path: root/module/calp/webdav/resource/base.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/calp/webdav/resource/base.scm')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/calp/webdav/resource/base.scm b/module/calp/webdav/resource/base.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..500aef90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/calp/webdav/resource/base.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+(define-module (calp webdav resource base)
+ :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (find remove last append-map drop-while))
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-88)
+ :use-module (oop goops)
+ :use-module (sxml namespaced)
+ :use-module (sxml namespaced util)
+ :use-module (calp webdav property)
+ :use-module (calp namespaces)
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (unless))
+ :use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+ :use-module (hnh util)
+ :use-module (hnh util env)
+ :use-module (datetime)
+ :export (<resource>
+ ;; href
+ href->string
+ string->href
+ href-relative
+ ;; local-path
+ name
+ dead-properties
+ ;; resource-children
+ resource?
+ children
+ get-live-property
+ get-dead-property
+ get-property
+ set-dead-property
+ set-dead-property!
+ set-live-property
+ set-live-property!
+ set-property
+ set-property!
+ remove-dead-property
+ remove-dead-property!
+ remove-live-property
+ remove-live-property!
+ remove-property
+ remove-property!
+ setup-new-resource!
+ setup-new-collection!
+ live-properties
+ add-child!
+ add-resource!
+ add-collection!
+ is-collection?
+ content
+ set-content!
+ copy-resource
+ copy-to-location!
+ move-to-location!
+ cleanup-resource
+ delete-child!
+ setup-new-resource!
+ ;; prepare-for-add!
+ creationdate
+ displayname
+ getcontentlanguage
+ getcontentlength
+ getcontenttype
+ getetag
+ getlastmodified
+ lockdiscovery
+ resourcetype
+ supportedlock
+ webdav-properties
+ ;; absolute-path
+ ;; find-resource
+ lookup-resource
+ all-resources-under
+ ;; dereference
+ make-live-property
+ live-property?
+ property-getter
+ property-setter-generator
+ property-remover-generator
+ prepare-update-properties
+ ))
+(define-record-type <live-property>
+ (make-live-property% getter setter-generator remover-generator)
+ live-property?
+ (getter property-getter)
+ (setter-generator property-setter-generator)
+ (remover-generator property-remover-generator))
+(define* (make-live-property getter setter-generator optional: remover-generator)
+ (make-live-property% getter setter-generator remover-generator))
+;; Collections are also resources, this is non-collection resources
+(define-class <resource> ()
+ ;; (href init-keyword: href: getter: href init-value: #f)
+ ;; (local-path init-keyword: local-path: getter: local-path)
+ ;; name is a part of its search path.
+ ;; For example: the component located at /a/b
+ ;; would have name="a", its parent name="b", and the root element
+ ;; would have an unspecified name (probably the empty string, or "*root*")
+ (name init-keyword: name: getter: name)
+ (dead-properties
+ ;; Map from (namespace . tagname) pairs to namespaced xml element
+ init-form: (make-hash-table)
+ getter: dead-properties%)
+ ;; Attributes on data
+ (displayname accessor: displayname* init-value: #f)
+ (contentlanguage accessor: contentlanguage init-value: #f)
+ ;; Direct children, used by @code{children} if not overwritten by child
+ (resource-children init-value: '()
+ accessor: resource-children)
+ ;; Table containing href -> resource mappings, saves us from recursivly searching children each time.
+ (resource-cache init-value: (make-hash-table 0)
+ getter: resource-cache))
+(define (resource? x)
+ (is-a? x <resource>))
+(define (href->string href)
+ (if (null? href)
+ "/" (string-join href "/" 'prefix)))
+(define (string->href s)
+ (remove string-null?
+ (string-split s #\/)))
+;; parent must be the head of child, elements in child after that is "free range"
+(define (href-relative parent child)
+ (cond ((null? parent) child)
+ ((null? child) (scm-error 'misc-error "href-relative" "Not a sub-href" '() #f))
+ ((equal? (car parent) (car child))
+ (href-relative (cdr parent) (cdr child)))
+ (else (scm-error 'misc-error "href-relative" "Not a sub-href" '() #f))))
+(define-method (children (self <resource>))
+ (resource-children self))
+;;; TODO merge content and set-content! into an accessor?
+(define-method (content (self <resource>))
+ (throw 'misc-error "content<resource>"
+ "Base <resource> doesn't implement (getting) content, please override this method"
+ '() #f))
+(define-method (set-content! (self <resource>) content)
+ (throw 'msic-error "set-content!<resource>"
+ "Base <resource> doesn't implement (setting) content, please override this method"
+ '() #f))
+(define-method (content-length (self <resource>))
+ (if (is-collection? self)
+ 0
+ (let ((c (content self)))
+ (cond ((bytevector? c) (bytevector-length c))
+ ((string? c) (string-length c))
+ (else -1)))))
+(define-method (write (self <resource>) port)
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (display ; Make output atomic
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format port "#<~a name=~s"
+ (class-name (class-of self))
+ (name self))
+ (cond ((displayname self)
+ propstat-200?
