path: root/static/ts/lib.ts
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+ General procedures which in theory could be used anywhere.
+ Besides exporting the mentioned functions, this module also
+ extends some base classes.
+ @module
+ */
+export {
+ makeElement, date_to_percent,
+ parseDate, gensym, to_local, to_boolean,
+ asList, round_time,
+ format_date,
+ * https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html
+ */
+declare global {
+ interface Object {
+ /**
+ Introduce a format method on ALL objects
+ The default implementation simply stringifies the object, but this
+ allows any component to overwrite it, allowing for generic custom
+ formatting of data.
+ This also means that the format string is ignored for the default
+ implementation.
+ See `Data.prototype.format`.
+ */
+ format: (fmt: string) => string
+ }
+ /** HTMLElement extensions */
+ interface HTMLElement {
+ /**
+ "Private" property, storing the "true" add event listener. The
+ exposed addEventListener is later overwritten to also store a list of
+ which event listeners are added.
+ */
+ _addEventListener: (name: string, proc: (e: Event) => void) => void
+ /**
+ Contains all listeners added through `addEventListener`.
+ The keys are the same as to `addEventListener` ('load', 'mouseover',
+ ...)
+ Values are simply a list of all added listeners, probably in addition
+ order.
+ */
+ listeners: Map<string, ((e: Event) => void)[]>;
+ /**
+ Returns listeners.
+ TODO why does this exist?
+ */
+ getListeners: () => Map<string, ((e: Event) => void)[]>
+ }
+ interface Date {
+ /**
+ A proper date formatter for javascript.
+ See {@ref format_date} for details
+ */
+ format: (fmt: string) => string
+ /** Indicates if the date object is in UTC or local time. */
+ utc: boolean
+ /**
+ Indicates that the object only contains a date component.
+ This means that any time is ignored in most operations.
+ */
+ dateonly: boolean
+ // type: 'date' | 'date-time'
+ }
+ interface DOMTokenList {
+ /**
+ Searches a DOMTokenList for anything matching.
+ DOMTokenLists are returned by `.classList` and similar.
+ @return Returns the matching index, and the matched value,
+ or `undefined` if nothing was found.
+ */
+ find: (regex: string) => [number, string] | undefined
+ }
+ interface HTMLCollection {
+ /** Adds an iterator to HTMLCollections */
+ forEach: (proc: ((el: Element) => void)) => void
+ }
+ interface HTMLCollectionOf<T> {
+ /** Adds an iterator to HTMLCollections */
+ forEach: (proc: ((el: T) => void)) => void
+ }
+/** See interface above */
+HTMLElement.prototype._addEventListener = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
+/** See interface above */
+HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = function(name: string, proc: (e: Event) => void) {
+ if (!this.listeners) this.listeners = new Map
+ if (!this.listeners.get(name)) this.listeners.set(name, []);
+ /* Force since we ensure a value just above */
+ this.listeners.get(name)!.push(proc);
+ return this._addEventListener(name, proc);
+/** See interface above */
+HTMLElement.prototype.getListeners = function() {
+ return this.listeners;
+/* ----- Date Extensions ---------------------------- */
+ Extensions to Javascript's Date to allow representing times
+ with different timezones. Currently only UTC and local time
+ are supported, but more should be able to be added.
+ NOTE that only the raw `get' (and NOT the `getUTC') methods
+ should be used on these objects, and that the reported timezone
+ is quite often wrong.
+ TODO The years between 0 and 100 (inclusive) gives dates in the twentieth
+ century, due to how javascript works (...).
+ */
+ * Takes a string `str`, which should be in ISO-8601 date-format, and
+ * returns a javascript Date object.
+ * Handles date-times, with and without seconds, trailing `Z' for
+ * time-zones, and dates without times.
+ * If no time is given the `dateonly` attribute is set to yes.
+ */
+function parseDate(str: string): Date {
+ let year: number;
+ let month: number;
+ let day: number;
+ let hour: number | false = false;
+ let minute: number = 0;
+ let second: number = 0;
+ let utc: boolean = false;
+ let end = str.length - 1;
+ if (str[end] == 'Z') {
+ utc = true;
+ str = str.substring(0, end);
+ };
+ switch (str.length) {
+ case '2020-01-01T13:37:00'.length:
+ second = +str.substr(17, 2);
+ case '2020-01-01T13:37'.length:
+ hour = +str.substr(11, 2);
+ minute = +str.substr(14, 2);
+ case '2020-01-01'.length:
+ year = +str.substr(0, 4);
+ month = +str.substr(5, 2) - 1;
+ day = +str.substr(8, 2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw `"${str}" doesn't look like a date/-time string`
+ }
+ let date;
+ if (hour) {
+ date = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
+ date.utc = utc;
+ date.dateonly = false;
+ } else {
+ date = new Date(year, month, day);
+ date.dateonly = true;
+ }
+ return date;
+ * Returns a Date object (which may be new) which is guaranteed in local time.
+ * This means that the `utc` field is `false`, and that
+ * `to_local(current_time())` should show what your wall-clock shows.
+ */
+function to_local(date: Date): Date {
+ if (!date.utc) return date;
+ return new Date(date.getTime() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
+/* -------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Creates a new DOM element of type `name`, with all keys in
+ * `attr` transfered to it. For example, the equivalent of
+ * ```html
+ * <input type='number'/>
+ * ```
+ * would be
+ * ```js
+ * values.push(makeElement('input', {
+ * type: 'number',
+ * }));
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @param name HTML tagname
+ * @param attr Attributes which will be set on the created element.
