CALP Hugo Hörnquist 2020-03-10 Calp is primarily a program for loading calendar files (.ics's) from drendering them in different formats. The goal is however to also support fancy filtering, an edit server, and more. The currently working frontends is the HTML-frontend, which have the two main modes of a month-by-month in "week" view, or a table of a single month, and the terminal frontend. The terminatend is mostly for debugging purposes, but it's quite usable still. For basic usage, create a file ~/.config/calp/config.scm which (at leasts) calls the f`calendar-files' with a list of files or directories containing ics file. (Both single calendar files, and vdir's are supported, see vdirsyncer and ikhal). Then run: ./main html --chunked --count 1 Which should generate a single HTML-page for the current month. Contributing ------------ Contributions are more than welcome. Patches, feature requests, bug repports, and other stuff should be sent to . If you want to contribute something yourself, either see TODO.* for things to do, or run `grep -RE 'TODO|NOTE'. Requirements & Dependencies --------------------------- For basic functionallity guile-2.2 or greater should be enough (tested to work with guile-3.0). You do however need to supply your own calendar files. I recommend vdirsyncer for fetching local copies from all over the internet. For popups to work the JS library Tipped is also needed, which brings a transitive dependency on JQuery. The script `download-deps' fetches both into "good" places in the static sub-directory. Tipped [TIPPED] is used under Creative Commons BY 4.0 [CCBY], © staaky. JQuery is used in accordance to their license [JQUERY]. The zoneinfo data [TZ] is in the public domain [TZLIC]. Building -------- Since guile is primarily a scripting language no explicit compilation step is required. Just run module/main.scm and the appropriate modules will be compiled (guile will tell you what it's doing). For building this README, run module/main.scm text < > README Techical Details ---------------- - Internally all weeks start on sunday, which is repsenented as `0'. References ---------- [TIPPED] [CCBY] [JQUERY] [TZ] [TZLIC]