+ (lambda (name) (format port ", displayname=~s" name))))
+ (format port ">")))
+ port))
+ (lambda _
+ (format port "#<~a>" (class-name (class-of self))))))
+(define (add-resource! self new-name content)
+ (if (lookup-resource self (list new-name))
+ (throw 'resource-exists)
+ (let ((resource (make (class-of self) name: new-name)))
+ (add-child! self resource collection?: #f)
+ (set-content! resource content)
+ resource)))
+(define (add-collection! self new-name)
+ (if (lookup-resource self (list new-name))
+ (throw 'resource-exists)
+ (let ((resource (make (class-of self) name: new-name)))
+ (add-child! self resource collection?: #t)
+ resource)))
+(define (initialize-copied-resource! source copy)
+ (for-each (lambda (tag) (set-dead-property! copy tag))
+ (dead-properties source))
+ (set! (displayname* copy) (displayname* source)
+ (contentlanguage copy) (contentlanguage source))
+ ;; (format (current-error-port) "Setting content! ~s (~s)~%" copy source)
+ (when (content source)
+ (set-content! copy (content source)))
+ ;; resource-cache should never be copied
+ )
+(define-method (copy-resource (self <resource>) include-children?)
+ (copy-resource self include-children? #f))
+(define-method (copy-resource (self <resource>) include-children? new-name)
+ (let ((resource (make (class-of self) name: (or new-name (name self)))))
+ (initialize-copied-resource! self resource)
+ (when include-children?
+ (for-each (lambda (c) (add-child! resource c))
+ (map (lambda (c) (copy-resource c #t))
+ (children self))))
+ resource))
+;; source and target-parent should be resource instances
+;; new-name a string
+;; include-children? and overwrite? booleans
+(define* (copy-to-location! source target-parent
+ key:
+ (new-name (name source))
+ include-children?
+ overwrite?
+ )
+ (let ((copy (make (class-of source) name: new-name))
+ ;; Take copy if child list. If we run `cp -r / /c` then;
+ ;; (at least when /c already exists) our child list gets
+ ;; updated, leading to an infinite loop if we use
+ ;; `(children source)` directly below.
+ (children-before (children source)))
+ (let ((status (add-child! target-parent copy
+ ;; (is-collection? copy) doesn't work for
+ ;; all types, since it's not quite yet
+ ;; added (for example: <file-resoure>
+ ;; checks if the target resource is a
+ ;; directory on the file system).
+ collection?: (is-collection? source)
+ overwrite?: overwrite?)))
+ (case status
+ ((created replaced)
+ (initialize-copied-resource! source copy)
+ (when include-children?
+ (for-each (lambda (c) (copy-to-location!
+ c copy
+ include-children?: #t))
+ children-before))
+ status)
+ ((collision) 'collision)))))
+(define* (move-to-location! source-parent source target-parent
+ key:
+ (new-name (name source))
+ overwrite?)
+ (let ((status (copy-to-location! source target-parent
+ new-name: new-name
+ include-children?: #t
+ overwrite?: overwrite?)))
+ (case status
+ ((created replaced)
+ (delete-child! source-parent source)
+ status)
+ ((collision) 'collision))))
+;; Only tagname and namespaces are checked on the <xml-element> for the {get,set}-property
+;;; All get-*-property methods return propstat elements
+(define (lookup-live-property resource xml-el)
+ (assoc-ref (live-properties resource) (xml-element-hash-key xml-el)))
+;;; TODO should {get,set}{,-{dead,live}}-property really be methods?
+;;; - Live properties are defined by lookup-live-property, which isn't a
+;;; method, which in turn calls live-properties, which MUST be a method.
+;;; - Dead properties may have a reason. For example, file resources might
+;;; want to store them directly in xattrs, ignoring its built in hash-table.
+;;; - The combined should always just dispatch to either one
+(define-method (get-live-property (resource <resource>) xml-el)
+ (cond ((lookup-live-property resource xml-el)
+ => (lambda (pair) ((property-getter pair) resource)))
+ (else (propstat 404 (list (list xml-el))))))
+(define-method (get-dead-property (resource <resource>) xml-el)
+ (cond ((hash-ref (dead-properties% resource)
+ (xml-element-hash-key xml-el))
+ => (lambda (it) (propstat 200 (list it))))
+ (else (propstat 404 (list (list xml-el))))))
+;;; Return a list xml tags (including containing list)
+(define-method (dead-properties (resource <resource>))
+ (hash-map->list (lambda (_ v) v)
+ (dead-properties% resource)))
+;; Value should be a list with an <xml-element> in it's car
+(define-method (set-dead-property (resource <resource>) value)
+ (unless (and (list? value)
+ (xml-element? (car value)))
+ (scm-error 'misc-error "set-dead-property"
+ "Invalid value, expected namespaced sxml"
+ '() #f))
+ (lambda ()
+ (hash-set! (dead-properties% resource)
+ (xml-element-hash-key (car value))
+ value)))
+(define-method (set-live-property (resource <resource>) value)
+ (unless (and (list? value)
+ (xml-element? (car value)))
+ (scm-error 'misc-error "set-live-property"
+ "Invalid value, expected namespaced sxml"
+ '() #f))
+ (cond ((lookup-live-property resource (car value))
+ => (lambda (prop) (apply (property-setter-generator prop)
+ resource (cdr value))))
+ (else #f)))
+(define (set-dead-property! resource value)
+ ((set-dead-property resource value)))
+(define (set-live-property! resource value)
+ ((set-live-property resource value)))
+(define (set-property resource value)
+ (or (set-live-property resource value)
+ (set-dead-property resource value)))
+(define (set-property! resource value)
+ ((set-property resource value)))
+;;; The remove-* procedures still take "correct" namespaced sxml (so an
+;;; xml-element object inside a list). These extra lists are a bit of a waste,
+;;; But allows remove-* to have the same signature as set-*
+(define-method (remove-dead-property (resource <resource>) xml-tag)
+ (unless (xml-element? xml-tag)
+ (scm-error 'misc-error "remove-dead-property"
+ "Bad property element"
+ '() #f))
+ (lambda ()
+ (hash-remove! (dead-properties% resource)
+ (xml-element-hash-key xml-tag))))
+(define-method (remove-live-property (resource <resource>) xml-tag)
+ (unless (xml-element? xml-tag)
+ (scm-error 'misc-error "remove-live-property"
+ "Bad property element"
+ '() #f))
+ (cond ((lookup-live-property resource xml-tag)
+ => (lambda (prop)
+ (cond ((property-remover-generator prop)
+ => (lambda (f) (f resource)))
+ (else (throw 'irremovable-live-property)))))
+ (else #f)))
+(define (remove-dead-property! resource xml-tag)
+ ((remove-dead-property resource xml-tag)))
+(define (remove-live-property! resource xml-tag)
+ ((remove-live-property resource xml-tag)))
+(define-method (remove-property (resource <resource>) xml-tag)
+ (or (remove-live-property resource xml-tag)
+ (remove-dead-property resource xml-tag)))
+(define (remove-property! resource xml-tag)
+ ((remove-property resource xml-tag)))
+;; xml-tag should be just the tag element, without a surounding list
+(define-method (get-property (resource <resource>) xml-tag)
+ (cond ((get-dead-property resource xml-tag)
+ propstat-200? => identity)
+ (else (get-live-property resource xml-tag))))
+;; Return an alist from xml-element tags (but not full elements with surrounding list)
+;; to generic procedures returning that value.
+;; SHOULD be extended by children, which append their result to this result
+;; @example
+;; (define-method (live-properties (self <specific-resource>)
+;; (append (next-method)
+;; specific-resource-properties))
+;; @end example
+(define-method (live-properties (self <resource>))
+ (map (lambda (pair) (cons (xml-element-hash-key (xml webdav (car pair))) (cdr pair)))
+ webdav-properties))
+(define-method (setup-new-resource! (this <resource>) (parent <resource>))
+ 'noop)
+(define-method (setup-new-collection! (this <resource>) (parent <resource>))
+ 'noop)
+(define (add-child* this child collection?)
+ (setup-new-resource! child this)
+ (when collection?
+ (setup-new-collection! child this))
+ (set! (resource-children this)
+ (cons child (resource-children this))))
+(define* (add-child! this child
+ key:
+ overwrite?
+ (collection? (is-collection? child)))
+ (let ((existing (lookup-resource this (list (name child)))))
+ (cond ((and overwrite? existing)
+ (delete-child! this existing)
+ (add-child* this child collection?)
+ 'replaced)
+ (existing 'collision)
+ (else
+ (add-child* this child collection?)
+ 'created))))
+;; Free any aditional system resources held by this object.
+;; For example, file resources will remove the underlying file here.
+(define-method (cleanup-resource (this <resource>))
+ 'noop)
+(define-method (delete-child! (this <resource>) (child <resource>))
+ (set! (resource-children this)
+ (delq1! child (children this)))
+ (for-each (lambda (grandchild)
+ (delete-child! child grandchild))
+ (children child))
+ (cleanup-resource child))
+;;; TODO rename to simply @code{collection?}
+(define-method (is-collection? (self <resource>))
+ (not (null? (resource-children self))))
+(define-method (creationdate (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 501 `((,(xml webdav 'creationdate)))))
+(define-method (set-creationdate! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "creationdate"))
+(define-method (displayname (self <resource>))
+ (cond ((displayname* self)
+ => (lambda (name)
+ (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname)
+ ,name)))))
+ (else
+ (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'displayname)))))))
+(define-method (set-displayname! (self <resource>) value)
+ (lambda () (set! (displayname* self) value)))
+(define-method (getcontentlanguage (self <resource>))
+ (cond ((contentlanguage self)
+ => (lambda (lang) (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage) ,lang)))))
+ (else (propstat 404 `((,(xml webdav 'getcontentlanguage)))))))
+(define-method (set-getcontentlanguage! (self <resource>) value)
+ (lambda () (set! (contentlanguage self) value)))
+(define-method (getcontentlength (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 501 `((,(xml webdav 'getcontentlength)))))
+(define-method (getcontentlength (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 200
+ (list
+ (list (xml webdav 'getcontentlength)
+ (content-length self)))))
+(define-method (set-getcontentlength! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "getcontentlength"))
+(define-method (getcontenttype (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 501 `((,(xml webdav 'getcontenttype)))))
+(define-method (set-getcontenttype! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "getcontenttype"))
+(define-method (getetag (self <resource>))
+ ;; TODO
+ (propstat 501 `((,(xml webdav 'getetag)))))
+(define-method (set-getetag! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "getetag"))
+(define-method (getlastmodified (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'getlastmodified)
+ ,(with-locale1
+ (lambda ()
+ (datetime->string (unix-time->datetime 0) "~a, ~d ~b ~Y ~H:~M:~S GMT")))))))
+(define-method (set-getlastmodified! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "getlastmodified"))
+(define-method (lockdiscovery (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'lockdiscovery)
+ ()))))
+(define-method (set-lockdiscovery! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "lockdiscovery"))
+(define-method (resourcetype (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'resourcetype)
+ ,@(when (is-collection? self)
+ `((,(xml webdav 'collection))))))))
+(define-method (set-resourcetype! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "resourcetype"))
+(define-method (supportedlock (self <resource>))
+ (propstat 200 `((,(xml webdav 'supportedlock) ()))))
+(define-method (set-supportedlock! (self <resource>) _)
+ (throw 'protected-resource "supportedlock"))
+(define webdav-properties
+ `((creationdate . ,(make-live-property creationdate set-creationdate!))
+ (displayname . ,(make-live-property displayname set-displayname!))
+ (getcontentlanguage . ,(make-live-property getcontentlanguage set-getcontentlanguage!))
+ (getcontentlength . ,(make-live-property getcontentlength set-getcontentlength!))
+ (getcontenttype . ,(make-live-property getcontenttype set-getcontenttype!))
+ (getetag . ,(make-live-property getetag set-getetag!))
+ (getlastmodified . ,(make-live-property getlastmodified set-getlastmodified!))
+ (lockdiscovery . ,(make-live-property lockdiscovery set-lockdiscovery!))
+ (resourcetype . ,(make-live-property resourcetype set-resourcetype!))
+ (supportedlock . ,(make-live-property supportedlock set-supportedlock!))))
+;;; TODO remove! This is a remnant of the old mount system
+;; (define-method (dereference (self <resource>))
+;; self)
+(define (find-resource resource path)
+ ;; Resource should be a <resource> (or something descended from it)
+ ;; path should be a list of strings
+ (cond ((null? path) resource)
+ ((string-null? (car path))
+ ;; resource
+ (find-resource resource (cdr path)))
+ ((find (lambda (r) (string=? (car path) (name r)))
+ (children resource))
+ => (lambda (r) (find-resource r (cdr path))))
+ (else #f)))
+;; Lookup up a given resource first in the cache,
+;; Then in the tree
+;; and finaly fails and returns #f
+(define (lookup-resource root-resource path)
+ (find-resource root-resource path)
+ #;
+ (or (hash-ref (resource-cache root-resource) path)
+ (and=> (find-resource root-resource path)
+ (lambda (resource)
+ (hash-set! (resource-cache root-resource) path resource)
+ resource))))
+(define* (all-resources-under* resource optional: (prefix '()))
+ (define s (append prefix (list (name resource))))
+ (cons (cons s resource)
+ (append-map (lambda (c) (all-resources-under* c s))
+ (children resource))))
+;; Returns a flat list of this resource, and all its decendants
+(define* (all-resources-under resource optional: (prefix '()))
+ (cons (cons prefix resource)
+ (append-map (lambda (c) (all-resources-under* c prefix))
+ (children resource))))