path: root/tests/test/cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 436 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test/cpp/cpp-environment.scm b/tests/test/cpp/cpp-environment.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8600c731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/cpp/cpp-environment.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(define-module (test cpp cpp-environmunt)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module (c cpp-environment)
+ :use-module (c cpp-environment object-like-macro)
+ )
+(let ((e (make-environment)))
+ (test-equal '(outside) (cpp-if-status e))
+ (let ((e* (enter-active-if e)))
+ (test-equal "Enter works" '(active-if outside) (cpp-if-status e*))
+ (test-equal "Original object remainins unmodified"
+ '(outside) (cpp-if-status e))))
+(define cpp-file-stack (@@ (c cpp-environment) cpp-file-stack))
+(let ((e (make-environment)))
+ (test-equal "Default file stack" '(("*outside*" . 1)) (cpp-file-stack e))
+ (let ((e* (enter-file e "test.c")))
+ (test-equal "File stack after entering file"
+ '(("test.c" . 1) ("*outside*" . 1)) (cpp-file-stack e*))
+ (let ((e** (bump-line e*)))
+ (test-equal 2 (current-line e**)))))
+(let ((e (make-environment)))
+ (let ((e* (add-identifier!
+ e "key"
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "key"
+ body: '((preprocessing-token (identifier "value")))))))
+ (let ((result (get-identifier e* "key")))
+ (test-assert (macro? result))
+ (test-equal '((preprocessing-token (identifier "value")))
+ (macro-body result))))
+ ;; (get-identifier e "key") here is undefined
+ )
+(let ((e (make-environment)))
+ (let ((result (get-identifier e "key")))
+ (test-assert "Missing identifier returns #f"
+ (not result)))
+ )
diff --git a/tests/test/cpp/lex2.scm b/tests/test/cpp/lex2.scm
index 0342e25c..762ff176 100644
--- a/tests/test/cpp/lex2.scm
+++ b/tests/test/cpp/lex2.scm
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
(test-equal "Integer literal"
- '(preprocessing-token (pp-number "10"))
+ '((preprocessing-token (pp-number "10")))
(lex "10"))
(test-equal "String literal"
- '(preprocessing-token (string-literal "Hello"))
+ '((preprocessing-token (string-literal "Hello")))
(lex "\"Hello\""))
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
(lex " 10 "))
(test-equal "Char literal"
- '(preprocessing-token (character-constant "a"))
+ '((preprocessing-token (character-constant "a")))
(lex "'a'"))
(test-equal "Comment inside string"
- '(preprocessing-token (string-literal "Hel/*lo"))
+ '((preprocessing-token (string-literal "Hel/*lo")))
(lex "\"Hel/*lo\""))
(test-equal "#define line"
@@ -62,3 +62,19 @@
(preprocessing-token (punctuator ")")))
(lex "f(1, (2, 3), 4)"))
+;; Generating a single lexeme
+;; (whitespace " ")
+;; would also be ok
+(test-equal "Grouped whitespace"
+ '((whitespace " ")
+ (whitespace " "))
+ (lex " "))
+(test-equal "Newlines get sepparate whitespace tokens"
+ '((whitespace " ")
+ (whitespace " ")
+ (whitespace "\n")
+ (whitespace " "))
+ (lex " \n "))
diff --git a/tests/test/cpp/preprocessor2.scm b/tests/test/cpp/preprocessor2.scm
index 117b7e49..3d62e224 100644
--- a/tests/test/cpp/preprocessor2.scm
+++ b/tests/test/cpp/preprocessor2.scm
@@ -1,22 +1,38 @@
(define-module (test cpp preprocessor2)
:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-88))
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64 util)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-64 test-error)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (unval))
+ :use-module (c preprocessor2)
+ :use-module (c cpp-environment)
+ :use-module (c cpp-environment function-like-macro)
+ :use-module (c cpp-environment object-like-macro)
+ :use-module (c lex2))
+;; TODO Not yet implemented
+;; (test-expect-fail (test-match-group "Stringify"))
+;; (test-expect-fail
+;; (test-match-all (test-match-group "Expand stringifiers")
+;; (test-match-name "Correct stringification of one param")))
+(define tokens-until-eol (@@ (c preprocessor2) tokens-until-eol))
(test-group "Tokens until End Of Line"
- (call-with-values
- (lambda ()
- (tokens-until-eol
- '(before (whitespace "\n") after)))
- (lambda (bef aft)
- (test-equal '(before) bef)
- (test-equal '((whitespace "\n") after) aft))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (tokens-until-eol
+ '(before (whitespace "\n") after)))
+ (lambda (bef aft)
+ (test-equal '(before) bef)
+ (test-equal '((whitespace "\n") after) aft))))
+(define squeeze-whitespace (@@ (c preprocessor2) squeeze-whitespace))
(test-equal "Squeeze whitespace"
- '(bef (whitespace " ") aft)
+ '(bef (whitespace " ") aft)
(whitespace a)
@@ -25,5 +41,350 @@
-(test-equal "("
- (stringify-token '(preprocessor-token (operator "("))))
+(define stringify-token (@@ (c preprocessor2) stringify-token))
+(define stringify-tokens (@@ (c preprocessor2) stringify-tokens))
+(test-group "Stringify"
+ (test-equal "("
+ (stringify-token '(punctuator "(")))
+ ;; TODO more cases
+ (test-equal (car (lex "\"(a, b)\""))
+ (stringify-tokens (lex "(a, b)")))
+ )
+(define parse-identifier-list (@@ (c preprocessor2) parse-identifier-list))
+(test-group "Parse identifier list"
+ (test-group "Single argument"
+ (let ((rest args (parse-identifier-list (lex "x"))))
+ (test-assert (not rest))
+ (test-equal '("x") args)))
+ (test-group "Multiple parameters"
+ (let ((rest args (parse-identifier-list (lex "x, y"))))
+ (test-assert (not rest))
+ (test-equal '("x" "y") args)))
+ (test-group "Rest args after regular"
+ (let ((rest args (parse-identifier-list (lex "x, ..."))))
+ (test-assert rest)
+ (test-equal '("x") args)))
+ (test-group "Only rest args"
+ (let ((rest args (parse-identifier-list (lex "..."))))
+ (test-assert rest)
+ (test-equal '() args)))
+ (test-group "Errors"
+ (test-error "Compound forms are invalid"
+ 'cpp-error (parse-identifier-list (lex "(y)")))
+ (test-error "Non-identifier atoms are invalid"
+ 'cpp-error (parse-identifier-list (lex "1")))
+ (test-error "Rest args not at end is invalid"
+ 'cpp-error (parse-identifier-list (lex "..., y")))))
+(define expand-stringifiers (@@ (c preprocessor2) expand-stringifiers))
+(define build-parameter-map (@@ (c preprocessor2) build-parameter-map))
+(define parse-parameter-list (@@ (c preprocessor2) parse-parameter-list))
+(define cleanup-whitespace (@@ (c preprocessor2) cleanup-whitespace))
+(test-equal "Clean up whitespace"
+ (lex "( 2 , 4 )")
+ (cleanup-whitespace (lex " \n ( 2 , \n 4 ) \t ")))
+;; Parameter lists (the callsite arguments to the macro)
+(test-group "Parameter list"
+ (test-group "Empty parameter list"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls (parse-parameter-list (lex "()"))))
+ (test-equal '() containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls)))
+ (test-group "Single value in parameter list"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls (parse-parameter-list (lex "(x)"))))
+ (test-equal (list (lex "x")) containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls)))
+ (test-group "Two values in parameter list"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls (parse-parameter-list (lex "(x, y)"))))
+ (test-equal (list (lex "x")
+ (lex "y"))
+ containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls)))
+ (test-group "Three values in parameter list"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls (parse-parameter-list (lex "(x, y, z)"))))
+ (test-equal (list (lex "x")
+ (lex "y")
+ (lex "z"))
+ containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls)))
+ (test-group "Numeric parameter"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls (parse-parameter-list (lex "(1)"))))
+ (test-equal (list (lex "1")) containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls))
+ )
+ (test-group "Two values, one of which is a paretheseed pair"
+ (let ((containing remaining nls
+ (parse-parameter-list (lex "(x, (y, z))"))))
+ (test-equal (list (lex "x") (lex "(y, z)"))
+ containing)
+ (test-equal '() remaining)
+ (test-equal 0 nls))))
+(test-group "Build parameter map"
+ (test-equal "Simplest case, zero arguments"
+ '()
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ body: (lex "#x"))))
+ (build-parameter-map
+ m '() #; (list (lex "x"))
+ )))
+ (test-equal "Single (simple) argument"
+ `(("x" . ,(lex "x")))
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '("x")
+ body: '())))
+ (build-parameter-map
+ m
+ (list (lex "x")))))
+ (test-equal "Single advanced argument"
+ `(("x" . ,(lex "(x)")))
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '("x")
+ body: '())))
+ (build-parameter-map
+ m (list (lex "(x)")))))
+ (test-group "Rest arguments"
+ (test-equal "Single simple"
+ `(("__VA_ARGS__" . ,(list (lex "x"))))
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ variadic?: #t
+ body: '())))
+ (build-parameter-map
+ m (list (lex "x")))))
+ #;
+ (test-equal "Two simple"
+ '()
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ variadic?: #t
+ body: '())))
+ (build-parameter-map
+ m (list (lex "x")))))
+ ))
+(test-group "Expand stringifiers"
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '("x")
+ body: (lex "#x"))))
+ (test-equal "Correct stringification of one param"
+ (lex "\"10\"")
+ (expand-stringifiers
+ m (build-parameter-map
+ m (list (lex "10"))))))
+ (let ((m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "str"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ body: (lex "#x"))))
+ (test-error "Stringification fails for non-parameters"
+ 'macro-expand-error
+ (expand-stringifiers
+ m (build-parameter-map
+ m (list (lex "x")))))))
+;; TODO expand-join
+;; token ## token2
+(define join-file-line (@@ (c preprocessor2) join-file-line))
+(let ((e (join-file-line (make-environment))))
+ (test-equal (object-like-macro identifier: "__FILE__"
+ body: '((preprocessing-token (string-literal "*outside*"))))
+ (get-identifier e "__FILE__"))
+ (test-equal (object-like-macro identifier: "__LINE__"
+ body: '((preprocessing-token (pp-number "1"))))
+ (get-identifier e "__LINE__")))
