@node General Utilities @section General Utilities Provided by the module @code{(hnh util)}. @defmac define-syntax [stx] Extends the default syntax from the default @lisp (define-syntax @r{} (λ (stx) body ...)) @end lisp To also allow @lisp (define-syntax (@r{} stx) body ...) @end lisp @end defmac @defmac when pred body ... @defmacx unless pred body ... Extends @var{when} and @var{unless} to return @code{'()} on the false-case (instead of being undefined). @end defmac @defmac aif condition consequent alternate @defmacx awhen condition consequent ... Equivalent to the standard @var{if} and @var{when}@footnote{Actually our extra specialized @var{when}}, but binds the return of @var{condition} in the variable @var{it}. @end defmac @defmac for key in collection body ... @defmacx for (key ...) in collection body ... Syntactic sugar over @code{map}. @example for x in collection body ... @end example expands into @example (map (lambda (x) body ...) collection) @end example If keys are a list, an match-lambda is used instead. @xref{Pattern Matching,,,guile} @end defmac @defmac print-and-return expr Prints @var{expr}, and then returns it. Only evaluates @var{expr} once. @end defmac @defun swap f @math{swap (λ (x y) body ...) ⇔ λ (y x) body ...} @end defun @defmac set! key value ... @defmacx set! key = proc ... @defmacx set! key = (op args ...) ... Extends @var{set!} to allow multiple forms in one, also introduces the cases: @lisp (set! x = f) ⇔ (set! x (f x)) (set! x = (+ 1) ⇔ (set! x (+ x 1)) @end lisp @end defmac @defmac set/r! key value ... See @var{set!}, but also returns the final value. @end defmac @defmac label name proc Equivalent to @lisp (letrec ((name proc)) proc) @end lisp @end defmac @defun sort* items comperator [get=identity] @defunx sort*! items comperator [get=identity] A sort more similar to Python's. Applies @var{get} to each item before calling @var{comperator} on them. @var{sort*!} may modify the input list. @end defun @defun find-extreme items [<=<] [access=identity] Returns 2 values, the most extreme value, as compared by @var{<} after calling @var{access} on each element, along with the remaining values in an undefined order. Should be faster than @var{car+cdr} ∘ @var{sort*}. @end defun @defun find-min list [access=identity] @defunx find-max list [access=identity] See @var{find-extreme} @end defun @defun filter-sorted proc list @c TODO document me @end defun @defun != args ... @lisp (define != (negate =)) @end lisp @end defun @defun take-to lst n Equivalent to @var{take}, but return everything (instead of crash) if n > (length lst). @end defun @defun string-take-to str n Same as @var{take-to}, but for strings @end defun @defun string-first @defunx string-last Returns the first and last character of a string respectivly @end defun @defun as-symb s Returns @code{(string->symbol s)} if @var{s} is a string, @var{s} otherwise. @end defun @defun enumerate lst Returns a list of lists, where the @var{car} is the index in the list, and the @var{cadr} is the corresponding element of the original list @end defun @defun unval proc [n=0] Takes a procedure returning multiple values, and returns a function which takes the same arguments as the original procedure, but only returns one of the procedures. Which procedure can be sent as an additional parameter. @end defun @defun flatten lst Takes an arbitrarily nested list, and flattens it to a depth 1 list @end defun @defmac let-lazy forms body ... Syntactically equivalent to a regular @var{let}, but wraps each variable in @var{forms} in @var{delay}, while it finds each instance of that variable in body and wraps in in @var{force}. @end defmac @defun map/dotted proc dotted-list Like @var{map}, but also works for improper lists. @end defun @defun assq-merge a b @c TODO @end defun @defun kvlist->assq Given a flat list where each odd element (counting from 1) is a keyword, and each even element is any value, return these as a list of pairs of symbols and values. @lisp (kvlist->assq '(#:a 1 #:b "Hello")) ⇒ ((a 1) (b "Hello")) @end lisp @end defun @defun assq-limit alist [number=1] @c TODO document @end defun @defun group-by proc lst Calls @var{proc} on each element in @var{lst}, and return a association list which @code{(proc e)} as its keys, and all elements which mapped to that value. The values returned by @var{proc} are compared as per @code{equal?