(define-module (calp html util) :use-module (hnh util) :use-module (calp translation) :export (date-link html-id calculate-fg-color)) (define (date-link date) ((@ (datetime) date->string) date "~Y-~m-~d")) ;; Generate an html id for an event. ;; TODO? same event placed multiple times, when spanning multiple cells (define html-id (let ((id (make-object-property))) (lambda (ev) (or (id ev) (set/r! (id ev) (symbol->string (gensym "__html_id_"))))))) ;; Returns a color with good contrast to the given background color. ;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1855884/determine-font-color-based-on-background-color/1855903#1855903 (define (calculate-fg-color c) ;; TODO what errors can actually appear here? (catch #t (lambda () (define (str->num c n) (string->number (substring/shared c n (+ n 2)) 16)) ;; (format (current-error-port) "COLOR = ~s~%" c) (let ((r (str->num c 1)) (g (str->num c 3)) (b (str->num c 5))) (if (< 1/2 (/ (+ (* 0.299 r) (* 0.587 g) (* 0.114 b)) #xFF)) "#000000" "#FFFFFF"))) (lambda args (format (current-error-port) (_ "Error calculating foreground color?~%~s~%") args) "#FF0000" )))