(define-module (c cpp-environment) :use-module (srfi srfi-1) :use-module (srfi srfi-88) :use-module (hnh util object) :use-module (hnh util type) :use-module (hnh util lens) :use-module ((hnh util) :select (group-by)) :use-module ((c lex2) :select (lexeme?)) :use-module ((c unlex) :select (unlex)) :use-module ((rnrs enums)) :export ( macro-identifier macro-body macro-identifier-list macro-variadic? cpp-macro? function-macro? object-macro? internal-macro? object-macro function-macro internal-macro enter-into-if transition-to-if if-status leave-if in-conditional/active? in-conditional/inactive-inactive? in-conditional/inactive? in-conditional? enter-file leave-file bump-line current-line current-file cpp-environment? cpp-file-stack make-environment in-environment? remove-identifier add-identifier get-identifier extend-environment pprint-environment pprint-macro )) (define (%printer r p) (display "#<" p) (pprint-macro r p) (display ">" p)) (define-type (function-macro printer: %printer) (fun:identifier type: string? key: identifier) (macro-identifier-list type: (list-of string?) key: identifier-list) (fun:body type: (list-of lexeme?) key: body) (macro-variadic? type: boolean? default: #f key: variadic?)) (define-type (internal-macro printer: %printer) (int:identifier type: string? key: identifier) (int:body type: procedure? #| of arity 2 |# key: body)) (define-type (object-macro printer: %printer) (obj:identifier type: string? key: identifier) (obj:body type: (list-of lexeme?) key: body)) (define (macro-identifier x) (define identifier (cond ((object-macro? x) obj:identifier) ((function-macro? x) fun:identifier) ((internal-macro? x) int:identifier) (else (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "macro-identifier" "Not a macro: ~s" (list x) #f)))) (identifier x)) (define (macro-body-proc macro) (cond ((object-macro? macro) obj:body) ((function-macro? macro) fun:body) ((internal-macro? macro) int:body) (else (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg "macro-body" "Not a macro: ~s" (list macro) #f)))) (define macro-body (case-lambda ((macro) ((macro-body-proc macro) macro)) ((macro value) ((macro-body-proc macro) macro value)))) (define (cpp-macro? x) (or (object-macro? x) (function-macro? x) (internal-macro? x))) (define-enumeration if-status (active ; We are in the "executing" branch of an if inactive ; We are in a non-"executing" branch, which may be followed by an "executing" branch inactive-inactive ; We are in a branch which will never execute, and neither will its children or further siblings outside) ; We aren't in an if-condition if-status-set) (define (if-status? x) (enum-set-member? x (enum-set-universe (if-status-set)))) (define-type (cpp-environment) (cpp-if-status type: (and (list-of if-status?) (not null?)) default: (list (if-status outside))) (cpp-variables type: (alist-of string? cpp-macro?) default: '()) (cpp-file-stack type: (and (not null?) (list-of (pair-of string? exact-integer?))) default: '(("*outside*" . 1)))) ;; Morph the current if status into another ;; non-allowed transitions throws (define (transition-to-if env next) (define valid-next (case (car (cpp-if-status env)) ;; After an active if or elif no further elif's or else's can ever be active ((active) (if-status-set inactive-inactive)) ;; We can from an inactive if or elif move into an active elif or else ((inactive) (if-status-set active inactive)) ;; once nothing more can be active, nothing more can be active ((inactive-inactive) (if-status-set inactive-inactive)) ;; outside can never be moved away from ((outside) (if-status-set)) (else => (lambda (x) (scm-error 'misc-error "transition-to-if" "Unknown enum: ~s" (list x) #f))))) (unless (enum-set-member? next valid-next) (scm-error 'misc-error "transition-to-if" "Invalid transition, ~a → ~a (valid next: ~s)" (list (car (cpp-if-status env)) next (enum-set->list valid-next)) #f)) (set env cpp-if-status car* next)) ;; enter into a nested if statement ;; An exception is thrown if the resulting if-stack is invalid (define (enter-into-if env next) (define valid-next (case (car (cpp-if-status env)) ;; from an active if statement, both positive and negative if's are possible ((active outside) (if-status-set active inactive)) ;; from an inactive if clause nothing can ever be active ((inactive inactive-inactive) (if-status-set inactive-inactive)) (else => (lambda (x) (scm-error 'misc-error "enter-into-if" "Unknown enum: ~s" (list x) #f))))) (unless (enum-set-member? next valid-next) (scm-error 'misc-error "enter-into-if" "Can't enter ~a from ~a (valid: ~s)" (list next (car (cpp-if-status env)) (enum-set->list valid-next)) #f)) (modify env cpp-if-status xcons next)) ;; Leaves the current if statement (define (leave-if environment) (when (eq? (if-status outside) (car (cpp-if-status environment))) (scm-error 'misc-error "leave-if" "Can't leave 'outside'" '() #f)) (modify environment cpp-if-status cdr)) (define (in-conditional/inactive-inactive? environment) (eq? (if-status inactive-inactive) (get environment cpp-if-status car*))) (define (in-conditional/inactive? environment) (enum-set-member? (get environment cpp-if-status car*) (if-status-set inactive inactive-inactive))) (define (in-conditional/active? environment) (eq? (if-status active) (get environment cpp-if-status car*))) (define (in-conditional? environment) (or (in-conditional/inactive? environment) (in-conditional/active? environment))) (define (enter-file environment filename) (modify environment cpp-file-stack xcons (cons filename 1))) (define (leave-file environment) (modify environment cpp-file-stack cdr)) (define current-line (compose-lenses cpp-file-stack car* cdr*)) (define current-file (compose-lenses cpp-file-stack car* car*)) (define* (bump-line environment optional: (count 1)) (modify environment current-line + count)) (define (make-environment) (cpp-environment)) (define (in-environment? environment key) (assoc key (cpp-variables environment))) (define (remove-identifier environment key) (typecheck key string?) (modify environment cpp-variables (lambda (vars) (remove (lambda (slot) (string=? key (car slot))) vars)))) (define (add-identifier environment macro) (typecheck macro cpp-macro?) (modify environment cpp-variables (lambda (vars) (acons (macro-identifier macro) macro vars)))) (define (get-identifier environment key) (assoc-ref (cpp-variables environment) key)) (define (extend-environment environment macros) (typecheck macros (list-of cpp-macro?)) (fold (lambda (m env) (add-identifier env m)) environment macros)) (define* (pprint-environment environment optional: (port (current-output-port))) (let* ((grouped (group-by (lambda (pair) (if (char=? #\_ (string-ref (car pair) 0)) 'private 'public)) (cpp-variables environment))) (private (map cdr (car (assoc-ref grouped 'private)))) (public (map cdr (car (assoc-ref grouped 'public)))) (proc (lambda (x) (pprint-macro x port) (newline port)))) (with-output-to-port port (lambda () (display "/*** Private Environment ***/") (newline) (for-each proc private) (display "/*** Public Environment ***/") (newline) (for-each proc public))))) (define* (pprint-macro x optional: (p (current-output-port))) (cond ((internal-macro? x) (format p "/* ~a INTERNAL MACRO */" (macro-identifier x))) ((object-macro? x) (format p "#define ~a ~a" (macro-identifier x) (unlex (macro-body x)))) ((function-macro? x) (format p "#define ~a(~a) ~a" (macro-identifier x) (string-join (append (macro-identifier-list x) (if (macro-variadic? x) '("...") '())) "," 'infix) (unlex (macro-body x))))))