@node Markup @section Markup @defun sxml->ansi-text tree Takes an HTML-like document in SXML format, and produces a formatted string with embedded ANSI-escapes suitable to print to a terminal. Supported tags are: @table @samp @item group @item block Groups elements, concatenating their format. Mainly here for helper procedres and the like. Also used for the root node. @item header Centers and bolds its content. Attributes will be sent along to the inner @code{
} tag. @item center Center its contents on the line. The output is undefined if the body serializes to a multiline string. @item p A text paragraph. Justifies the content inside. Ends with a double newline, unless the parameter @code{inline} is set. @item b Make content bold. @item i @item em Make content italics. @item code Format content as code. (currently does nothing since we only support output to terminal) @item blockquote Justifies content, and sets it slightly indented. @item ws Forces horizontal whitespace. Use the parameter @code{minwidth} to specify how many spaces should be inserted. @item br Forces a linebreak. @item hr Generates a horrizontal line. @item dl Declares a description list. @item dt A key in a description list, only valid inside @code{dl}. @item dd A value of a description list, only valid inside @code{dl}. @item scheme Set content as Scheme code. The content will be passed through Guile's pretty-print. @end table Almost all of the block environments accept the attribute @var{width}, which specifies the desired output width. @end defun