path: root/module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm b/module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm
index e13a0ae3..b228991b 100644
--- a/module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm
+++ b/module/calp/html/view/calendar/week.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
:use-module (calp util)
:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
:use-module (srfi srfi-41)
+ :use-module (rnrs records syntactic)
:use-module (datetime)
:use-module (calp html view calendar shared)
:use-module (calp html config)
@@ -14,9 +15,8 @@
:use-module ((calp html vcomponent)
:select (make-block) )
- :use-module ((calp html components)
- :select (btn tabset ; form with-label
- ))
+ ;; :use-module ((calp html components)
+ ;; :select ())
:use-module ((vcomponent group)
:select (group-stream get-groups-between))
@@ -86,73 +86,86 @@
;; Based on popup:s output
- (template
- (@ (id "popup-template"))
- (div (@ ; (id ,id)
- (class "popup-container")
- (onclick "event.stopPropagation()"))
- (div (@ (class "popup"))
- (nav (@ (class "popup-control"))
- ,(btn "×"
- title: "Stäng"
- onclick: ""
- class: '("close-button"))
- ,(btn "🗑"
- title: "Ta bort"
- class: '("remove-button")
- onclick: ""))
- (div (@ (class "tabgroup"))
- (tab-element
- (@ (label-title "Översikt")
- (label "📅"))
- (vevent-description
- (@(class "vevent populate-with-uid"))))
- (tab-element
- (@ (label-title "Redigera")
- (label "🖊"))
- (vevent-edit (@ (class "populate-with-uid"))))
- (tab-element
- (@ (label-tile "Upprepningar")
- (label "↺"))
- (vevent-edit-rrule (@ (class "populate-with-uid"))))
- ,@(when (debug)
- `((tab-element
- (@ (label-title "Debug")
- (label "🐸"))
- (vevent-dl (@ (class "populate-with-uid")))
- ))))
- ;; ,(tabset
- ;; `(("📅" title: "Översikt"
- ;; (vevent-description
- ;; (@ (class "vevent populate-with-uid")))
- ;; )
- ;; ,@(when (edit-mode)
- ;; `(("📅" title: "Redigera"
- ;; (vevent-edit (@ (class "populate-with-uid"))))))
- ;; ))
- )))
- (template
- (@ (id "tab-template"))
- ;; ,((@ (calp html components) include-css) "/static/tab.css")
- (div (@ (class "tab"))
- (input (@ (type "radio")
- ;; id
- ;; (name ,tabgroup)
- ))
- (label (@ ; for id
- ;; style= top: calc(var(--tab-size) * i)
- (title)))
- (div (@ (class "content"))
- (slot (@ (name "content"))
- (span (@ (class "error"))
- )))
+ (template (@ (id "popup-template"))
+ ,(popup-template)))))
+(define-record-type tab
+ (fields title label body))
+(define (popup-template)
+ ;; the XXX-n and YYY-n id:s aren't actually used, but mearly show how things
+ ;; are supposed to be linked together.
+ ;; Each instance of XXX should be replaced with THE SAME unique id,
+ ;; and each instance of YYY shoud be replaced with another, but unique id.
+ ;; n is a serial number, where a tab and its label MUST have the same number.
+ (define* (build-tab
+ tabdata key:
+ (selected "false")
+ (tabindex "-1"))
+ `(button (@ (role "tab")
+ (aria-selected ,selected)
+ (tabindex ,tabindex)
+ (aria-controls "XXX-n")
+ (id "YYY-n")
+ (title ,(tab-title tabdata)))
+ ,(tab-label tabdata)))
+ (define tabs
+ (append
+ (list
+ (make-tab "Översikt" "📅"
+ '(vevent-description
+ (@ (class "vevent populate-with-uid"))))
+ (make-tab "Redigera" "🖊"
+ '(vevent-edit (@ (class "populate-with-uid"))))
+ (make-tab "Upprepningar" "↺"
+ '(vevent-edit-rrule (@ (class "populate-with-uid")))))
+ (when (debug)
+ (list
+ (make-tab "Debug" "🐸"
+ '(vevent-dl (@ (class "populate-with-uid"))))
+ ))))
+ ;; becomes the direct child of <popup-element/>
+ `(div (@ (class "popup-root window")
+ (onclick "event.stopPropagation()"))
+ (nav (@ (class "popup-control"))
+ (button (@ (class "close-button")
+ (title "Stäng")
+ (aria-label "Close"))
+ "×")
+ (button (@ (class "remove-button")
+ (title "Ta Bort"))
+ "🗑"))
+ (main (@ (class "tabgroup window-body"))
+ (menu (@ (role "tablist")
+ (aria-label "Simple Tabs"))
+ ,@(cons (build-tab (car tabs)
+ selected: "true"
+ tabindex: "0")
+ (map build-tab (cdr tabs))))
+ ;; content
+ (article (@ (id "XXX-n")
+ (role "tabpanel")
+ (tabindex "0")
+ (aria-labeledby "YYY-n"))
+ ,(tab-body (car tabs)))
+ ,@(map (lambda (tab)
+ `(article (@ (id "XXX-n")
+ (role "tabpanel")
+ (tabindex "0")
+ (hidden)
+ (aria-labeledby "YYY-n"))
+ ,(tab-body tab)))
+ (cdr tabs))
+ )))
(define (week-day-select args)
`(select (@ ,@args)