; => 10.5 ;; @end example (define-public (time->decimal-hour time) (exact->inexact (+ (hour time) (/ (minute time) 60) (/ (second time) 3600)))) (define*-public (datetime->decimal-hour dt optional: start-date) (let ((date-diff (cond [start-date (let* ((end-date (date+ start-date (get-date dt)))) (days-in-interval start-date end-date)) ] [(or (not (zero? (month (get-date dt)))) (not (zero? (year (get-date dt))))) (error "Multi-month intervals only supported when start-date is given" dt)] [else (day (get-date dt))]))) (+ (time->decimal-hour ((@ (datetime) get-time%) dt)) (* (1- date-diff) 24)))) ;; Returns a list of all dates from start to end. ;; both inclusive ;; date, date → [list date] (define-public (date-range start end) (stream->list (stream-take-while (lambda (d) (date<= d end)) (day-stream start)))) (define-config week-start sun "First day of week" (lambda (x) (<= sun x sat))) ;; TODO normalize if functions floor their arguments or not. ;; The argument for flooring is that it allows us to only bother with ;; the higher components we care about. ;; The argument against would be if we want to start from the middle ;; of a time span. ;; Returns the first instance of the given week-day in the given month. ;; @example ;; (find-first-week-day mon #2020-04-10) ;; => 2020-04-06 ;; @end example (define-public (find-first-week-day wday month-date) (let* ((mstart (start-of-month month-date)) (start-day (week-day mstart)) (diff (- wday start-day))) (date+ mstart (date day: (modulo diff 7))))) ;; returns instances of the given week-day in month. ;; week-day, date → (list date) (define-public (all-wday-in-month wday month-date) (stream->list (stream-take-while (lambda (d) (= (month d) (month month-date))) (week-stream (find-first-week-day wday month-date))))) (define-public (all-wday-in-year wday year-date) (stream->list (stream-take-while (lambda (d) (= (year d) (year year-date))) (week-stream (find-first-week-day wday year-date)))))