path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 1176 deletions
diff --git a/src/calendar.c b/src/calendar.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 28891330..00000000
--- a/src/calendar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#include "calendar.h"
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-/* basename */
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <libguile.h>
-#include "struct.h"
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "err.h"
-int read_vcalendar(SCM cal, char* path) {
- struct stat statbuf;
- if (stat (path, &statbuf) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Error stating file or directory, errno = %i\npath = [%s]\n",
- errno, path);
- }
- int type = statbuf.st_mode & 0777000;
- int chmod = statbuf.st_mode & 0777;
- INFO_F("file has mode 0%o, with chmod = 0%o", type, chmod);
- switch (type) {
- case S_IFREG: handle_file(cal, path); break;
- case S_IFDIR: handle_dir (cal, path); break;
- case S_IFLNK:
- ERR("Found symlink, can't be bothered to check it further.");
- break;
- default: ;
- }
- return 0;
-int handle_file(SCM cal, char* path) {
- INFO("Parsing a single file");
- /* NAME is the `fancy' name of the calendar. */
- // vcomponent_push_val(cal, "NAME", basename(path));
- SCM line = scm_make_vline(scm_from_utf8_string("file"));
- scm_add_line_x(cal, scm_from_utf8_string("X-HNH-SOURCETYPE"), line);
- char* resolved_path = realpath(path, NULL);
- open_ics (resolved_path, cal);
- free (resolved_path);
- return 0;
-int handle_dir(SCM cal, char* path) {
- INFO("Parsing a directory");
- DIR* dir = opendir(path);
- /* Buffer for holding search path and filename */
- char buf[PATH_MAX] = { [0 ... PATH_MAX - 1] = '\0' };
- strcpy(buf, path);
- int path_len = strlen(path) + 1;
- /* Slash to guarantee we have at least one */
- buf[path_len - 1] = '/';
- /* NAME is the `fancy' name of the calendar. */
- // vcomponent_push_val(cal, "NAME", basename(path));
- scm_add_line_x(cal, scm_from_utf8_string("NAME"),
- scm_make_vline(scm_from_utf8_stringn(basename(path), strlen(basename(path)))));
- SCM line = scm_make_vline(scm_from_utf8_string("vdir"));
- scm_add_line_x(cal, scm_from_utf8_string("X-HNH-SOURCETYPE"), line);
- struct dirent* d;
- while ((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
- /* Check that it's a regular file */
- if (d->d_type != DT_REG) continue;
- /* Append filename with currentt searchpath */
- strcat(buf, d->d_name);
- char* resolved_path = realpath(buf, NULL);
- /* Remove file part from combined path */
- buf[path_len] = '\0';
- FILE* f;
- size_t read, size = 0x100;
- char* info_buf = malloc(size);
- if (strcmp (d->d_name, "color") == 0) {
- f = fopen(resolved_path, "r");
- read = getline(&info_buf, &size, f);
- // TODO this isn't actually needed since we trim the
- // string into an SCM string directly here.
- if (info_buf[read - 1] == '\n')
- info_buf[read - 1] = '\0';
- fclose(f);
- scm_add_line_x(cal, scm_from_utf8_string("COLOR"),
- scm_make_vline(scm_from_utf8_stringn(info_buf, read - 1)));
- } else if (strcmp (d->d_name, "displayname") == 0) {
- f = fopen(resolved_path, "r");
- read = getline(&info_buf, &size, f);
- if (info_buf[read - 1] == '\n')
- info_buf[read - 1] = '\0';
- fclose(f);
- /* This adds the new list to the set of names, keeping the
- * filename name.
