path: root/module/html/view/calendar.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/html/view/calendar.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/module/html/view/calendar.scm b/module/html/view/calendar.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index aa67220c..00000000
--- a/module/html/view/calendar.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-(define-module (html view calendar)
- :use-module (util)
- :use-module (vcomponent)
- :use-module ((vcomponent datetime)
- :select (events-between))
- :use-module ((vcomponent build)
- :select (vcalendar vevent))
- :use-module (datetime)
- :use-module (html components)
- :use-module ((html vcomponent)
- :select (popup
- calendar-styles
- fmt-day
- make-block
- fmt-single-event
- ))
- :use-module (html config)
- :use-module (html util)
- :use-module ((html caltable) :select (cal-table))
- :use-module (util config)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41)
- :use-module (srfi srfi-41 util)
- :use-module ((vcomponent group)
- :select (group-stream get-groups-between))
- )
-;;; Main-stuff
-;;; NOTE
-;;; The side bar filters all earlier events for each day to not create repeats,
-;;; and the html-generate procedure also filters, but instead to find earlier eventns.
-;;; All this filtering is probably slow, and should be looked into.
-;; TODO place this somewhere proper
-(define repo-url (make-parameter "https://git.hornquist.se"))
-;; TODO document what @var{render-calendar} is supposed to take and return.
-;; Can at least note that @var{render-calendar} is strongly encouraged to include
-;; (script "const VIEW='??';"), where ?? is replaced by the name of the view.
-(define*-public (html-generate
- key:
- (intervaltype 'all) ; 'week | 'month | 'all
- calendars events start-date end-date
- render-calendar ; (bunch of kv args) → (list sxml)
- next-start ; date → date
- prev-start ; date → date
- ;; The pre and post dates are if we want to show some dates just
- ;; outside our actuall interval. Primarily for whole month views,
- ;; which needs a bit on each side.
- (pre-start start-date)
- (post-end end-date))
- ;; NOTE maybe don't do this again for every month
- (define evs (get-groups-between (group-stream events)
- start-date end-date))
- (define (nav-link display date)
- `(a (@ (href ,(date->string date "~Y-~m-~d") ".html")
- (class "nav hidelink"))
- (div (@ (class "nav"))
- ,display)))
- (unless next-start
- (error 'html-generate "Next-start needs to be a procedure"))
- (unless prev-start
- (error 'html-generate "Prev-start needs to be a procedure"))
- (xhtml-doc
- (@ (lang sv))
- (head
- (title "Calendar")
- (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
- ;; (meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content "application/xhtml+xml")))
- (meta (@ (name viewport)
- (content "width=device-width, initial-scale=0.5")))
- (meta (@ (name description)
- (content "Calendar for the dates between "
- ,(date->string start-date) " and "
- ,(date->string end-date))))
- ;; NOTE this is only for the time actually part of this calendar.
- ;; overflowing times from pre-start and post-end is currently ignored here.
- (meta (@ (name start-time)
- (content ,(date->string start-date "~s"))))
- (meta (@ (name end-time)
- (content ,(date->string (date+ end-date (date day: 1)) "~s"))))
- (script "EDIT_MODE=" ,(if (edit-mode) "true" "false") ";")
- (style ,(format #f "html {
- --editmode: 1.0;
- --event-font-size: 8pt;
- ,(include-css "/static/style.css")
- ,(include-alt-css "/static/dark.css" '(title "Dark"))
- ,(include-alt-css "/static/light.css" '(title "Light"))
- (script (@ (defer) (src "/static/script.js")))
- ,(calendar-styles calendars))
- (body
- (div (@ (class "root"))
- (main
- ;; Actuall calendar
- (@ (style "grid-area: main"))
- ,@(render-calendar calendars: calendars
- events: events
- start-date: start-date
- end-date: end-date
- pre-start: pre-start
- post-end: post-end
- next-start: next-start
- prev-start: prev-start
- )
- ;; Popups used to be here, but was moved into render-calendar so each
- ;; sub-view can itself decide where to put them. This is important
- ;; since they need to be placed as children to the scrolling
- ;; component, if one such component exists.
