path: root/static
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 477 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/static/globals.js b/static/globals.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b881c531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/globals.js
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+"use strict";
+class VEventValue {
+ constructor (type, value, parameters = {}) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.parameters = parameters;
+ }
+/* maybe ... */
+class VEventDuration extends VEventValue {
+class VEvent {
+ constructor (properties = {}, components = []) {
+ this.properties = properties;
+ this.components = components;
+ this.registered = [];
+ }
+ getProperty (key) {
+ let e = this.properties[key];
+ if (! e) return e;
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ setProperty (key, value) {
+ let e = this.properties[key];
+ if (! e) {
+ let type = (valid_input_types[key.toUpperCase()] || ['unknown'])[0]
+ if (typeof type === typeof []) type = type[0];
+ e = this.properties[key] = new VEventValue(type, value);
+ } else {
+ e.value = value;
+ }
+ for (let el of this.registered) {
+ el.redraw(this);
+ }
+ }
+ register (htmlNode) {
+ this.registered.push(htmlNode);
+ }
+function make_vevent_value (value_tag) {
+ /* TODO parameters */
+ return new VEventValue (value_tag.tagName, make_vevent_value_ (value_tag));
+function make_vevent_value_ (value_tag) {
+ /* RFC6321 3.6. */
+ switch (value_tag.tagName) {
+ case 'binary':
+ /* Base64 to binary
+ Seems to handle inline whitespace, which xCal standard reqires
+ */
+ return atob(value_tag.innerHTML)
+ break;
+ case 'boolean':
+ switch (value_tag.innerHTML) {
+ case 'true': return true;
+ case 'false': return false;
+ default:
+ console.warn(`Bad boolean ${value_tag.innerHTML}, defaulting with !!`)
+ return !! value_tag.innerHTML;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'time':
+ case 'date':
+ case 'date-time':
+ return parseDate(value_tag.innerHTML);
+ break;
+ case 'duration':
+ /* TODO duration parser here 'P1D' */
+ return value_tag.innerHTML;
+ break;
+ case 'float':
+ case 'integer':
+ return +value_tag.innerHTML;
+ break;
+ case 'period':
+ /* TODO has sub components, meaning that a string wont do */
+ let start = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('start')[0]
+ parseDate(start.innerHTML);
+ let other;
+ if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('end')[0])) {
+ return parseDate(other.innerHTML)
+ } else if ((other = value_tag.getElementsByTagName('duration')[0])) {
+ /* TODO parse duration */
+ return other.innerHTML
+ } else {
+ console.warn('Invalid end to period, defaulting to 1H');
+ return new Date(3600);
+ }
+ case 'recur':
+ /* TODO parse */
+ return "";
+ case 'uc-offset':
+ /* TODO parse */
+ return "";
+ default:
+ console.warn(`Unknown type '${value_tag.tagName}', defaulting to string`)
+ case 'cal-address':
+ case 'uri':
+ case 'text':
+ return value_tag.innerHTML;
+ }
+/* xml dom object -> class VEvent */
+function xml_to_vcal (xml) {
+ /* xml MUST have a VEVENT (or equivalent) as its root */
+ let properties = xml.getElementsByTagName('properties')[0];
+ let components = xml.getElementsByTagName('components')[0];
+ let property_map = {}
+ if (properties) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < properties.childElementCount; i++) {
+ let tag = properties.childNodes[i];
+ let parameters = {};
+ let value = [];
+ for (var j = 0; j < tag.childElementCount; j++) {
+ let child = tag.childNodes[j];
+ switch (tag.tagName) {
+ case 'parameters':
+ parameters = /* handle parameters */ {};
+ break;
+ /* These can contain multiple value tags, per
+ RFC6321 */
+ case 'categories':
+ case 'resources':
+ case 'freebusy':
+ case 'exdate':
+ case 'rdate':
+ value.push(make_vevent_value(child));
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = make_vevent_value(child);
+ }
+ }
+ property_map[tag.tagName] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ let component_list = []
+ if (components) {
+ for (let child of components.childNodes) {
+ component_list.push(xml_to_vcal(child))
+ }
+ }
+ return new VEvent(property_map, component_list)
+const vcal_objects = {};
+class ComponentVEvent extends HTMLElement {
+ constructor () {
+ super ();
+ this.template = document.getElementById(this.tagName);
+ /* We DON'T have a redraw here in the general case, since the
+ HTML rendered server-side should be fine enough for us.
+ Those that need a direct rerendering (such as the edit tabs)
+ should take care of that some other way */
+ }
+ redraw (data) {
+ // update ourselves from template
+ if (! this.template) {
+ throw "Something";
+ }
+ let body = this.template.content.cloneNode(true).firstElementChild;
+ for (let el of body.getElementsByClassName("bind")) {
+ let p = el.dataset.property;
+ let d;
+ if ((d = data.getProperty(p))) {
+ /* TODO format */
+ el.innerHTML = d;
+ }
+ }
+ this.replaceChildren(body);
+ }
+class ComponentDescription extends ComponentVEvent {
+ constructor () {
+ super() ;
+ }
+class ComponentEdit extends ComponentVEvent {
+ constructor () {
+ super();
+ /* Edit tab is rendered here. It's left blank server-side, since
+ it only makes sense to have something here if we have javascript */
+ this.redraw(vcal_objects[this.dataset.uid]);
+ }
+class ComponentBlock extends ComponentVEvent {
+ constructor () {
+ super();
+ }
+window.addEventListener('load', function () {
+ // let json_objects_el = document.getElementById('json-objects');
+ let div = document.getElementById('xcal-data');
+ let vevents = div.firstElementChild.childNodes;
+ for (let vevent of vevents) {
+ let ev = xml_to_vcal(vevent);
+ vcal_objects[ev.getProperty('uid')] = ev
+ }
+ /*
+ - .popup
+ - .block
+ - .list
+ */
+ let vevent_els = document.getElementsByClassName('vevent')
+ for (let el of vevent_els) {
+ try {
+ vcal_objects[el.dataset.uid].register(el);
+ } catch {
+ console.error("Invalid something, uid = ", el.dataset.uid,
+ "el = ", el
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define('vevent-description', ComponentDescription);
+ customElements.define('vevent-edit', ComponentEdit);
+ customElements.define('vevent-block', ComponentBlock);
diff --git a/static/script.js b/static/script.js
index a0d58c27..05ae61c5 100644
--- a/static/script.js
+++ b/static/script.js
@@ -4,211 +4,211 @@
calp specific stuff
-class EventCreator {
- /* dynamicly created event when dragging */
- constructor() {
- this.event = false;
- this.event_start = { x: NaN, y: NaN };
- this.down_on_event = false;
- }
- create_empty_event () {
- /* TODO this doesn't clone JS attributes */
- let event = document.getElementById("event-template")
- .firstChild.cloneNode(true);
- let popup = document.getElementById("popup-template")
- .firstChild.cloneNode(true);
- /* -------------------- */
- /* Manually transfer or recreate attributes which we still need */
- /* TODO shouldn't these use transferListeners (or similar)?
- See input_list.js:transferListeners */
- for (let dt of popup.getElementsByClassName("date-time")) {
- init_date_time_single(dt);
- }
- popup.getElementsByClassName("edit-form")[0].onsubmit = function () {
- create_event(event);
- return false; /* stop default */
- }
- /* -------------------- */
- /* Fix tabs for newly created popup */
- let id = gensym ("__js_event");
- // TODO remove button?
- // $("button 2??").onclick = `remove_event(document.getElementById('${id}'))`
- let tabgroup_id = gensym();
- for (let tab of popup.querySelectorAll(".tabgroup .tab")) {
- let new_id = gensym();
- let input = tab.querySelector("input");
- input.id = new_id;
- input.name = tabgroup_id;
- tab.querySelector("label").setAttribute('for', new_id);
- }
- let nav = popup.getElementsByClassName("popup-control")[0];
- bind_popup_control(nav);
- /* -------------------- */
- // TODO download links
- /* -------------------- */
- event.id = id;
- popup.id = "popup" + id;
- return [popup, event];
- }
- create_event_down (intended_target) {
- let that = this;
- return function (e) {
- /* Only trigger event creation stuff on actuall events background,
- NOT on its children */
- that.down_on_event = false;
- if (e.target != intended_target) return;
- that.down_on_event = true;
- that.event_start.x = e.clientX;
- that.event_start.y = e.clientY;
- }
- }
- /*
- round_to: what start and end times should round to when dragging, in fractions
- of the width of the containing container.
- TODO limit this to only continue when on the intended event_container.
- (event → [0, 1)), 𝐑, bool → event → ()
- */
- create_event_move(pos_in, round_to=1, wide_element=false) {
- let that = this;
- return function (e) {
- if (e.buttons != 1 || ! that.down_on_event) return;
- /* Create event when we start moving the mouse. */
- if (! that.event) {
- /* Small deadzone so tiny click and drags aren't registered */
- if (Math.abs(that.event_start.x - e.clientX) < 10
- && Math.abs(that.event_start.y - e.clientY) < 5)
- { return; }
- /* only allow start of dragging on background */
- if (e.target != this) return;
- /* only on left click */
- if (e.buttons != 1) return;
- let [popup, event] = that.create_empty_event();
- that.event = event;
- /* TODO better solution to add popup to DOM */
- document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0].append(popup);
- /* [0, 1) -- where are we in the container */
- /* Ronud to force steps of quarters */
- /* NOTE for in-day events a floor here work better, while for
- all day events I want a round, but which has the tip over point
- around 0.7 instead of 0.5.