- * This works since *currently* values are returned in
- * reverse order
- */
- scm_add_line_x(cal, scm_from_utf8_string("NAME"),
- scm_make_vline(scm_from_utf8_stringn(info_buf, read)));
- } else {
- open_ics (resolved_path, cal);
- }
- free (resolved_path);
- }
- closedir(dir);
- return 0;
-int get_extension(const char* filename, char* ext, ssize_t max_len) {
- if (filename == NULL) {
- ext[0] = '\0';
- return 0;
- }
- int ext_idx = -1;
- ext[0] = '\0';
- for (int i = 0; filename[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- if (filename[i] == '.') ext_idx = i + 1;
- if (filename[i] == '/') ext_idx = -1;
- }
- if (ext_idx == -1) return 0;
- int ext_len = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < max_len; i++, ext_len++) {
- char c = filename[i + ext_idx];
- if (c == '\0') break;
- ext[i] = c;
- }
- ext[ext_len] = '\0';
- return ext_len;
-int check_ext (const char* path, const char* ext) {
- char buf[10];
- int has_ext = get_extension(path, buf, 9);
- return has_ext && strcmp(buf, ext) == 0;
-int open_ics (char* resolved_path, SCM cal) {
- if (! check_ext(resolved_path, "ics") ) return 2;
- FILE* f = fopen(resolved_path, "r");
- if (f == NULL) return 1;
- parse_file(resolved_path, f, cal);
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/calendar.h b/src/calendar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 776d9900..00000000
--- a/src/calendar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CALENDAR_H
-#define CALENDAR_H
-#include <libguile.h>
- * Reads all ics flies in path into the given vcomponent. The
- * component is assumed to be a abstract ROOT element, whose first
- * component will most likely become a VCALENDAR.
- *
- * path should either be a single .ics file (vcalendar), or a
- * directory directly containing .ics files (vdir).
- */
-int read_vcalendar(SCM cal, char* path);
- * Gets extension from filename. Writes output to ext.
- * Assumes that the extension is the text between the last dot and
- * the end of the string, and that no slashes can occur between the
- * dot and the end.
- *
- * Returns the length of the extension, 0 if no extension.
- */
-int get_extension(const char* filename, char* ext, ssize_t max_len);
-/* Returns 1 if path has extension ext, 0 otherwise */
-int check_ext (const char* path, const char* ext);
-/* Handle a lone ics file */
-int handle_file(SCM cal, char* path);
-/* Handle a directory of ics files */
-int handle_dir(SCM cal, char* path);
- * Helper for opening a single ICS file. Handles file internally, and
- * writes output to cal.
- */
-int open_ics (char* resolved_path, SCM cal);
-#endif /* CALENDAR_H */
diff --git a/src/err.h b/src/err.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d19ec7..00000000
--- a/src/err.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ERR_H
-#define ERR_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "macro.h"
-#define _RESET "\x1b[m"
-#define _BLACK "\x1B[0;30m"
-#define _RED "\x1B[0;31m"
-#define _GREEN "\x1B[0;32m"
-#define _YELLOW "\x1B[0;33m"
-#define _BLUE "\x1B[0;34m"
-#define _PURPLE "\x1B[0;35m"
-#define _CYAN "\x1B[0;36m"
-#define _WHITE "\x1B[0;37m"
-#define ERR(msg) fprintf(stderr, _RED "ERR" _RESET " (%s:%i) %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #msg)
-#define ERR_F(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, _RED "ERR" _RESET " (%s:%i) " fmt "\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-/* Parse error */
-#define ERR_P(ctx, fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, _RED "PARSE" _RESET " (%s:%i) %i:%i " fmt "\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, (ctx)->pline, (ctx)->pcolumn, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define INFO(msg) fprintf(stderr, _BLUE "INFO" _RESET " (%s:%i) %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #msg)
-#define INFO_F(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, _BLUE "INFO" _RESET " (%s:%i) " fmt "\n", \
- __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define LINE(len) do { \
- printf(_GREEN); \
- FOR(int, i, len) printf("_"); \
- printf("\n"); \
-} while (0)
-#define PRINT(T, v) do { \
- char buf[0x1000]; \
- FMT(T)(v, buf); \