- )
- ;; Page footer
- (footer
- (@ (style "grid-area: footer"))
- (span "Page generated " ,(date->string (current-date)))
- (span (a (@ (href ,(repo-url) "/calparse"))
- "Source Code")))
- ;; Small calendar and navigation
- (nav (@ (class "calnav") (style "grid-area: nav"))
- (div (@ (class "change-view"))
- ,(btn href: (date->string
- (if (= 1 (day start-date))
- (start-of-week start-date)
- start-date)
- "/week/~1.html")
- "veckovy")
- ,(btn href: (date->string (set (day start-date) 1) "/month/~1.html")
- "månadsvy")
- ,(btn id: "today-button"
- href: (string-append
- "/today?" (case intervaltype
- [(month) "view=month"]
- [(week) "view=week"]
- [else ""]))
- "idag"))
- (div (@ (id "jump-to"))
- ;; Firefox's accessability complain about each date
- ;; component, meaning that it's broken. This label
- ;; is for the whole input, which can be enabled
- ;; if wanted.
- ;; (label (@ (for "date")) "Hoppa till")
- (form (@ (action "/today"))
- (input (@ (type hidden)
- (name "view")
- (value ,(case intervaltype
- [(month week) => symbol->string]
- [else "month"]))))
- (input (@ (type date)
- (name "date")
- (value ,(date->string start-date "~1"))))
- ,(btn "➔"))))
- (details (@ (open) (style "grid-area: cal"))
- (summary "Month overview")
- (div (@ (class "smallcall-head"))
- ,(string-titlecase (date->string start-date "~B ~Y")))
- ;; NOTE it might be a good idea to put the navigation buttons
- ;; earlier in the DOM-tree/tag order. At least Vimium's
- ;; @key{[[} keybind sometimes finds parts of events instead.
- (div (@ (class "smallcal"))
- ;; prev button
- ,(nav-link "«" (prev-start start-date))
- ;; calendar table
- (div ,(cal-table start-date: start-date end-date: end-date
- next-start: next-start
- prev-start: prev-start
- ))
- ;; next button
- ,(nav-link "»" (next-start start-date))))
- (div (@ (style "grid-area: details"))
- ,(when (or (debug) (edit-mode))
- `(details (@ (class "sliders"))
- (summary "Option sliders")
- ,@(when (edit-mode)
- `((label "Event blankspace")
- ,(slider-input
- variable: "editmode"
- min: 0
- max: 1
- step: 0.01
- value: 1)))
- ,@(when (debug)
- `((label "Fontsize")
- ,(slider-input
- unit: "pt"
- min: 1
- max: 20
- step: 1
- value: 8
- variable: "event-font-size")))))
- ;; List of calendars
- (details (@ (class "calendarlist"))
- (summary "Calendar list")
- (ul ,@(map
- (lambda (calendar)
- `(li (@ (class "CAL_"
- ,(html-attr (prop calendar 'NAME))))
- ,(prop calendar 'NAME)))
- calendars))
- (div (@ (id "calendar-dropdown-template") (class "template"))
- (select
- (option "- Choose a Calendar -")
- ,@(let ((dflt (get-config 'default-calendar)))
- (map (lambda (calendar)
- (define name (prop calendar 'NAME))
- `(option (@ (value ,(html-attr name))
- ,@(when (string=? name dflt)
- '((selected))))
- ,name))
- calendars)))
- )))
- ;; List of events
- (div (@ (class "eventlist")
- (style "grid-area: events"))
- ;; Events which started before our start point,
- ;; but "spill" into our time span.
- (section (@ (class "text-day"))
- (header (h2 "Tidigare"))
- ;; TODO this group gets styles applied incorrectly.
- ;; Figure out way to merge it with the below call.
- ,@(stream->list
- (stream-map
- fmt-single-event
- (stream-take-while
- (compose (cut date/-time<? <> start-date)
- (extract 'DTSTART))
- (cdr (stream-car evs))))))
- ,@(stream->list (stream-map fmt-day evs))))
- ;; This would idealy be a <template> element, but there is some
- ;; form of special case with those in xhtml, but I can't find
- ;; the documentation for it.
- ,@(let* ((cal (vcalendar
- name: "Generated"
- children: (list (vevent
- ;; The event template SHOULD lack
- ;; a UID, to stop potential problems
- ;; with conflicts when multiple it's
- ;; cloned mulitple times.
- dtstart: (datetime)
- dtend: (datetime)
- summary: ""
- ;; force a description field,
- ;; but don't put anything in
- ;; it.
- description: ""))))
- (event (car (children cal))))
- `((div (@ (class "template event-container") (id "event-template")
- ;; Only needed to create a duration. So actual dates
- ;; dosen't matter
- (data-start "2020-01-01")
- (data-end "2020-01-02"))
- ,(caddar ; strip <a> tag
- (make-block event `((class " generated ")))))
- ;; TODO merge this into the event-set, add attribute
- ;; for non-displaying elements.
- (div (@ (class "template") (id "popup-template"))
- ,(popup event (string-append "popup" (html-id event)))))))))