path: root/module/vcomponent
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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/datetime/output.scm b/module/vcomponent/datetime/output.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb127ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/vcomponent/datetime/output.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(define-module (vcomponent datetime output)
+ :use-module (util)
+ :use-module (util config)
+ :use-module (util exceptions)
+ :use-module (datetime)
+ :use-module (vcomponent base)
+ :use-module (text util)
+ )
+(define-config summary-filter (lambda (_ a) a)
+ ""
+ pre: (ensure procedure?))
+(define-config description-filter (lambda (_ a) a)
+ ""
+ pre: (ensure procedure?))
+;; ev → sxml
+(define-public (format-recurrence-rule ev)
+ `("Upprepas "
+ ,((@ (vcomponent recurrence display) format-recurrence-rule)
+ (prop ev 'RRULE))
+ ,@(awhen (prop* ev 'EXDATE)
+ (list
+ ", undantaget "
+ (add-enumeration-punctuation
+ (map (lambda (d)
+ (if (date? d)
+ ;; NOTE possibly show year?
+ (date->string d "~e ~b")
+ ;; NOTE only show time when it's different than the start time?
+ ;; or possibly only when FREQ is hourly or lower.
+ (if (memv ((@ (vcomponent recurrence internal) freq)
+ (prop ev 'RRULE))
+ (datetime->string d "~e ~b ~k:~M")
+ (datetime->string d "~e ~b"))))
+ (map value it)))))
+ "."))
+(define-public (format-summary ev str)
+ ((get-config 'summary-filter) ev str))
+;; NOTE this should have information about context (html/term/...)
+(define-public (format-description ev str)
+ (catch #t (lambda () ((get-config 'description-filter) ev str))
+ (lambda (err . args)
+ (warning "~a on formatting description, ~s" err args)
+ str)))
+;; Takes an event, and returns a pretty string for the time interval
+;; the event occupies.
+(define-public (fmt-time-span ev)
+ (cond [(prop ev 'DTSTART) date?
+ => (lambda (s)
+ (cond [(prop ev 'DTEND)
+ => (lambda (e)
+ (if (date= e (date+ s (date day: 1)))
+ (date->string s) ; start = end, only return one value
+ (values (date->string s)
+ (date->string e))))]
+ ;; no end value, just return start
+ [else (date->string s)]))]
+ [else ; guaranteed datetime
+ (let ((s (prop ev 'DTSTART))
+ (e (prop ev 'DTEND)))
+ (if e
+ (let ((fmt-str (if (date= (get-date s) (get-date e))
+ "~H:~M" "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")))
+ (values (datetime->string s fmt-str)
+ (datetime->string e fmt-str)))
+ (datetime->string s "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M")))]))