- INFO_F("%s", buf); \
-} while (0)
-#endif /* ERR_H */
diff --git a/src/guile_type_helpers.c b/src/guile_type_helpers.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2864df0d..00000000
--- a/src/guile_type_helpers.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include "guile_type_helpers.h"
-#include "macro.h"
-SCM scm_from_strbuf(strbuf* s) {
- SCM ret = scm_from_utf8_stringn (s->mem, s->len);
- scm_gc_protect_object(ret);
- return ret;
-SCM scm_from_strbuf_symbol(strbuf* s) {
- return scm_string_to_symbol(scm_from_strbuf(s));
diff --git a/src/guile_type_helpers.h b/src/guile_type_helpers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe0e875a..00000000
--- a/src/guile_type_helpers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include <libguile.h>
-#include "strbuf.h"
-#define SCM_IS_LIST(x) scm_is_true(scm_list_p(x))
-#define string_eq(a, b) \
- scm_is_true(scm_string_eq(a, b, \
-SCM scm_from_strbuf(strbuf* s);
-SCM scm_from_strbuf_symbol(strbuf* s);
-#endif /* GUILE_TYPE_HELPERS_H */
diff --git a/src/macro.h b/src/macro.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b620f83..00000000
--- a/src/macro.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MACRO_H
-#define MACRO_H
- * Token paste
- */
-#define TP(a, b) a ## b
-#define TP3(a, b, c) a ## b ## c
-#define TP4(a, b, c, d) a ## b ## c ## d
-#define TP5(a, b, c, d, e) a ## b ## c ## d ## e
-#define TP6(a, b, c, d, e, f) a ## b ## c ## d ## e ## f
- * Get length of __VA_ARGS__
- * Borrowed fram:
- * https://stackoverflow.com/a/35986932
- */
-#define VA_ARGS_NUM_PRIV(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, Pn, ...) Pn
-#define VA_ARGS_NUM(...) VA_ARGS_NUM_PRIV(-1, ## __VA_ARGS__, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
- * Templatization macros. Forms symbols on the from name<T>, which
- * looks really good in debuggers and the like. Unicode characters
- * written in \U notation since C apparently doesn't support unicode
- * literals.
- *
- * Can be nested (useful for container types).
- *
- * Doesn't use ASCII <>, but rather some other ᐸᐳ, meaning that it's
- * not a reserved character.
- *
- * nameᐸTᐳ
- */
-#define TEMPL(name, T) TP4(name, \U00001438 , T, \U00001433 )
-#define TEMPL2(name, T, V) TP6(name, \U00001438\U00001438 , T , \U00001433_\U00001438 , V, \U00001433\U00001433)
-#define TEMPL_N(name, T, argcount) TP6(name, \U00001438 , T, _, argcount, \U00001433 )
-/* Constructor type name */
-#define __INIT_T(T, C) TEMPL_N(init, T, C)
-/* Returns full type of constructor */
-#define INIT_F(T, ...) \
- int __INIT_T(T, VA_ARGS_NUM(__VA_ARGS__)) (T* self, ## __VA_ARGS__)
- * Call the constructor of an object
- * `int` part of the macro, to ensure that any attempt to call self
- * function results in an error.
- */
-#define INIT(T, N, ...) \
- __INIT_T(T, VA_ARGS_NUM(__VA_ARGS__)) (N, ## __VA_ARGS__)
-/* Allocate a new_ object on the HEAP */
-#define NEW(T, N, ...) \
- T* N = (T*) malloc(sizeof(*N)); \
- INIT(T, N, ## __VA_ARGS__);
- * Reconstructs a object. Use with caution.
- */
-#define RENEW(T, N, ...) do { \
- N = (T*) malloc(sizeof(*N)); \
- INIT(T, N, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
-} while (0)
-/* Allocate a new_ object on the STACK */
-#define SNEW(T, N, ...) \
- T N; \
- INIT(T, & N, ## __VA_ARGS__);
-/* Destructor for type */
-#define FREE(T) TEMPL(free, T)
-/* Call destructor for type, and free object */
-#define FFREE(T, N) do { FREE(T)(N); free(N); } while (0)
-/* Declare destructor */
-#define FREE_F(T) int FREE(T) (T* self)
-/* generate reusable internal symbol */
-#define __INTER(s) TP3(__, s, __internal)
-#define __INTER2(s) __INTER(__INTER(s))
-#define __INTER3(s) __INTER(__INTER(__INTER(s)))
-/* Iterator macros. */
-#define FOR(CONT_T, T, var, set) \
- PRE_FOR_ ## CONT_T (T) (T, var, set); \
- for( BEG_ ## CONT_T (T) (T, var, set); \
- END_ ## CONT_T (T) (T, var, set); \
- NXT_ ## CONT_T (T) (T, var, set))
-/* Example int implementation
- * FOR(int, i, 10) { } */
-#define PRE_FOR_int(i, set)
-#define BEG_int(i, set) int i = 0
-#define NXT_int(i, set) i++
-#define END_int(i, set) i < set
- * General functions that different container types may implement.