+ * @param actualAttr Attributes which will be set on the created element,
+ * but through `el.setAttribute` instead of `el[key] =`...
+ */
+function makeElement(name: string, attr = {}, actualAttr = {}): HTMLElement {
+ let element: HTMLElement = document.createElement(name);
+ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(attr)) {
+ (element as any)[key] = value;
+ }
+ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(actualAttr)) {
+ element.setAttribute(key, '' + value);
+ }
+ return element;
+ Round clock time to closest interval.
+ @param time
+ The desired clock-time, in decimal time. So 12:30 would be given as 12.30.
+ @param fraction
+ The time interval to round to. To round to nearest half hour, give 0.5.
+ @example
+ ```js
+ > round_time(10.1, 15/60)
+ 10
+ ```
+ */
+function round_time(time: number, fraction: number): number {
+ let scale = 1 / fraction;
+ return Math.round(time * scale) / scale;
+/* only used by the bar.
+ Events use the start and end time of their container, but since the bar
+ is moving between containers that is clumsy.
+ Just doing (new Date()/(86400*1000)) would be nice, but there's no good
+ way to get the time in the current day.
+ */
+ * Retuns how far along the date specified by `date` is, between 0
+ * and 100, where 00:00 maps to 0, and 23:59 to ~100.
+ */
+function date_to_percent(date: Date): number /* in 0, 100 */ {
+ return (date.getHours() + (date.getMinutes() / 60)) * 100 / 24;
+/* if only there was such a thing as a let to wrap around my lambda... */
+/* js infix to not collide with stuff generated backend */
+ * Generates a new string which is (hopefully) globally unique.
+ * Compare with `gensym` from Lisp.
+ */
+const gensym = (counter => (prefix = "gensym") => prefix + "js" + ++counter)(0)
+ * Ensures that `thing` is a list. Returning it outright if it
+ * already is one, otherwise wrapping it in a list.
+function asList<T>(thing: Array<T> | T): Array<T> {
+ if (thing instanceof Array) {
+ return thing;
+ } else {
+ return [thing];
+ }
+ Smartly converts a value into a boolean.
+ Booleans are returned as if,
+ Strings are parsed, mapping `'true'` onto `true`, `'false'` onto `false`,
+ empty strings onto `false`, and anything else onto `true`.
+ Anything else is left onto JavaScript to coerce a boolean.
+ */
+function to_boolean(value: any): boolean {
+ switch (typeof value) {
+ case 'string':
+ switch (value) {
+ case 'true': return true;
+ case 'false': return false;
+ case '': return false;
+ default: return true;
+ }
+ case 'boolean':
+ return value;
+ default:
+ return !!value;
+ }
+/* internal */
+function datepad(thing: number | string, width = 2): string {
+ return (thing + "").padStart(width, "0");
+ Format a date into a string.
+ @param date
+ The datetime to format
+ @param format
+ How the date should be converted into a string.
+ The format is similar to `strftime`, but with tilde (`~`) characters
+ instead of percent signs, to match how Scheme does it. Valid format
+ specifiers are:
+ | Fmt | Output | Width¹ |
+ |------|----------------------------------|--------|
+ | `~~` | Literal '~' | |
+ | `~Y` | Year | 4 |
+ | `~m` | Month number | 2 |
+ | `~d` | Day of month | 2 |
+ | `~H` | Hour | 2 |
+ | `~M` | Minute | 2 |
+ | `~S` | Second | 2 |
+ | `~Z` | 'Z' if date is UTC, otherwise '' | |
+ | `~L` | Converts date to local time² | |
+ - ¹ These fields will be left padded with zeroes to that width
+ - ² This forces the output to be in local time, possibly converting
+ timezone if needed. It then outputs nothing.
+ See {@link to_local `to_local`} for details.
+function format_date(date: Date, format: string): string {
+ let fmtmode = false;
+ let outstr = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
+ if (fmtmode) {
+ switch (format[i]) {
+ /* Moves the date into local time. */
+ case 'L': date = to_local(date); break;
+ case 'Y': outstr += datepad(date.getFullYear(), 4); break;
+ case 'm': outstr += datepad(date.getMonth() + 1); break;
+ case 'd': outstr += datepad(date.getDate()); break;
+ case 'H': outstr += datepad(date.getHours()); break;
+ case 'M': outstr += datepad(date.getMinutes()); break;
+ case 'S': outstr += datepad(date.getSeconds()); break;
+ case 'Z': if (date.utc) outstr += 'Z'; break;
+ }
+ fmtmode = false;
+ } else if (format[i] == '~') {
+ fmtmode = true;
+ } else {
+ outstr += format[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return outstr;
+Object.prototype.format = function(/* any number of arguments */) { return "" + this; }
+Date.prototype.format = function(str) { return format_date(this, str); }
+ * Finds the first element of the DOMTokenList whichs value matches
+ * the supplied regexp. Returns a pair of the index and the value.
+ */
+DOMTokenList.prototype.find = function(regexp) {
+ let entries = this.entries();
+ let entry;
+ while (!(entry = entries.next()).done) {
+ if (entry.value[1].match(regexp)) {
+ return entry.value;
+ }
+ }
+/* HTMLCollection is the result of a querySelectorAll */
+HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = function(proc) {
+ for (let el of this) {
+ proc(el);
+ }