(define-module (calp html view calendar week) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-41) :use-module (srfi srfi-71) :use-module (rnrs records syntactic) :use-module (datetime) :use-module (calp html view calendar shared) :use-module (calp html config) :use-module (calp html util) :use-module (vcomponent) :use-module ((vcomponent datetime) :select (long-event? event-length/day event-zero-length? events-between)) :use-module ((calp html vcomponent) :select (make-block output-uid) ) ;; :use-module ((calp html components) ;; :select ()) :use-module (calp translation) :use-module ((vcomponent util group) :select (group-stream get-groups-between)) :use-module (ice-9 format) ) (define*-public (render-calendar key: calendars events start-date end-date #:allow-other-keys) (let* ((long-events short-events (partition long-event? (stream->list (events-between start-date end-date events)))) (range (date-range start-date end-date))) `((script ,(lambda () (format #t "window.VIEW='week';"))) (div (@ (class "calendar")) (div (@ (class "days")) ;; Top left area (div (@ (class "week-indicator")) (span (@ (style "font-size: 50%")) ;; Week number prefix ,(_ "v.")) ,@(->> (week-number start-date) number->string string->list (map (lambda (c) `(span ,(string c)))))) ,@(time-marker-div) (div (@ (class "longevents event-container") (data-start ,(date->string start-date) ) (data-end ,(date->string (add-day end-date)) ) (style "grid-column-end: span " ,(days-in-interval start-date end-date))) ,@(lay-out-long-events start-date end-date long-events)) ,@(map (lambda (day-date) `(div (@ (class "meta")) (span (@ (class "daydate")) ;; Week view header format ,(date->string day-date (_ "~Y-~m-~d"))) (span (@ (class "dayname")) ;; TODO translation here? ,(string-titlecase (date->string day-date "~a"))))) range) ,@(stream->list (stream-map lay-out-day (get-groups-between (group-stream (list->stream short-events)) start-date end-date))) ,@(for event in (stream->list (events-between start-date end-date events)) `(popup-element (@ (class "vevent") (data-uid ,(output-uid event))))))) ;; This template is here, instead of in (calp html calendar) since it only ;; applies to this specific view. (calp html calendar month) is assumed to ;; have its own variant of it. (template (@ (id "vevent-block")) ,(block-template) ) ))) ;; "physical" block (define (block-template) `(div (@ ; (id ,(html-id ev)) (data-calendar "unknown") #; (class " CAL_unknown" ;; ,(when (and (prop ev 'PARTSTAT) ;; (eq? 'TENTATIVE (prop ev 'PARTSTAT))) ;; " tentative") ;; ,(when (and (prop ev 'TRANSP) ;; (eq? 'TRANSPARENT (prop ev 'TRANSP))) ;; " transparent") ) ; (onclick "toggle_popup('popup' + this.id)") ) ;; Inner div to prevent overflow. Previously "overflow: none" ;; was set on the surounding div, but the popup /needs/ to ;; overflow (for the tabs?). (div (@ (class "event-body")) (span (@ (class "repeating")) ; "↺" ) (span (@ (class "summary") (data-property "summary")) ; ,(format-summary ev (prop ev 'SUMMARY)) ) (span (@ (class "location") (data-property "location"))) ;; Document symbol when we have text (span (@ (class "description")) ; "🗎" )) ) ) (define (time-marker-div) `((div (@ (class "sideclock")) ,@(map (lambda (time) `(div (@ (class "clock clock-" ,time)) (span (@ (class "clocktext")) ,time ":00"))) (iota 12 0 2))))) ;; Lay out complete day (graphical) ;; (date . (events)) -> sxml (define (lay-out-day day) (let* ((day-date events (car+cdr day)) (time-obj (datetime date: day-date)) (short-events (stream->list events)) #; (zero-length-events short-events (partition event-zero-length? (stream->list events)))) (fix-event-widths! short-events event-length-key: (lambda (e) (if (event-zero-length? e) (time hour: 1) (event-length/day day-date e)))) `(div (@ (class "events event-container") (id ,(date-link day-date)) (data-start ,(date->string day-date)) (data-end ,(date->string (add-day day-date)) )) ,@(map (lambda (time) `(div (@ (class "clock clock-" ,time)))) (iota 12 0 2)) #; (div (@ (class "zero-width-events")) ,(map make-block zero-length-events)) ,@(map (lambda (e) (create-block day-date e)) short-events)))) ;; Format single event for graphical display ;; This is extremely simmilar to create-top-block, which currently recides in ./shared (define (create-block date ev) ;; (define time (date->time-utc day)) (define left (* 100 (x-pos ev))) (define width* (* 100 (width ev))) (define top (if (date= date (as-date (prop ev 'DTSTART))) (* 100/24 (time->decimal-hour (as-time (prop ev 'DTSTART)))) 0)) (define height (* 100/24 (time->decimal-hour (event-length/day date ev)))) (define style ;; The calc's here is to enable an "edit-mode". ;; Setting --editmode ≈ 0.8 gives some whitespace to the right ;; of the events, alowing draging there for creating new events. (if (edit-mode) (format #f "left:calc(var(--editmode)*~,3f%);width:calc(var(--editmode)*~,3f%);top:~,3f%;height:~,3f%;" left width* top height) (format #f "left:~,3f%;width:~,3f%;top:~,3f%;height:~,3f%;" left width* top height))) (make-block ev `((class ,(when (event-zero-length? ev) " zero-length") ,(when (date