- It might also be an idea to subtract a tiny bit from the short events
- mouse position, since I feel I always get to late starts.
- */
- let time = round_time(pos_in(this, e), round_to);
- event.dataset.time1 = time;
- event.dataset.time2 = time;
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- this.appendChild(event);
- /* requires that event is child of an '.event-container'. */
- new VComponent(
- event,
- wide_element=wide_element);
- // bind_properties(event, wide_element);
- /* requires that dtstart and dtend properties are initialized */
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- /* Makes all current events transparent when dragging over them.
- Without this weird stuff happens when moving over them
- This includes ourselves.
- */
- for (let e of this.children) {
- e.style.pointerEvents = "none";
- }
- }
- let time1 = Number(that.event.dataset.time1);
- let time2 = that.event.dataset.time2 =
- round_time(pos_in(that.event.parentElement, e),
- round_to);
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- let event_container = that.event.closest(".event-container");
- /* These two are in UTC */
- let container_start = parseDate(event_container.dataset.start);
- let container_end = parseDate(event_container.dataset.end);
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- /* ms */
- let duration = container_end - container_start;
- let start_in_duration = duration * Math.min(time1,time2);
- let end_in_duration = duration * Math.max(time1,time2);
- /* Notice that these are converted to UTC, since the intervals are given
- in utc, and I only really care about local time (which a specific local
- timezone doesn't give me)
- */
- /* TODO Should these inherit UTC from container_*? */
- let d1 = new Date(container_start.getTime() + start_in_duration)
- let d2 = new Date(container_start.getTime() + end_in_duration)
- // console.log(that.event);
- console.log(d1, d2);
- that.event.properties.dtstart = d1;
- that.event.properties.dtend = d2;
- }
- }
- create_event_finisher (callback) {
- let that = this;
- return function create_event_up (e) {
- if (! that.event) return;
- /* Restore pointer events for all existing events.
- Allow pointer events on our new event
- */
- for (let e of that.event.parentElement.children) {
- e.style.pointerEvents = "";
- }
- place_in_edit_mode(that.event);
- let localevent = that.event;
- that.event = null;
- callback (localevent);
- }
- }
+// class EventCreator {
+// /* dynamicly created event when dragging */
+// constructor() {
+// this.event = false;
+// this.event_start = { x: NaN, y: NaN };
+// this.down_on_event = false;
+// }
+// create_empty_event () {
+// /* TODO this doesn't clone JS attributes */
+// let event = document.getElementById("event-template")
+// .firstChild.cloneNode(true);
+// let popup = document.getElementById("popup-template")
+// .firstChild.cloneNode(true);
+// /* -------------------- */
+// /* Manually transfer or recreate attributes which we still need */
+// /* TODO shouldn't these use transferListeners (or similar)?
+// See input_list.js:transferListeners */
+// for (let dt of popup.getElementsByClassName("date-time")) {
+// init_date_time_single(dt);
+// }
+// popup.getElementsByClassName("edit-form")[0].onsubmit = function () {
+// create_event(event);
+// return false; /* stop default */
+// }
+// /* -------------------- */
+// /* Fix tabs for newly created popup */
+// let id = gensym ("__js_event");
+// // TODO remove button?
+// // $("button 2??").onclick = `remove_event(document.getElementById('${id}'))`
+// let tabgroup_id = gensym();
+// for (let tab of popup.querySelectorAll(".tabgroup .tab")) {
+// let new_id = gensym();
+// let input = tab.querySelector("input");
+// input.id = new_id;
+// input.name = tabgroup_id;
+// tab.querySelector("label").setAttribute('for', new_id);
+// }
+// let nav = popup.getElementsByClassName("popup-control")[0];
+// bind_popup_control(nav);
+// /* -------------------- */
+// // TODO download links
+// /* -------------------- */
+// event.id = id;
+// popup.id = "popup" + id;
+// return [popup, event];
+// }
+// create_event_down (intended_target) {
+// let that = this;
+// return function (e) {
+// /* Only trigger event creation stuff on actuall events background,
+// NOT on its children */
+// that.down_on_event = false;
+// if (e.target != intended_target) return;
+// that.down_on_event = true;
+// that.event_start.x = e.clientX;
+// that.event_start.y = e.clientY;
+// }
+// }
+// /*
+// round_to: what start and end times should round to when dragging, in fractions
+// of the width of the containing container.
+// TODO limit this to only continue when on the intended event_container.
