@node Exception & Warning Utilities @section Exception & Warning Utilities @anchor{warning} Warnings are like exceptions, but only fatal when wanted. @code{(hnh util exceptions)} @defun warning fmt args ... Emit a warning. If the parameter @var{warnings-are-errors} is true, then an exception of type @code{'warning} will be raised, with @var{fmt} and @var{args} as arguments. If that parameter is false, then the procedure in @var{warning-handler} will instead be called. @end defun @deftp {parameter} warning-handler Parameter containing proceudre which will be called for non-throwing warnings. This procedure is assumed by the program to log the warning in some way, and continue program flow. But anything goes. The procedure is given a format specifier (as per Scheme's basic @code{format}), along with the correct number of arguments. @end deftp @deftp {parameter} warnings-are-errors Boolean parameter, which if set causes warnings to be thrown as exceptions. @end deftp @defun fatal fmt args ... Display the message in fmt, populated with args, then raises the UNIX signal SIGINT, which kills the program. @end defun @defun filter-stack pred? stack @c TODO document me @end defun @defun unreachable procedure fmt args Marks that a code path should be unreachable. Throws an exception which should never be caught (an @code{(exit -1)} would also have worked, but would make debugging harder). @var{procedure} is the procedure which reached an ``impossible'' state, @var{fmt} a format string, and @var{args} arguments to that format string. @end defun