- * Actuall implementation and type signature is mostly left to
- * individual implementations.
- */
-#define DEEP_COPY(T) TEMPL(copy , T)
-#define RESOLVE(T) TEMPL(resolve , T)
-#define APPEND(T) TEMPL(append , T)
-#define SIZE(T) TEMPL(size , T)
-#define EMPTY(T) TEMPL(empty , T)
-#define PUSH(T) TEMPL(push , T)
-#define PEEK(T) TEMPL(peek , T)
-#define POP(T) TEMPL(pop , T)
-#define GET(T) TEMPL(get , T)
-#define RESET(T) TEMPL(reset , T)
-#define KEYS(T) TEMPL(keys , T)
- * Formatting macros.
- * Transform objects into string representation of themselves.
- * buf should be a suffisiently large memmory location, if it's to
- * small then bad stuff might happen.
- *
- * Should return the number of bytes written (like sprintf).
- */
-#define FMT_T(T) TEMPL(format , T)
-#define FMT_F(T) int FMT_T(T)(T* self, char* buf, ...)
-// TODO change order of buf and item
-#define __FMT_HELP(item, buf, ...) ((item), (buf), VA_ARGS_NUM(__VA_ARGS__), ## __VA_ARGS__)
-#define FMT(T) FMT_T(T) __FMT_HELP
-#define fmtf(...) seek += sprintf(buf + seek, __VA_ARGS__)
-#endif /* MACRO_H */
diff --git a/src/main.scm b/src/main.scm
deleted file mode 100755
index 408b9de0..00000000
--- a/src/main.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/guile \
--e main -s
-(add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename)))
-(use-modules (parse))
-(define (main args)
-;; (define *path* "/home/hugo/.local/var/cal/STABEN/599ca4a2f8eda362aaac598c999321dcc8004780a1d5cef36019c7e421b70b08.ics")
-;; (define root (parse-cal-path *path*))
-;; (format #t "root = ~a~%" root)
- (format (current-error-port) "Parsing ~s~%" (cadr args))
- (let ((cal (read-tree (cadr args))))
- (format #t "cal = ~a~%" cal)
- (format (current-error-port) "~a events~%" (length cal)))
- )
diff --git a/src/parse.c b/src/parse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3edbd874..00000000
--- a/src/parse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-#include "parse.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "macro.h"
-#include "err.h"
-#include <libguile.h>
-#include "struct.h"
-#include "guile_type_helpers.h"
- +-------------------------------------------------------+
- v |
- BEGIN → key -------------------------------→ ':' → value → CRLF -+-→ EOF
- | ^
- v |
- ';' → param-key → '=' → param-value --+
- ^ |
- +------------------------------------+
- vcomponent := map<string, list<line>>
- line := pair<value, attributes>
- attributes := map<string, list<value>>
- */
- * name *(";" param) ":" value CRLF
- */
-int parse_file(char* filename, FILE* f, SCM root) {
- part_context p_ctx = p_key;
- SNEW(parse_ctx, ctx, f, filename);
- SNEW(strbuf, str);
- SCM component = root;
- SCM line = scm_make_vline(SCM_UNDEFINED);
- SCM attr_key; /* string */
- SCM line_key = scm_from_utf8_string("");
- SCM scm_filename = scm_from_utf8_stringn(filename, strlen(filename));
- SCM filename_key = scm_from_utf8_string("X-HNH-FILENAME");
- char c;
- while ( (c = fgetc(f)) != EOF) {
- /* We have a linebreak */
- if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
- if (fold(&ctx, c) > 0) {
- /* Actuall end of line, handle value */
- /*
- * The key being BEGIN means that we decend into a new component.
- */
- if (string_eq(line_key, scm_from_utf8_string("BEGIN"))) {
- SCM child = scm_make_vcomponent(scm_from_strbuf_symbol(&str));
- scm_add_child_x (component, child);
- scm_add_line_x(child, filename_key, scm_make_vline(scm_filename));
- component = child;
- } else if (string_eq(line_key, scm_from_utf8_string("END"))) {
- component = scm_component_parent(component);
- /*
- * A regular key, value pair. Push it into to the current
- * component.
