path: root/static/components/tab-group-element.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'static/components/tab-group-element.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/static/components/tab-group-element.ts b/static/components/tab-group-element.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e90997e9..00000000
--- a/static/components/tab-group-element.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-import { ComponentVEvent } from './vevent'
-import { makeElement, gensym } from '../lib'
-import { EditRRule } from './edit-rrule'
-import { VEvent, isRedrawable } from '../vevent'
-import { vcal_objects } from '../globals'
-export { TabGroupElement }
-/* Lacks a template, since it's trivial
- The initial children of this element all becomes tabs, each child may have
- the datapropertys 'label' and 'title' set, where label is what is shown in
- the tab bar, and title is the hower text.
- All additions and removals of tabs MUST go through addTab and removeTab!
- Information about how tabs should work from an accesability standpoint can be
- found here:
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/Tab_Role
- <tab-group/>
-class TabGroupElement extends ComponentVEvent {
- readonly menu: HTMLElement;
- tabs: HTMLElement[] = [];
- tabLabels: HTMLElement[] = [];
- constructor(uid?: string) {
- super(uid);
- this.menu = makeElement('div', {}, {
- role: 'tablist',
- 'aria-label': 'Simple Tabs',
- })
- }
- redraw(data: VEvent) {
- /* Update our tabset to match data:s having or not having of rrule,
- but do nothing if we already match */
- let rrule_tab = this.has_rrule_tab()
- if (data.getProperty('rrule')) {
- if (!this.has_rrule_tab()) {
- /* Note that EditRRule register itself to be updated on changes
- to the event */
- this.addTab(new EditRRule(data.getProperty('uid')),
- "↺", "Upprepningar");
- }
- } else {
- if (rrule_tab) this.removeTab(rrule_tab as HTMLElement);
- }
- /* TODO is there any case where we want to propagate the draw to any of
- our tabs? or are all our tabs independent? */
- }
- connectedCallback() {
- /* All pre-added children should become tabs, but start with removing
- them and storing them for later */
- let originalChildren: HTMLElement[] = [];
- while (this.firstChild) {
- originalChildren.push(this.removeChild(this.firstChild) as HTMLElement);
- }
- /* Add our tab label menu */
- this.appendChild(this.menu);
- /* Re-add our initial children, but as proper tab elements */
- for (let child of originalChildren) {
- this.addTab(child);
- }
- /* redraw might add or remove tabs depending on our data, so call it here */
- this.redraw(vcal_objects.get(this.uid)!);
- /* All tabs should now be ready, focus the first one */
- if (this.tabLabels.length > 0) {
- this.tabLabels[0].setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
- this.tabLabels[0].click();
- }
- } /* end connectedCallback */
- addTab(child: HTMLElement, label?: string, title?: string) {
- /* First character of text is a good a guess as any for our label,
- but still defaut to '?' if no text is found */
- label = label || child.dataset.label || (child.textContent + '?')[0];
- title = title || child.dataset.title || '';
- let extra_attributes = {};
- /* Used to target a tab by name */
- if (child.dataset.originaltitle) {
- extra_attributes = { 'data-originaltitle': child.dataset.originaltitle }
- }
- let tab_id = gensym('tab_content_');
- let label_id = gensym('tab_label_');
- let tabLabel = makeElement('button', {
- textContent: label,
- }, {
- role: 'tab',
- id: label_id,
- tabindex: -1,
- title: title,
- 'aria-selected': false,
- 'aria-controls': tab_id,
- ...extra_attributes,
- })
- let tabContainer = makeElement('div', {}, {
- id: tab_id,
- role: 'tabpanel',
- tabindex: 0,
- hidden: 'hidden',
- 'aria-labelledby': label_id,
- })
- tabContainer.replaceChildren(child);
- this.tabs.push(tabContainer);
- this.appendChild(tabContainer);
- this.tabLabels.push(tabLabel);
- this.menu.appendChild(tabLabel);
- tabLabel.addEventListener('click', () => this.tabClickedCallback(tabLabel));
- this.style.setProperty('--tabcount', '' + this.tabs.length);
- }
- removeTab(tab: HTMLElement) {
- let id = tab.getAttribute('aria-labelledby')!
- let label = document.getElementById(id)
- if (label) {
- if (label.ariaSelected === 'true') {
- this.tabLabels[0].click();
- }
- this.tabLabels = this.tabLabels.filter(el => el !== label)
- label.remove();
- }
- /* remove tab */
- this.tabs = this.tabs.filter(el => el !== tab)
- this.removeChild(tab);
- if (tab.firstChild) {
- let child = tab.firstChild as HTMLElement;
- if (isRedrawable(child)) {
- vcal_objects.get(this.uid)?.unregister(child)
- }
- }
- this.style.setProperty('--tabcount', '' + this.tabs.length);
- }
- /* TODO replace querySelectors here with our already saved references */
- tabClickedCallback(tab: Element) {
- /* hide all tab panels */
- for (let tabcontent of this.querySelectorAll('[role="tabpanel"]')) {
- tabcontent.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden');
- }
- /* unselect all (selected) tab handles */
- for (let item of this.querySelectorAll('[aria-selected="true"]')) {
- item.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false');
- }
- /* re-select ourselves */
- tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
- /* unhide our target tab */
- this.querySelector('#' + tab.getAttribute('aria-controls'))!
- .removeAttribute('hidden')
- }
- /* returns our rrule tab if we have one */
- has_rrule_tab(): Element | false {
- for (let child of this.children) {
- if (child.firstChild! instanceof EditRRule) {
- return child;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }