path: root/module/datetime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/datetime/zic.scm b/module/datetime/zic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5ba8792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/datetime/zic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Zoneinfo Compiler.
+;; Compiles plain-text zoneinfo files to guile data.
+;; Replaces zic(8), since I need the "raw" recurrence rules.
+;; For a source of data see:
+;; https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-link.html or
+;; https://github.com/eggert/tz.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (datetime zic)
+ :use-module (util)
+ :use-module (util exceptions)
+ :use-module (datetime)
+ :use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu))
+(define-public (read-zoneinfo . ports-or-filenames)
+ (parsed-zic->zoneinfo
+ (concatenate (map (lambda (port-or-filename)
+ (if (port? port-or-filename)
+ (parse-zic-file port-or-filename)
+ (call-with-input-file port-or-filename parse-zic-file))))
+ ports-or-filenames)))
+(define-immutable-record-type <timespec> ; EXPORTED
+ (make-timespec time sign type)
+ timespec?
+ (time timespec-time) ; <time>
+ (sign timespec-sign) ; '+ | '-
+ ;; types:
+ ;; w - wall clock time (local time)
+ ;; s - standard time without daylight savings adjustments
+ ;; u, g, z - Universal time
+ (type timespec-type)) ; char
+(export timespec? timespec-time timespec-sign timespec-type)
+;; <day-name> := 'mon | 'tue | 'wed | 'thu | 'sat | 'sun
+(define-immutable-record-type <rule> ; EXPORTED
+ ;; type should always be "-"
+ (make-rule name from to #|type|# in on at save letters)
+ rule?
+ (name rule-name) ; string
+ (from rule-from) ; int (year) | 'minimum | 'maximum
+ (to rule-to) ; int (year) | 'minimum | 'maximum
+ (in rule-in) ; int (month number)
+ (on rule-on) ; int (month day) | ('last <day-name>) | (<day-name> int ['< | '>])
+ (at rule-at) ; <timespec>
+ (save rule-save) ; <timespec>
+ (letters rule-letters) ; #f | string
+ )
+(export rule? rule-name rule-from rule-to rule-in rule-on rule-at rule-save rule-letters)
+(define-immutable-record-type <zone-entry> ; EXPORTED
+ (make-zone-entry stdoff rule format until)
+ zone-entry?
+ (stdoff zone-entry-stdoff) ; <timespec>
+ (rule zone-entry-rule) ; #f | symbol | <timespec>
+ (format zone-entry-format) ; string
+ (until zone-entry-until)) ; <datetime>
+(export zone-entry? zone-entry-stdoff zone-entry-rule zone-entry-format zone-entry-until)
+(define-immutable-record-type <zone> ; INTERNAL
+ (make-zone name entries)
+ zone?
+ (name zone-name) ; string
+ (entries zone-entries)) ; (list <zone-entry>)
+(define-immutable-record-type <link> ; INTERNAL
+ (make-link name target)
+ link?
+ (name link-name) ; string
+ (target link-target)) ; string
+(define-immutable-record-type <leap-second> ; "UNUSED"
+ (make-leap-second when correction r/s)
+ leap-second?
+ (when leap-second-when)
+ (correction leap-second-correction)
+ (r/s leap-second-r/s))
+(define-immutable-record-type <zoneinfo> ; EXPORTED
+ (make-zoneinfo rules zones)
+ zoneinfo?
+ (rules zoneinfo-rules) ; (map symbol (list <rule>))
+ (zones zoneinfo-zones)) ; (map string (list <zone-entry>))
+(export zoneinfo?)
+;; @example
+;; (get-zone zoneinfo "Europe/Stockholm")
+;; @end example
+(define-public (get-zone zoneinfo name)
+ (or (hash-ref (zoneinfo-zones zoneinfo) name)
+ (error "No zone ~a" name)))
+;; @example
+;; (get-rule zoneinfo 'EU)
+;; @end example
+(define-public (get-rule zoneinfo name)
+ (or (hashq-ref (zoneinfo-rules zoneinfo) name)
+ (error "No rule ~a" name)))
+;; takes an (abriviated) month name, and returns the
+;; number of that month.