}. @end defun @defun split-by lst element Split a list into sub-lists on @var{element} @lisp (split-by '(0 1 2 3 4 2 5 6) 2) ⇒ ((0 1) (3 4) (5 6)) @end lisp @end defun @defun span-upto count predicate list Simar to span from srfi-1, but never takes more than @var{count} items. Can however still take less. @example (span-upto 2 char-numeric? (string->list "123456")) ⇒ (#\1 #\2) ⇒ (#\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) (span-upto 2 char-numeric? (string->list "H123456")) ⇒ () ⇒ (#\H #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6) @end example @end defun @defun cross-product args ... Returns the cross product between all given lists. Each pair will be a list, whose indices matches the order of the inputs @end defun @defun string-flatten tree @c TODO document me @end defun @defun intersperse item list Inserts @var{item} between each element in @var{list}. @end defun @defun insert-ordered item collection [<=<] Inserts @var{item} into @var{collection}, such that collection remainins sorted if it was sorted beforehand. @end defun @defmac -> item forms ... @defmacx ->> item forms ... Applies each form onto item, from left to right. A form can either by a symbol, which is the applied directly, or a list, in which case @var{->} inserts item as the second argument (after the operand), and @var{->>} inserts it last. @end defmac @defmac set (accessor object) value @defmacx set (accessor object) = (operation args ...) See @xref{SRFI-9 Records,,,guile} @end defmac @defmac set-> object (accessor value) rest ... @defmacx set-> object (accessor = (operator args)) rest ... Wrapper around @var{set}, but applies transformations from left to right, similar to @var{->}. @end defmac @defmac and=>> value procedures ... Chained application of @code{and=>}, so applies each procedure from left to right, stopping when one return @code{#f}. @end defmac @defun downcase-symbol Converts a symbol to lower case. @end defun @defun group list chunk-size Splits @var{list} into sub-lists of size @var{chunk-size}. Requires that @math{chunk-size|(length list)} @end defun @defun iterate proc until base Repeatedly applies @var{proc} to @var{base}, until @var{until} is satisfied. @end defun @defun valued-map proc lists ... Applies a procedure which returns multiple values to each element of a list, and returns all values returned from all procedure calls. @example (define (± x) (values x (- x))) (valued-map ± '(1 2)) ⇒ 1 ⇒ -1 ⇒ 2 ⇒ -2 @end example @end defun @defun assoc-ref-all alist key @defunx assq-ref-all alist key @defunx assv-ref-all alist key Equivalent to assoc-ref (and family), but works on association lists with non-unique keys, returning all mathing records (instead of just the first). @lisp (assoc-ref-all '((a . 1) (b . 2) (a . 3)) 'a) ⇒ (1 3) @end lisp @end defun @defun vector-last v Returns the last element of @var{v}. @end defun @defun ->string any Converts @var{any} to a string, as per @var{display}. @end defun @defmac let-env bindings body ... Similar to @var{let}, but sets environment variables for the code in body. Restores the old values once we leave. @end defmac @defmac catch* thunk (symbol proc) ... Macro allowing multiple exception types to be caught. Each (symbol proc) pair expands to a regular @code{catch}, with the leftmost being innermost. @var{Symbol} can also be on the form @code{(pre-unwind @var{symbol})}, then @code{with-throw-handler} is used instead of @code{catch}. @end defmac @subsection UUID generation Provided by module @code{(hnh util uuid)}. @defun uuid-v4 Generates a UUID-v4 string. @end defun @defun uuid Generates an implementation defined (but guaranteed valid) UUID. @end defun @subsection IO Provided by module @code{(hnh util io)}. @defun open-input-port path @defunx open-output-port path Like @code{open-*-file}, but ``-'' gives @code{standard-@{input,output@}}. @end defun @defun read-lines port Return a list of all lines read from port. @end defun @defun with-atomic-output-to-file filename thunk Same functionality as the regular @var{with-output-to-file}, but with the difference that either everything is written, or nothing is written, and if anything is written it's all written atomicaly at once (the original file will never contain an intermidiate state). Does NOT handle race conditions between threads. propagates the return value of @var{thunk} upon successfully writing the file, and @code{#f} otherwise. @end defun @defun call-with-tmpfile proc [#:tmpl ``/tmp/file-XXXXXXX''] @end defun @defun read-file path Open file at path, and return its content as a string. @end defun