- */
- } else {
- scm_struct_set_x(line, vline_value, scm_from_strbuf(&str));
- scm_add_line_x(component, line_key, line);
- line = scm_make_vline(SCM_UNDEFINED);
- }
- strbuf_soft_reset (&str);
- p_ctx = p_key;
- } /* Else continue on current line */
- /* We have an escaped character */
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- char esc = handle_escape (&ctx);
- strbuf_append(&str, esc);
- /* Border between param {key, value} */
- } else if (p_ctx == p_param_name && c == '=') {
- /* Save the current parameter key */
- attr_key = scm_from_strbuf(&str);
- p_ctx = p_param_value;
- strbuf_soft_reset (&str);
- /*
- * One of four cases:
- * 1) end of key , start of value
- * 2) ,, key , ,, param
- * 3) ,, param, ,, param
- * 4) ,, param, ,, value
- */
- } else if ((p_ctx == p_key || p_ctx == p_param_value) && (c == ':' || c == ';')) {
- /* We got a parameter value, push the current string to
- * the current parameter set. */
- if (p_ctx == p_param_value) {
- /* save current parameter value. */
- scm_add_attribute_x(line, attr_key, scm_from_strbuf(&str));
- strbuf_soft_reset (&str);
- }
- /*
- * Top level key.
- * Copy the key into the current cline, and create a
- * content_set for the upcomming value and (possible)
- * parameters.
- */
- if (p_ctx == p_key) {
- line_key = scm_from_strbuf(&str);
- strbuf_soft_reset (&str);
- }
- if (c == ':') p_ctx = p_value;
- else if (c == ';') p_ctx = p_param_name;
- /*
- * Nothing interesting happened, append the read character to
- * the current string.
- */
- } else {
- strbuf_append(&str, c);
- ++ctx.column;
- ++ctx.pcolumn;
- }
- }
- if (! feof(f)) {
- ERR_F("Error parsing errno = %i", errno);
- }
- /* Check to see if empty line */
- else if (str.ptr != 0) {
- /*
- * The standard (3.4, l. 2675) says that each icalobject must
- * end with CRLF. My files however does not, so we also parse
- * the end here.
- *
- * Actually we don't any more.
- * Since the last thing in a file should always be END:VCALENDAR
- * it might be a good idea to verify that. Or we could just, you
- * know, not.
- */
- }
- FREE(strbuf)(&str);
- FREE(parse_ctx)(&ctx);
- return 0;
-int fold(parse_ctx* ctx, char c) {
- int retval;
- char buf[2] = {
- (c == '\n' ? '\n' : (char) fgetc(ctx->f)),
- (char) fgetc(ctx->f)
- };
- ctx->pcolumn = 1;
- if (buf[0] != '\n') {
- ERR_P(ctx, "expected new_line after CR");
- retval = -1;
- } else if (buf[1] == ' ' || buf[1] == '\t') {
- retval = 0;
- ctx->pcolumn++;
- } else if (ungetc(buf[1], ctx->f) != buf[1]) {
- ERR_P(ctx, "Failed to put character back on FILE");
- retval = -2;
- } else {
- retval = 1;
- ++ctx->line;
- ctx->column = 0;
- }
- ++ctx->pline;
- return retval;
-INIT_F(parse_ctx, FILE* f, char* filename) {
- self->filename = (char*) calloc(sizeof(*filename), strlen(filename) + 1);
- strcpy(self->filename, filename);
- self->f = f;
- self->line = 0;
- self->column = 0;
- self->pline = 1;
- self->pcolumn = 1;
- return 0;
-FREE_F(parse_ctx) {
- free(self->filename);
- self->line = 0;
- self->column = 0;
- return 0;
-char handle_escape (parse_ctx* ctx) {
- char esc = fgetc(ctx->f);
- /*
- * Escape character '\' and escaped token sepparated by a newline
- * (since the standard for some reason allows that (!!!))
- * We are at least guaranteed that it's a folded line, so just
- * unfold it and continue trying to find a token to escape.
