path: root/module/c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 673 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/module/c/ast.scm b/module/c/ast.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf5ad630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/ast.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(define-module (c ast)
+ :use-module ((c to-token) :select (preprocessing-token->token))
+ :use-module ((c parse2)
+ :select (build-lexical-analyzer
+ make-parser
+ error-procedure))
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (->>))
+ :use-module ((c flatten-begin)
+ :select (flatten-begin
+ remove-invalid-struct-like-declarations))
+ :export (build-ast))
+(define (parse% lexical-analyzer)
+ ((make-parser) lexical-analyzer error-procedure))
+(define (build-ast cpp-tokens)
+ (->> cpp-tokens
+;;; 7. Whitespace tokens are discarded, each preprocessing token is converted into a token
+ (map preprocessing-token->token)
+;;; 8. All external objects and functions are resolved
+ build-lexical-analyzer
+ parse%
+ flatten-begin
+ remove-invalid-struct-like-declarations
+ ))
diff --git a/module/c/compiler.scm b/module/c/compiler.scm
index 09d49578..c1563a0b 100644
--- a/module/c/compiler.scm
+++ b/module/c/compiler.scm
@@ -1,64 +1,36 @@
(define-module (c compiler)
- :use-module ((c lex2) :select (lex))
- :use-module ((c trigraph) :select (replace-trigraphs))
- :use-module ((c line-fold) :select (fold-lines))
- :use-module (c cpp-environment object-like-macro)
- :use-module ((c cpp-environment)
- :select (make-environment
- extend-environment
- enter-file))
- :use-module (hnh util)
- ;; TODO importort
- ;; handle-preprocessing-tokens
- ;; load-and-tokenize-file
- :export (run-compiler))
+ :use-module ((srfi srfi-1) :select (remove))
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-71)
+ :use-module ((c cpp-environment) :select (enter-file))
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (-> ->>))
+ :use-module ((hnh util io) :select (read-file))
+ :use-module ((c preprocessor2)
+ :select (preprocess-string
+ make-default-environment))
+ :use-module ((hnh util values) :select (abort* on-fst))
+ :use-module ((c ast) :select (build-ast))
+ :export (run-compiler
+ compile-string
+ compile-string*
+ the-environment
+ ))
-#define __STDC__ 1
-#define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1
-#define __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
-(define now (localtime (current-time)))
-(define default-macros
- (list
- ;; 6.10.8
- (object-like-macro
- identifier: "__STDC__"
- body: (lex "1"))
- (object-like-macro
- identifier: "__STDC_HOSTED__"
- body: (lex "1"))
- (object-like-macro
- identifier: "__STDC_VERSION__"
- body: (lex "201112L"))
- (object-like-macro
- identifier: "__DATE__"
- ;; TODO format should always be in
- ;; english, and not tranlated
- body: (lex (strftime "\"%b %_d %Y\"" now)))
- (object-like-macro
- identifier: "__TIME__"
- body: (lex (strftime "\"%H:%M:%S\"" now)))))
-(define environment
- (-> (make-environment)
- (extend-environment default-macros)))
+;;; Translation phases
+(define* (run-compiler path key: (environment (make-default-environment)))
+ (-> path read-file (compile-string (enter-file environment path))))
-;;; Translation phases
+(define* (compile-string str optional: (environment (make-default-environment)))
+ (on-fst (build-ast (abort* (preprocess-string str environment)))))
+(define the-environment (make-parameter (make-default-environment)))
-(define (run-compiler path)
- (define environment (enter-file (make-environment) path))
- (-> (load-and-tokenize-file path)
- (handle-preprocessing-tokens environment))
-;;; 5. (something with character sets)
-;;; 6. concatenation of string literals
-;;; 7. Whitespace tokens are discarded, each preprocessing token is converted into a token
- ;; 6.4 paragraph 2
- ;; Each preprocessing toket thas is converted to a token shall have the lexcal form of a keyword, an identifier, a constant, a string literal, or a puncturtor
-;;; 8. All external objects and functions are resolved
- )
+(define* (compile-string* str)
+ (let ((result cpp-env (compile-string str)))
+ (if (null? result)
+ (compile-string (string-append str ";")
+ (the-environment))
+ result)))
diff --git a/module/c/cpp-types.scm b/module/c/cpp-types.scm
index 6dad061e..bf51d009 100644
--- a/module/c/cpp-types.scm
+++ b/module/c/cpp-types.scm
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
;; NOTE q-string tokens are never produced by the lexer,
;; since they instead are treated as regular strings
(define (q-string-token? token)
- (string-token? token))
+ (cond ((string-token? token)
+ (lambda (a . _) a) => (lambda (_ . a) (apply values a)))))
(define (make-string-literal parts)
(typecheck parts (list-of (or string? list?)))
