(define-module (c cpp-environment) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (ice-9 hash-table) :use-module (hnh util object) :use-module (hnh util type) :use-module (hnh util lens) :use-module ((c cpp-environment function-like-macro) :prefix #{fun:}#) :use-module ((c cpp-environment object-like-macro) :prefix #{obj:}#) :use-module ((c cpp-environment internal-macro) :prefix #{int:}#) :export ( macro-identifier macro-body macro-identifier-list macro-variadic? macro? enter-active-if enter-inactive-if leave-if enter-file leave-file bump-line current-line current-file function-macro? object-macro? internal-macro? cpp-environment cpp-if-status cpp-variables make-environment in-environment? remove-identifier! add-identifier! get-identifier extend-environment )) (define (macro-identifier x) (define identifier (cond ((obj:object-like-macro? x) obj:identifier) ((fun:function-like-macro? x) fun:identifier) ((int:internal-macro? x) int:identifier) (else (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "macro-identifier" "Not a macro: ~s" (list x) #f)))) (identifier x)) (define (macro-body macro) (define body-proc (cond ((obj:object-like-macro? macro) obj:body) ((fun:function-like-macro? macro) fun:body) ((int:internal-macro? macro) int:body) (else (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "macro-body" "Not a macro: ~s" (list macro) #f)))) (body-proc macro)) (define macro-identifier-list fun:identifier-list) (define macro-variadic? fun:variadic?) (define function-macro? fun:function-like-macro?) (define object-macro? obj:object-like-macro?) (define internal-macro? int:internal-macro?) (define (macro? x) (or (obj:object-like-macro? x) (fun:function-like-macro? x) (int:internal-macro? x))) (define-type (cpp-environment) (cpp-if-status type: (list-of (memv '(outside active-if inactive-if))) default: '(outside)) (cpp-variables type: hash-table? default: (make-hash-table)) (cpp-file-stack type: (and (not null?) (list-of (pair-of string? exact-integer?))) default: '(("*outside*" . 1)))) (define (enter-active-if environment) (modify environment cpp-if-status xcons 'active-if)) (define (enter-inactive-if environment) (modify environment cpp-if-status xcons 'inactive-if)) (define (leave-if environment) (modify environment cpp-if-status cdr)) (define (enter-file environment filename) (modify environment cpp-file-stack xcons (cons filename 1))) (define (leave-file environment) (modify environment cpp-file-stack cdr)) (define current-line (compose-lenses cpp-file-stack car* cdr*)) (define current-file (compose-lenses cpp-file-stack car* car*)) (define* (bump-line environment optional: (count 1)) (modify environment current-line + count)) (define (make-environment) (cpp-environment)) (define (in-envirnoment? environment key) (hash-get-handle (cpp-variables environment) key)) (define (remove-identifier! environment key) (hash-remove! (cpp-variables environment) key) environment) (define (add-identifier! environment key value) (unless (string? key) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "add-identifier!" "Key must be a string, got: ~s" (list key) #f)) (unless (macro? value) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "add-identifier!" "Value must be a macro, got: ~s" (list value) #f)) (hash-set! (cpp-variables environment) key value) environment) (define (get-identifier environment key) (hash-ref (cpp-variables environment) key)) (define (clone-hash-table ht) (alist->hash-table (hash-map->list cons ht))) (define (extend-environment environment macros) (let ((env (modify environment cpp-variables clone-hash-table))) (fold (lambda (m env) (add-identifier! env (macro-identifier m) m)) env macros)))