- */
- if (esc == '\r' || esc == '\n') {
- int ret;
- if ( (ret = fold(ctx, esc)) != 0) {
- if (ret == 1) ERR_P(ctx, "ESC before not folded line");
- else ERR_P(ctx, "other error: val = %i", ret);
- exit (2);
- } else {
- esc = fgetc(ctx->f);
- }
- }
- /* Escaped new_line */
- if (esc == 'n' || esc == 'N') {
- esc = '\n';
- /* "Standard" escaped character */
- } else if (esc == ';' || esc == ',' || esc == '\\') {
- /* esc already contains character, do nothing */
- /* Invalid escaped character */
- } else {
- ERR_P(ctx, "Non escapable character '%c' (%i)", esc, esc);
- }
- ++ctx->column;
- ++ctx->pcolumn;
- /* Returns the escaped char, for appending to the current string */
- return esc;
diff --git a/src/parse.h b/src/parse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 898abe5b..00000000
--- a/src/parse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PARSE_H
-#define PARSE_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "strbuf.h"
-// #include "vcal.h"
-// #define TYPE vcomponent
-// #include "linked_list.h"
-// #undef TYPE
- * The standard says that no line should be longer than 75 octets.
- * This sets the default amount of memory to allocate for each string,
- * but strings are reallocated when needed.
- */
-#define SEGSIZE 75
- * Transfers a strbuf from src to target.
- * Does this first copying the contents, followed by capping the
- * target and reseting the src.
- */
-#define TRANSFER(target, src) do { \
- DEEP_COPY(strbuf)((target), (src)); \
- strbuf_cap(target); \
- strbuf_soft_reset(src); \
-} while (0)
- * Current context for the character consumer (parse_file).
- */
-typedef enum {
- p_key, p_value, p_param_name, p_param_value, p_escape
-} part_context;
- * Struct holding most state information needed while parsing.
- * Kept together for simplicity.
- */
-typedef struct {
- /* Which file we are parsing, copied to all components to allow
- * writebacks later */
- char* filename;
- FILE* f;
- /* Number for unfolded lines
- * TODO remove this
- * */
- int line;
- int column;
- /* Actuall lines and columns from file */
- int pline;
- int pcolumn;
-} parse_ctx;
-INIT_F(parse_ctx, FILE* f, char* filename);
- * Character consumer. Reads characters from stdin until end of file.
- * Whenever it finds a token with a special value (such as ':', ';',
- * ...) it saves it away.
- * Once It has parsed a full line it calls handel_kv. Which build my
- * actuall datastructure.
- */
-int parse_file(char* filename, FILE* f, SCM cal);
- * Input
- * f: file to get characters from
- * ctx: current parse context
- * c: last read character
- * output:
- * 0: line folded
- * 1: line ended
- *
- * A carrige return means that the current line is at an
- * end. The following character should always be \n.
- * However, if the first character on the next line is a
- * whitespace then the two lines should be concatenated.
- *
- * NOTE
- * The above is true according to the standard. But I have
- * found files with only NL. The code below ends line on the
- * first of NL or CR, and then ensures that the program thinks
- * it got the expected CRNL.
- */
-int fold(parse_ctx* ctx, char c);
-char handle_escape (parse_ctx* ctx);
-#endif /* PARSE_H */
diff --git a/src/strbuf.c b/src/strbuf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e1365d5..00000000
--- a/src/strbuf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#include "strbuf.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "err.h"
-INIT_F(strbuf) {
- self->alloc = 0x10;
- self->mem = (char*) calloc(sizeof(*self->mem), self->alloc);
- self->ptr = 0;
- self->len = 0;
- return 0;
-int strbuf_realloc(strbuf* str, size_t len) {
- str->mem = (char*) realloc(str->mem, len);
- str->alloc = len;
- return 0;
-FREE_F(strbuf) {
- /* has already been freed */
- if (self->mem == NULL) return 1;
- free (self->mem);
- self->mem = NULL;
- self->alloc = 0;
- self->len = 0;
- return 0;
- * Reallocates memmory for you. Returns 1 if memory was reallocated.