diff --git a/module/c/eval-basic.scm b/module/c/eval-basic.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a16a095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/eval-basic.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(define-module (c eval-basic)
+ :use-module (ice-9 match)
+ :use-module (c eval2)
+ :export (eval-basic-c))
+(define operators
+ `((bitwise-ior . ,(@ (srfi srfi-60) bitwise-ior))
+ (bitwise-xor . ,(@ (srfi srfi-60) bitwise-xor))
+ (bitwise-and . ,(@ (srfi srfi-60) bitwise-and))
+ (bitwise-not . ,(@ (srfi srfi-60) bitwise-not))
+ (== . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean =))
+ (!= . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean not =))
+ (<= . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean <=))
+ (>= . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean <=))
+ (< . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean <))
+ (> . ,(compose boolean->c-boolean >))
+ (not . ,c-not)
+ (<< . ,(lambda (n c) (ash n c)))
+ (>> . ,(lambda (n c) (ash (- n) c)))
+ (+ . ,+)
+ (- . ,-)
+ (* . ,*)
+ (/ . ,floor-quotient)
+ (% . ,floor-remainder)
+ (unary+ . ,+)
+ (unary- . ,-)))
+(define (eval-basic-c ast)
+ (define (err fmt . args)
+ (scm-error 'cpp-error "eval-basic-c"
+ fmt args #f))
+ (match ast
+ (`((constexpr ,body))
+ (let loop ((ast body))
+ (match ast
+ (('begin forms ...)
+ (err "begin should be impossible here: ~s" forms))
+ (('constant value)
+ (if (exact-integer? value)
+ value
+ (err "Only exact integers supported, got: ~s" value)))
+ (('string-literal value)
+ (err "String literals not supported: ~s" value))
+ (('ternary expr true false)
+ (if (c-boolean->boolean (loop expr))
+ (loop true)
+ (loop false)))
+ (('and a b)
+ (let ((a* (loop a)))
+ (if (c-boolean->boolean a*)
+ (loop b)
+ a*)))
+ (('or a b)
+ (let ((a* (loop a)))
+ (if (c-boolean->boolean a*)
+ a*
+ (loop b))))
+ ((f args ...)
+ (cond ((assoc-ref operators f)
+ => (lambda (op)
+ (apply op (map loop args))))
+ (else
+ (err "Unknown operator ~s" f)))))))))
diff --git a/module/c/flatten-begin.scm b/module/c/flatten-begin.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7543a5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/flatten-begin.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(define-module (c flatten-begin)
+ :use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :use-module (ice-9 match)
+ :use-module (ice-9 control)
+ :export (flatten-begin remove-invalid-struct-like-declarations))
+(define (flatten-begin-1 forms)
+ (append-map
+ (lambda (form)
+ (match form
+ (('begin x ...) x)
+ (x (list x))))
+ forms))
+(define (flatten-begin form)
+ (match form
+ (`(begin ,x) (flatten-begin x))
+ (`(let () ,('let '() x ...)) `(let () ,(flatten-begin x)))
+ (('begin forms ...)
+ `(begin ,@(map flatten-begin
+ (flatten-begin-1 forms))))
+ (('let '() forms ...)
+ `(let () ,@(map flatten-begin
+ (flatten-begin-1 forms))))
+ ;; switch already has to traverse subforms in order to find its labels.
+ ;; See (for example) Duff's device
+ ;; (`(switch ,x (begin ,('let '() forms ...)))
+ ;; `(let () (switch ,(flatten-begin x)
+ ;; ,@(map flatten-begin (flatten-begin-1 forms)))))
+ ((x ...) (map flatten-begin x))
+ (x x)))
+;; [A]
+;; ((type (struct
+;; (named s)
+;; (struct-declaration-list
+;; (struct-declarator-list
+;; (named x
+;; (specifier-qualifier-list
+;; (type int))))))))))
+(define (tree-valid? tree abandon)
+ (match tree
+ (`(struct-like-declaration ((type ,('struct body ...))))
+ `(struct-like-declaration ((type (struct ,@(tree-valid? body abandon))))))
+ (`(struct-like-declaration ((type ,('union body ...))))
+ `(struct-like-declaration ((type (union ,@(tree-valid? body abandon))))))
+ (('struct-like-declaration body ...)
+ (abandon #f))
+ (('struct-declaration-list body ...)
+ ;; Filters out case [A]
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ (`(specifier-qualifier-list (type ,((or 'struct 'union) body ...)))
+ 'noop)
+ (('specifier-qualifier-list body ...)
+ (abandon #f))
+ (_ 'noop))
+ body)
+ `(struct-declaration-list ,@(tree-valid? body abandon)))
+ ((a b ...)