+(define (month-name->number name)
+ (cond
+ [(string-prefix? name "January") 1]
+ [(string-prefix? name "February") 2]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Mars") 3]
+ [(string-prefix? name "April") 4]
+ [(string-prefix? name "May") 5]
+ [(string-prefix? name "June") 6]
+ [(string-prefix? name "July") 7]
+ [(string-prefix? name "August") 8]
+ [(string-prefix? name "September") 9]
+ [(string-prefix? name "October") 10]
+ [(string-prefix? name "November") 11]
+ [(string-prefix? name "December") 12]
+ [else (error "Unknown month" name)]))
+(define (string->weekday name)
+ (cond
+ [(string-prefix? name "Monday") 'mon]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Tuesday") 'tue]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Wednesday") 'wed]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Thursday") 'thu]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Friday") 'fri]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Saturday") 'sat]
+ [(string-prefix? name "Sunday") 'sun]
+ [else (error "Unknown week day" name)]))
+(define (parse-from str)
+ (cond
+ [(string-prefix? str "minimum") 'minimum]
+ [(string-prefix? str "maximum") 'maximum]
+ [else (string->number str)]))
+;; used for ON field
+(define (parse-day-spec string)
+ (cond [(string-prefix? "last" string)
+ (list 'last (string->weekday (string-drop string 4)))]
+ [(string-every char-set:digit string)
+ (string->number string)]
+ [(string-index string #\=)
+ => (lambda (idx)
+ (list (string->weekday (substring string 0 (1- idx)))
+ (string->number (substring string (1+ idx)))
+ (symbol (string-ref string (1- idx)))))]))
+(define (parse-time string)
+ (apply (lambda* (hour optional: (minute "0") (second "0"))
+ (time hour: (string->number hour)
+ minute: (string->number minute)
+ ;; discard sub-seconds
+ second: (string->number (car (string-split second #\.)))))
+ (string-split string #\:)))
+(define* (parse-time-spec string optional: (suffixes '(#\s #\w #\u #\g #\z)))
+ (let* ((type string
+ (cond [(string-rindex string (list->char-set suffixes))
+ => (lambda (idx)
+ (values (string-ref string idx)
+ (substring string 0 idx)))]
+ [else (values #\w string)])))
+ (cond [(string=? "-" string)
+ (make-timespec (time) '+ type)]
+ [(string-prefix? "-" string)
+ (make-timespec (parse-time (string-drop string 1))
+ '- type)]
+ [else
+ (make-timespec (parse-time string)
+ '+ type)])))
+(define* (parse-until year optional: (month "Jan") (day "1") (tm "-"))
+ ;; I'm pretty sure that the until rule never has a negative time component
+ (let ((timespec (parse-time-spec tm)))
+ (datetime date: (date year: (string->number year)
+ month: (month-name->number month)
+ day: (string->number day))
+ time: (timespec-time timespec)
+ tz: (case (timespec-type timespec)
+ [(#\s) #| aoeuoeu oeu aoeuaoeuht aoeu htns|# ""]
+ [(#\w) #f]
+ ;; Since we might represent times before UTC existed
+ ;; this is a bit of a lie. But it should work.
+ [(#\u #\g #\z) "UTC"]))))
+(define (parse-zone . args)
+ (let* (((stdoff rule format . until) args))
+ (make-zone-entry
+ (parse-time-spec stdoff) ; stdoff
+ (cond [(string=? "-" rule) #f] ; rule
+ [(char-alphabetic? (string-ref rule 0))
+ (string->symbol rule)]
+ [else (parse-time-spec rule)])
+ format ; format
+ (if (null? until) ; until
+ #f (apply parse-until until)))))
+;; strip comments from a single line
+(define (strip-comments str)
+ (or (and=> (string-index str #\#)
+ (lambda (idx) (string-take str idx)))
+ str))
+;; tokenize a single line
+(define (tokenize line)
+ (remove string-null? (string-split line char-set:whitespace)))
+(define (parse-zic-file port)
+ (let loop ((done '()) (continued #f))
+ ;; NOTE
+ ;; whitespace and #\# are techically allowed in names, if the name
+ ;; is quoted. There however doesn't appear to be ANY quoted strings
+ ;; in the zoneinfo db.