- */
-int strbuf_append(strbuf* s, char c) {
- int retval = 0;
- if (s->len + 1 > s->alloc) {
- s->alloc <<= 1;
- s->mem = (char*) realloc(s->mem, s->alloc);
- retval = 1;
- }
- s->mem[s->len] = c;
- s->ptr = ++s->len;
- return retval;
-char strbuf_pop(strbuf* s) {
- char ret = s->mem[--s->len];
- s->mem[s->len + 1] = '\0';
- return ret;
-int strbuf_cap(strbuf* s) {
- strbuf_append(s, 0);
- --s->len;
- return 0;
-int DEEP_COPY(strbuf)(strbuf* dest, strbuf* src) {
- int retval = 0;
- if (dest->alloc < src->len) {
- /* +1 in length is to have room for '\0'. */
- strbuf_realloc(dest, src->len + 1);
- retval = 1;
- }
- dest->len = src->len;
- memcpy(dest->mem, src->mem, src->len);
- return retval;
-int strbuf_cmp(strbuf* a, strbuf* b) {
- if (a == NULL || a->alloc == 0 ||
- b == NULL || b->alloc == 0)
- {
- ERR("a or b not alloced");
- return -1;
- } else {
- return strncmp(a->mem, b->mem, a->len);
- }
-int strbuf_c(strbuf* a, const char* b) {
- if (a == NULL || a->alloc == 0) {
- ERR("a not allocated");
- return -1;
- }
- return strcmp(a->mem, b) == 0;
-char* charat(strbuf* s, unsigned int idx) {
- if (idx > s->len) {
- ERR("Index out of bounds");
- return (char*) -1;
- }
- return &s->mem[idx];
-char* strbuf_cur(strbuf* s) {
- return &s->mem[s->ptr];
-char* strbuf_end(strbuf* s) {
- return &s->mem[s->len];
-int strbuf_reset(strbuf* s) {
- s->ptr = 0;
- return 0;
-int strbuf_soft_reset(strbuf* s) {
- s->ptr = s->len = 0;
- return 0;
-strbuf* RESOLVE(strbuf)(strbuf* dest, strbuf* new_) {
- if (dest == NULL) return new_;
- else return dest;
-FMT_F(strbuf) {
- return sprintf(buf, "%s", self->mem);
-int SIZE(strbuf)(strbuf* self) {
- return self->len;
-int strbuf_load(strbuf* self, const char* str) {
- for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- strbuf_append(self, str[i]);
- }
- strbuf_cap(self);
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/strbuf.h b/src/strbuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c028eb6..00000000
--- a/src/strbuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef STRBUF_H
-#define STRBUF_H
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <libguile.h>
-#include "macro.h"
- * A high level string type which holds it's own length, how much
- * memmory it has allocated for itself, and a seek pointer into the
- * string.
- *
- * Also comes with a number of functions which allow for safe(er)
- * access to the memmory.
- */
-typedef struct {
- char* mem;
- /* TODO add support for negative ptr */
- int ptr;
- unsigned int alloc;
- unsigned int len;
-} strbuf;
- * Init strbuf to size of 10
- */
- * Like realloc, but for strbuf
- */
-int strbuf_realloc(strbuf* str, size_t len);
- * Free's contents of str, but keeps str.
- */
-int strbuf_cmp(strbuf* a, strbuf* b);
-int strbuf_c(strbuf* a, const char* b);
- * Copy contents from src to dest.
- * Assumes that dest is already initialized.
- */
-int DEEP_COPY(strbuf)(strbuf*, strbuf*);
- * Append char to end of strbuf, determined by s->len.
- *
- * TODO rename this PUSH(strbuf)?
- */
-int strbuf_append(strbuf* s, char c);
-char strbuf_pop(strbuf*);
- * Calls strbuf_append with NULL.
- */
-int strbuf_cap(strbuf* s);
- * Returns a pointer to character at index. Allows mutation of the
- * value pointed to by the return address.
- */
-char* charat(strbuf* s, unsigned int idx);
- * Same as `charat`, But returns the current character.
- */
-char* strbuf_cur(strbuf* s);
- * Resets the seek for strbuf to 0.
- */
-int strbuf_reset(strbuf* s);
- * Sets the length and seek ptr to 0, but doesn't touch the memmory.
- */
-int strbuf_soft_reset(strbuf* s);
- * Returns the character after the last, so where null hopefully is.
