#include "graphs.h" #include #include #include #include "err.h" // #define TYPE strbuf // #include "linked_list.h" // #include "linked_list.inc.h" // #undef TYPE int create_graph_trie (vcomponent* ev, char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w"); fputs("digraph {\n rankdir=LR;", f); trie_to_dot(&ev->clines, f); fputs("}", f); fclose(f); INFO_F("Wrote '%s' to '%s'", ev->filename, filename); return 0; } int helper_vcomponent (vcomponent* root, FILE* f) { fprintf(f, "subgraph \"cluster_root\" { label=File; \"%p\" [label=%s] }\n", root, root->type); TRIE(content_line)* trie = &root->clines; TRIE_NODE(content_line)* n = trie->root->child; if (! EMPTY(TRIE(content_line))(trie)) { fprintf(f, "subgraph \"cluster_%p\" {\n", root); fprintf(f, "\"%p\" [label=trie fontcolor=gray, color=gray];", trie); fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\" [color=red]\n", root, trie); while (n != NULL) { fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\" [color=gray]\n", (void*) trie, (void*) n); fprintf(f, "subgraph \"cluster_%c_%p\" {\ncolor=red; \n", n->c, root); trie_to_dot_helper( n, f ); fputs("}", f); n = n->next; } fputs("}", f); } vcomponent* child; for (size_t i = 0; i < root->components.length; i++) { child = GET(VECT(vcomponent))(&root->components, i); if (child == NULL) continue; fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\"\n", root, child); helper_vcomponent(child, f); } return 0; } int create_graph_vcomponent (vcomponent* root, char* outfile) { FILE* f = fopen(outfile, "w"); if (f == NULL) { ERR_F("Error opening file %s, errno = %i", outfile, errno); return 1; } vcomponent* c = root; fputs("digraph {", f); helper_vcomponent(c, f); fputs("}", f); fclose(f); return 0; } #define T content_line int trie_to_dot ( TRIE(T)* trie, FILE* f ) { TRIE_NODE(T)* n = trie->root->child; fprintf(f, "\"%p\" [label=root fontcolor=gray, color=gray];", trie); while (n != NULL) { fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\" [color=gray]\n", (void*) trie, (void*) n); fprintf(f, "subgraph \"cluster_%c\" {\n", n->c); trie_to_dot_helper( n, f ); fputs("}", f); n = n->next; } return 0; } int trie_to_dot_helper ( TRIE_NODE(T)* root, FILE* f ) { if (L(root) == NULL) { fprintf(f, "\"%p\"[label = \"%c\" style=filled fillcolor=white];\n", (void*) root, root->c); } else { fprintf(f, "\"%p\"[label = \"%c [%i]\" style=filled fillcolor=green];\n", (void*) root, root->c, SIZE(LLIST(content_set))(L(root)) ); } TRIE_NODE(T)* child = root->child; // ---------------------------------------- #if 1 /* Toggle values */ if (L(root) != NULL) { FOR(LLIST, content_set, v, L(root)) { char buf[0x100]; FMT(strbuf)(&v->key, buf); fprintf(f, "\"%p\" [label=\"%s\" shape=rectangle color=darkgreen];\n", v, buf); /* Edge between TRIE char node and data node */ fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\";\n", root, v); /* Parameters */ LLIST(strbuf)* keys = KEYS(TRIE(param_set))(&v->val); FOR(LLIST, strbuf, key, keys) { param_set* p = GET(TRIE(param_set))(&v->val, key->mem); fprintf(f, "\"%p\" [label=\"%s\" color=blue];\n", key, key->mem); /* Edge between data node and param key node */ fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\";", v, key); FOR(LLIST, strbuf, str, p) { fprintf(f, "\"%p\" [label=\"%s\" color=orange];", str, str->mem); /* Edge between param key node and param value node */ fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\";", key, str); } } } } #endif // ---------------------------------------- while (child != NULL) { fprintf(f, "\"%p\" -> \"%p\";\n", (void*) root, (void*) child); trie_to_dot_helper(child, f); child = child->next; } return 0; }