+(define resolve-token-stream (@@ (c preprocessor2) resolve-token-stream))
+(test-group "Token streams"
+ (test-group "Non-expanding"
+ (test-equal "Null stream"
+ '() (resolve-token-stream (make-environment) '()))
+ (test-equal "Constant resolve to themselves"
+ (lex "1") (resolve-token-stream (make-environment) (lex "1")))
+ (test-equal "Identifier-likes not in environment stay put"
+ (lex "x") (resolve-token-stream (make-environment) (lex "x")))
+ (test-equal "Identifier-likes with stuff after keep stuff after"
+ (lex "x 1") (resolve-token-stream (make-environment) (lex "x 1"))))
+ (test-group "Object likes"
+ (test-equal "Expansion of single token"
+ (lex "10") (resolve-token-stream (extend-environment (make-environment)
+ (list (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x"
+ body: (lex "10"))))
+ (lex "x")))
+ (test-equal "Expansion keeps stuff after"
+ (lex "10 1") (resolve-token-stream (extend-environment (make-environment)
+ (list (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x"
+ body: (lex "10"))))
+ (lex "x 1")))
+ (test-equal "Multiple object like macros in one stream"
+ (lex "10 20")
+ (resolve-token-stream (extend-environment (make-environment)
+ (list (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x"
+ body: (lex "10"))
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "y"
+ body: (lex "20"))))
+ (lex "x y")))
+ )
+ ;; TODO
+ ;; (test-group "Function likes")
+ ;; (test-group "Mix of object and function likes")
+ )
+(define expand-macro (@@ (c preprocessor2) expand-macro))
+(define resolve-define (@@ (c preprocessor2) resolve-define))
+(define apply-macro (@@ (c preprocessor2) apply-macro))
+(define maybe-extend-identifier (@@ (c preprocessor2) maybe-extend-identifier))
+(test-group "Macro expansion"
+ (test-group "Expand macro part 1"
+ ;; Expand object like macros
+ ;; apply-macro depends on this, but expand macro with function like macros
+ ;; depend on apply-macro, thereby the two parter
+ (test-group "Object like macros"
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (expand-macro (make-environment)
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x" body: (lex "1 + 2"))
+ '()))
+ (lambda (_ tokens) (test-equal "Simplest case" (lex "1 + 2") tokens)))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (expand-macro (make-environment)
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x" body: (lex "1+2"))
+ (cdr (lex "x something else"))))
+ (lambda (_ tokens) (test-equal "Expansion with stuff after"
+ (lex "1+2 something else") tokens)))
+ ;; (call-with-values (expand-macro (make-environment)))
+ ))
+(test-group "Maybe extend identifier"
+ (test-equal "Non-identifier returns remaining"
+ '() ((unval maybe-extend-identifier 1)
+ (make-environment)
+ "x"
+ '()))
+ (test-equal "Non-identifiers remaining tokens are returned verbatim"
+ '(remaining) ((unval maybe-extend-identifier 1)
+ (make-environment)
+ "x"
+ '(remaining)))
+ (test-equal "Object like identifier expands"
+ (lex "1 + 2")
+ ((unval maybe-extend-identifier 1)
+ (extend-environment (make-environment)
+ (list
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x"
+ body: (lex "1 + 2"))))
+ "x"
+ '()))
+ (test-equal "Object like macro still returns remaining verbatim"
+ (append (lex "1 + 2") '(remaining))
+ ((unval maybe-extend-identifier 1)
+ (extend-environment (make-environment)
+ (list
+ (object-like-macro
+ identifier: "x"
+ body: (lex "1 + 2"))))
+ "x"
+ '(remaining)))
+ )
+ (test-group "Apply macro"
+ (test-equal "zero arg macro on nothing"
+ (lex "1")
+ (apply-macro
+ (make-environment)
+ (function-like-macro identifier: "f"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ body: (lex "1"))
+ '()))
+ (test-equal "Single arg macro"
+ (lex "10")
+ (apply-macro
+ (make-environment)
+ (function-like-macro identifier: "f"
+ identifier-list: '("x")
+ body: (lex "x"))
+ (lex "10"))))
+ (test-group "Expand macro part 2"
+ (test-group "Function like macros"
+ (let ((e (make-environment))
+ (m (function-like-macro
+ identifier: "f"
+ identifier-list: '()
+ body: (lex "1"))))
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (expand-macro e m (lex "()")))
+ (lambda (_ tokens*) (test-equal (lex "1") tokens*)))
+ ;; TODO this should raise an arity error
+ (call-with-values (lambda () (expand-macro e m (lex "(10)")))
+ (lambda (_ tokens*) (test-equal '() tokens*)))))))
+(define apply-macro (@@ (c preprocessor2) apply-macro))
+;; (resolve-define (make-environment)
+;; (lex "f(x) x+1"))