path: root/module/vcomponent/search.scm
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/module/vcomponent/search.scm b/module/vcomponent/search.scm
index 5cb91e51..571279e7 100644
--- a/module/vcomponent/search.scm
+++ b/module/vcomponent/search.scm
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
(define-module (vcomponent search)
:use-module (util)
:use-module (ice-9 sandbox)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9)
:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
:use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
+;; Takes a string and appends closing parenthese until all parenthese are
+;; closed.
(define (close-parenthese str)
(define missing-parenthesis-count
(string-fold (lambda (char count)
@@ -16,9 +20,16 @@
0 str))
(string-append str (make-string missing-parenthesis-count #\))))
+;; Prepares a string to be sent to build-query-proc
+;; sexp-like string -> sexp
(define-public (prepare-string str)
(call-with-input-string (close-parenthese str) read))
+;; Evaluates the given expression in a sandbox.
+;; NOTE Should maybe be merged inte prepare-query. The argument against is that
+;; eval-in-sandbox is possibly slow, and that would prevent easy caching by the
+;; caller.
+;; sexp -> (event → bool)
(define-public (build-query-proc . expressions)
;; TODO does this eval help? Or will the body of the procedure
;; be evalutade later?
@@ -31,33 +42,77 @@
+;; execute a query procedure created by build-query-proc.
+;; (event → bool), int, (optional int) → (list event) throws 'timed-out
+(define* (execute-query query page key: (time-limit 1))
+ (call-with-time-limit
+ time-limit
+ ;; Stream->list needs to be here, since the actual
+ ;; stream-force needs to happen within the actual
+ ;; @var{call-with-time-limit}.
+ (lambda () (stream->list (stream-ref query page)))
+ (lambda _ (throw 'timed-out))))
+;; Creates a prepared query wrappend in a paginator.
+;; (event → bool), (stream event) → <paginator>
(define-public (prepare-query query-proc event-set)
- (stream-paginate (stream-filter query-proc event-set)) )
-;; TODO possibly make this procedure deny any query-procedures not created by
-;; build-query-procedure
-;; (event → bool), (stream event), (() → Any) → (paginated-stream event)
-(define*-public (execute-query query page
- key:
- ;; time-out-handler
- (time-limit 1))
- (catch 'not-an-actual-error ; 'timed-out
- (lambda ()
- (call-with-time-limit
- time-limit
- ;; Stream->list needs to be here, since the actual
- ;; stream-force needs to happen within the actual
- ;; @var{call-with-time-limit}.
- (lambda () (stream->list (stream-ref query page)))
- (lambda _ (throw 'timed-out))))
+ (make-paginator (stream-paginate (stream-filter query-proc event-set))))
+(define-record-type <paginator>
+ (make-paginator% query max-page true-max-page?)
+ paginator?
+ (query get-query) ; (paginated-stream event)
+ (max-page get-max-page set-max-page!) ; int
+ (true-max-page? true-max-page? set-true-max-page!))
+(export paginator? get-query get-max-page true-max-page?)
+(define (make-paginator query)
+ (make-paginator% query 0 #f))
+;; a fancy version of 1+ which caps at max page
+;; <paginator>, int → int
+(define*-public (next-page paginator optional: (page (get-max-page paginator)))
+ (if (true-max-page? paginator)
+ (min (1+ page) (get-max-page paginator))
+ (1+ page)))
+(define-public (paginator->list paginator proc tail-proc)
+ (if (true-max-page? paginator)
+ (map proc (iota (1+ (get-max-page paginator))))
+ (append (map proc (iota (1+ (get-max-page paginator))))
+ (list (tail-proc (next-page paginator))))))
+(define*-public (paginator->sub-list paginator current-page proc
+ key: head-proc tail-proc
+ (ahead 5) (behind 5)
+ )
+ (let ((start (max 0 (- current-page behind)))
+ (end (min (+ current-page ahead)
+ (get-max-page paginator))))
+ (display (head-proc start))
+ (for-each proc (iota (1+ (- end start)) start))
+ (display (tail-proc end)))
+ )
+;; returns the contents of the requested page, or throws 'max-page with the
+;; highest known available page.
+;; <paginator>, int → (list event) throws ('max-page <int>)
+(define-public (get-page paginator page)
+ (catch 'timed-out
+ (lambda () (let ((result (execute-query (get-query paginator) page)))
+ (set-max-page! paginator (max page (get-max-page paginator)))
+ (when (> 10 (length result))
+ (set-true-max-page! paginator #t))
+ result))
(lambda (err . args)
- (display (cons err args) (current-error-port))
- (newline (current-error-port))
- (case err
- ((timed-out) (aif time-out-handler (it)
- (apply throw err 'args))))
- 'timed-out ; when search took to long
- 'unbound-variable ; when search term has unbound variables
- 'wrong-type-arg ;; stream-ref
- '())))
+ (set-max-page! paginator (get-max-page paginator))
+ (set-true-max-page! paginator #t)
+ (throw 'max-page (get-max-page paginator)))))