- */
-char* strbuf_end(strbuf* s);
- * Reallocs dest to be the same size as src, and copies the contents
- * of src into dest.
- */
-int strbuf_realloc_copy(strbuf* dest, strbuf* src);
- * Copies contents from src to dest, also allocating dest in the
- * process. dest should not be initialized before self call.
- */
-int strbuf_init_copy(strbuf* dest, strbuf* src);
-strbuf* RESOLVE(strbuf)(strbuf*, strbuf*);
-int SIZE(strbuf)(strbuf*);
-int strbuf_load(strbuf* self, const char* str);
-#endif /* STRBUF_H */
diff --git a/src/struct.h b/src/struct.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a66dc201..00000000
--- a/src/struct.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef STRUCT_H
-#define STRUCT_H
-#include <libguile.h>
-#define vcomponent_type scm_from_uint8(0)
-#define vcomponent_children scm_from_uint8(1)
-#define vcomponent_parent scm_from_uint8(2)
-#define vcomponent_lines scm_from_uint8(3)
-#define scm_component_parent(component) \
- scm_struct_ref (component, vcomponent_parent)
-#define vline_value scm_from_uint8(0)
-#define vline_attributes scm_from_uint8(1)
-SCM scm_make_vcomponent(SCM);
-SCM scm_add_line_x (SCM, SCM, SCM);
-SCM scm_add_child_x (SCM, SCM);
-SCM scm_make_vline (SCM);
-SCM scm_add_attribute_x (SCM, SCM, SCM);
-#endif /* STRUCT_H */
diff --git a/src/struct.scm.c b/src/struct.scm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 051faf63..00000000
--- a/src/struct.scm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#include "struct.h"
-#include <libguile.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "calendar.h"
-SCM vcomponent_vtable;
-SCM vline_vtable;
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_make_vcomponent, "make-vcomponent", 0, 1, 0,
- (SCM type),
- "")
- if (SCM_UNBNDP (type) || scm_is_false (type))
- type = scm_from_utf8_symbol("VIRTUAL");
- return scm_make_struct_no_tail
- (vcomponent_vtable,
- scm_list_4(type, SCM_EOL, SCM_BOOL_F,
- scm_make_hash_table(scm_from_int(0x10))));
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_parse_cal_path, "parse-cal-path", 1, 0, 0,
- (SCM path),
- "")
- SCM root = scm_make_vcomponent(SCM_UNDEFINED);
- char* p = scm_to_utf8_stringn(path, NULL);
- read_vcalendar(root, p);
- free(p);
- return root;
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_add_line_x, "add-line!", 3, 0, 0,
- (SCM vcomponent, SCM key, SCM line),
- "")
- scm_hash_set_x (scm_struct_ref(vcomponent, vcomponent_lines), key, line);
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_add_child_x, "add-child!", 2, 0, 0,
- (SCM vcomponent, SCM child),
- "")
- scm_struct_set_x (child, vcomponent_parent, vcomponent);
- scm_struct_set_x (vcomponent, vcomponent_children,
- scm_cons (child, scm_struct_ref (vcomponent, vcomponent_children)));
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_make_vline, "make-vline", 0, 1, 0,
- (SCM value), "")
- if (SCM_UNBNDP (value)) value = SCM_BOOL_F;
- return scm_make_struct_no_tail
- (vline_vtable,
- scm_list_2(value, scm_make_hash_table(scm_from_int(0x10))));
-SCM_DEFINE(scm_add_attribute_x, "add-attribute!", 3, 0, 0,
- (SCM vline, SCM key, SCM value),
- "")
- SCM table = scm_struct_ref (vline, vline_attributes);
- scm_hash_set_x (table, key,
- scm_cons(value, scm_hash_ref(table, key, SCM_EOL)));
-void init_lib (void) {
- SCM str = scm_from_utf8_string("pr" "pw" "pw" "pr");
- vcomponent_vtable = scm_make_vtable(str, SCM_BOOL_F);
- scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x (vcomponent_vtable, scm_from_utf8_symbol("vcomponent"));
- vline_vtable =
- scm_make_vtable(scm_from_utf8_string("pw" "pw"),
- scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x (vline_vtable, scm_from_utf8_symbol("vline"));
-#include "struct.x"