+// (event → [0, 1)), 𝐑, bool → event → ()
+// */
+// create_event_move(pos_in, round_to=1, wide_element=false) {
+// let that = this;
+// return function (e) {
+// if (e.buttons != 1 || ! that.down_on_event) return;
+// /* Create event when we start moving the mouse. */
+// if (! that.event) {
+// /* Small deadzone so tiny click and drags aren't registered */
+// if (Math.abs(that.event_start.x - e.clientX) < 10
+// && Math.abs(that.event_start.y - e.clientY) < 5)
+// { return; }
+// /* only allow start of dragging on background */
+// if (e.target != this) return;
+// /* only on left click */
+// if (e.buttons != 1) return;
+// let [popup, event] = that.create_empty_event();
+// that.event = event;
+// /* TODO better solution to add popup to DOM */
+// document.getElementsByTagName("main")[0].append(popup);
+// /* [0, 1) -- where are we in the container */
+// /* Ronud to force steps of quarters */
+// /* NOTE for in-day events a floor here work better, while for
+// all day events I want a round, but which has the tip over point
+// around 0.7 instead of 0.5.
+// It might also be an idea to subtract a tiny bit from the short events
+// mouse position, since I feel I always get to late starts.
+// */
+// let time = round_time(pos_in(this, e), round_to);
+// event.dataset.time1 = time;
+// event.dataset.time2 = time;
+// /* ---------------------------------------- */
+// this.appendChild(event);
+// /* requires that event is child of an '.event-container'. */
+// new VComponent(
+// event,
+// wide_element=wide_element);
+// // bind_properties(event, wide_element);
+// /* requires that dtstart and dtend properties are initialized */
+// /* ---------------------------------------- */
+// /* Makes all current events transparent when dragging over them.
+// Without this weird stuff happens when moving over them
+// This includes ourselves.
+// */
+// for (let e of this.children) {
+// e.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+// }
+// }
+// let time1 = Number(that.event.dataset.time1);
+// let time2 = that.event.dataset.time2 =
+// round_time(pos_in(that.event.parentElement, e),
+// round_to);
+// /* ---------------------------------------- */
+// let event_container = that.event.closest(".event-container");
+// /* These two are in UTC */
+// let container_start = parseDate(event_container.dataset.start);
+// let container_end = parseDate(event_container.dataset.end);
+// /* ---------------------------------------- */
+// /* ms */
+// let duration = container_end - container_start;
+// let start_in_duration = duration * Math.min(time1,time2);
+// let end_in_duration = duration * Math.max(time1,time2);
+// /* Notice that these are converted to UTC, since the intervals are given
+// in utc, and I only really care about local time (which a specific local
+// timezone doesn't give me)
+// */
+// /* TODO Should these inherit UTC from container_*? */
+// let d1 = new Date(container_start.getTime() + start_in_duration)
+// let d2 = new Date(container_start.getTime() + end_in_duration)
+// // console.log(that.event);
+// console.log(d1, d2);
+// that.event.properties.dtstart = d1;
+// that.event.properties.dtend = d2;
+// }
+// }
+// create_event_finisher (callback) {
+// let that = this;
+// return function create_event_up (e) {
+// if (! that.event) return;
+// /* Restore pointer events for all existing events.
+// Allow pointer events on our new event
+// */
+// for (let e of that.event.parentElement.children) {
+// e.style.pointerEvents = "";
+// }
+// place_in_edit_mode(that.event);
+// let localevent = that.event;
+// that.event = null;
+// callback (localevent);
+// }
+// }
+// }
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function place_in_edit_mode (event) {
-window.onload = function () {
+window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// let start_time = document.querySelector("meta[name='start-time']").content;
// let end_time = document.querySelector("meta[name='end-time']").content;
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ window.onload = function () {
/* Is event creation active? */
- if (EDIT_MODE) {
+ if (false && EDIT_MODE) {
let eventCreator = new EventCreator;
for (let c of document.getElementsByClassName("events")) {
c.onmousedown = eventCreator.create_event_down(c);
@@ -336,17 +336,17 @@ window.onload = function () {
let popup = document.getElementById("popup" + el.id);
- popup.getElementsByClassName("edit-form")[0].onsubmit = function () {
- create_event(el);
- return false; /* stop default */
- }
+ // popup.getElementsByClassName("edit-form")[0].onsubmit = function () {
+ // create_event(el);
+ // return false; /* stop default */
+ // }
/* Bind all vcomponent properties into javascript. */
- if (el.closest(".longevents")) {
- new VComponent(el, true);
- } else {
- new VComponent(el, false);
- }
+ // if (el.closest(".longevents")) {
+ // new VComponent(el, true);
+ // } else {
+ // new VComponent(el, false);
+ // }
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ window.onload = function () {
// init_arbitary_kv();
- init_input_list();
+ // init_input_list();
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
@@ -413,5 +413,4 @@ window.onload = function () {
diff --git a/static/vcal.js b/static/vcal.js
index 93cfc028..f86c7f65 100644
--- a/static/vcal.js
+++ b/static/vcal.js
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
cdr a procedure which takes a slot and a value
and binds the value to the slot.
class VComponent {
constructor(el, wide_event=false) {