+ (let ((str (read-line port)))
+ (if (eof-object? str)
+ done
+ (let* ((tokens (tokenize (strip-comments str))))
+ (cond [(null? tokens) (loop done continued)]
+ [continued
+ ;; Zone-continuation
+ (let* (((name entries) continued)
+ (zone-entry (apply parse-zone tokens))
+ (zone-entries (cons zone-entry entries)))
+ (if (zone-entry-until zone-entry)
+ (loop done (list name zone-entries))
+ (loop (cons (make-zone name (reverse zone-entries))
+ done)
+ #f)))]
+ [else
+ (let* (((type . args) tokens))
+ (case (string->symbol type)
+ [(Rule)
+ (let* (((name from to type in on at save letters) args))
+ (let ((parsed-from (parse-from from)))
+ (loop
+ (cons
+ (make-rule (string->symbol name) ; name
+ parsed-from ; from
+ ;; to
+ (if (string-prefix? to "only")
+ parsed-from
+ (parse-from to))
+ (month-name->number in) ; in
+ (parse-day-spec on) ; on
+ (parse-time-spec at) ; at
+ (parse-time-spec save '(#\s #\d)) ; save
+ (if (string= letters "-") ; letters
+ #f letters))
+ done) #f)))]
+ [(Zone)
+ (let* ((zone-entry (apply parse-zone (cdr args)))
+ (zones (list zone-entry)))
+ (if (zone-entry-until zone-entry)
+ (loop done (list (car args) zones))
+ (loop (cons (make-zone (car args) (reverse zones))
+ done)
+ #f)))]
+ [(Link)
+ (let* (((target name) args))
+ (loop (cons (make-link name target)
+ done) #f))]
+ ;; Leap and Exprires mostly ignored
+ [(Leap)
+ (let* (((year month day time correction r/s) args))
+ (loop (cons
+ (make-leap-second
+ (datetime
+ date: (date year: (string->number year)
+ month: (month-name->number month)
+ day: (string->number day))
+ time: (parse-iso-time time))
+ correction
+ (cond
+ [(string-prefix? r/s "Stationary") 'stationary]
+ [(string-prefix? r/s "Rolling") 'rolling]
+ [else (error "Invalid r/s" r/s)]))
+ done) #f))]
+ [(Expires)
+ (let* (((year month day time) args))
+ ;; TODO class here
+ (loop
+ (cons (datetime
+ date: (date year: (string->number year)
+ month: (month-name->number month)
+ day: (string->number day))
+ time: (parse-iso-time time))
+ done) #f))]
+ [else
+ (error "Something")]
+ ))]))))))
+(define (parsed-zic->zoneinfo lst)
+ (define zones (make-hash-table))
+ (define rules (make-hash-table))
+ (let ((groups (group-by (lambda (item)
+ (cond [(rule? item) 'rule]
+ [(zone? item) 'zone]
+ [(link? item) 'link]
+ [else (warning "Unknown item type ~a" item) #f]))
+ lst)))
+ ;; group rules and put in map
+ (awhen (assoc-ref groups 'rule)
+ (for-each (lambda (group)
+ (hashq-set! rules (car group) (sort* (cadr group) < rule-from)))
+ (group-by rule-name (car it))))
+ ;; put zones in map
+ (awhen (assoc-ref groups 'zone)
+ (for-each (lambda (zone)
+ (hash-set! zones (zone-name zone) (zone-entries zone)))
+ (car it)))
+ ;; resolve links to extra entries in the zone map
+ (awhen (assoc-ref groups 'link)
+ (for-each (lambda (link)
+ (let* ((name (link-name link))
+ (target (link-target link))
+ (target-item (hash-ref zones link #f)))
+ (if (not target)
+ (warning "Unresolved link, target missing ~a -> ~a " name target)
+ (hash-set! zones name target-item))))
+ (car it)))
+ (make-zoneinfo rules zones)))
+;; special case of format which works with %s and %z
+(define-public (zone-format fmt-string arg)
+ (let ((idx (string-index fmt-string #\%)))
+ (case (string-ref fmt-string (1+ idx))
+ [(#\s) (string-replace fmt-string arg
+ idx (+ idx 2))]
+ [(#\z)
+ ;; NOTE No zones seem to currently use %z formatting.
+ (warning "%z not yet implemented")
+ fmt-string]
+ [else (error "Invalid format char")])))