+ (cons (tree-valid? a abandon)
+ (tree-valid? b abandon)))
+ (x x)))
+(define (remove-invalid-struct-like-declarations lst)
+ (filter-map (lambda (tree)
+ (call/ec (lambda (abandon) (tree-valid? tree abandon))))
+ lst))
diff --git a/module/c/parse2.scm b/module/c/parse2.scm
index fad2ffd8..34c1730f 100644
--- a/module/c/parse2.scm
+++ b/module/c/parse2.scm
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
(define-module (c parse2)
:use-module (hnh util)
- :use-module (system base lalr))
+ :use-module (system base lalr)
+ :export (make-parser
+ build-lexical-analyzer
+ error-procedure))
(define (make-parser)
(#{out-table:}# "/tmp/c-parser.txt")
(#{output:}# c-parser "/tmp/c-parser.scm")
- ;; (#{driver:}# glr)
+ (#{driver:}# glr)
@@ -47,23 +51,27 @@
;; punctuator - already translated
- ;; Primitives
+ (top-level
+ (translation-unit) : $1
+ (statement) : $1
+ (constant-expression) : $1)
- ;; (identifier) : $1
- ;; (constant) : $1
- ;; (string-literal) : $1
+ ;; compounds
+ ;; 6.9
+ (translation-unit
+ (external-declaration) : (list 'translation-unit $1)
+ (translation-unit external-declaration) : (append $1 (list $2)))
- ;; compounds
;; 6.5.1
- (identifier)
- (constant)
- (string-literal)
- (lparen expression rparen)
- (generic-selection))
+ (identifier) : $1
+ (constant) : `(constant ,$1)
+ (string-literal) : `(string-constant ,$1)
+ ;; output parenthesis skipped, since all forms come with their own
+ (lparen expression rparen) : $2
+ (generic-selection) : $1)
@@ -71,470 +79,524 @@
- (_Generic lparen assignment-expression comma generic-assoc-list))
+ (_Generic lparen assignment-expression comma generic-assoc-list rparen) : `(generic ,$3 ,@$5))
- (generic-association)
- (generic-assoc-list comma generic-association))
+ (generic-assoc-list comma generic-association) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (generic-association) : (list $1))
- (type-name : assignment-expression)
- (default : assignment-expression))
+ (type-name : assignment-expression) : (cons $1 $3)
+ (default : assignment-expression) : (cons $1 $3))
;; 6.5.2
- (primary-expression)
- (postfix-expression lbrack expression rbrack)
- (postfix-expression lparen rparen)
- (postfix-expression lparen argument-expression-list rparen)
- (postfix-expression dot identifier)
- (postfix-expression -> identifier)
- (postfix-expression ++)
- (postfix-expression --)
+ (postfix-expression lbrack expression rbrack) : `(idx ,$1 ,$3)
+ (postfix-expression lparen rparen) : `(,$1)
+ (postfix-expression lparen argument-expression-list rparen) : `(,$1 ,@$3)
+ (postfix-expression dot identifier) : `(dot-access ,$1 ,$3)
+ (postfix-expression -> identifier) : `(ptr-access ,$1 ,$3)
+ (postfix-expression ++) : `(postfix++ ,$1)
+ (postfix-expression --) : `(postfix-- ,$1)
(lparen type-name rparen lbrace initializer-list rbrace)
- (lparen type-name rparen lbrace initializer-list comma rbrace))
+ (lparen type-name rparen lbrace initializer-list comma rbrace)
+ (primary-expression) : $1
+ )
- (assignment-expression)
- (argument-expression-list comma assignment-expression))
+ (argument-expression-list comma assignment-expression) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (assignment-expression) : (list $1))
;; 6.5.3
- (postfix-expression)
- (++ unary-expression)
- (-- unary-expression)
- (unary-operator cast-expression)
- (sizeof unary-expression)
- (sizeof lparen type-name rparen)
- (_Alignof lparen type-name rparen))
+ (++ unary-expression) : `(prefix++ ,$2)
+ (-- unary-expression) : `(prefix-- ,$2)
+ (unary-operator cast-expression) : `(,$1 ,$2)
+ (sizeof unary-expression) : `(sizeof (typeof ,$2))
+ (sizeof lparen type-name rparen) : `(sizeof ,$3)
+ (_Alignof lparen type-name rparen) : `(alignof ,$3)
+ (postfix-expression) : $1)
- (&)
- (*)
- (+)
- (-)
- (~)
- (!))
+ (&) : 'pointer-to
+ (*) : 'dereference
+ (+) : 'unary+ ; separate from + and - for
+ (-) : 'unary- ; easier eval procedure later
+ (~) : 'bitwise-not
+ (!) : 'not)
;; 6.5.4
- (unary-expression)
- (lparen type-name rparen cast-expression))
+ (lparen type-name rparen cast-expression) : `(as-type ,$2 ,$4)
+ (unary-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.5
- (cast-expression)
- (multiplicative-expression * cast-expression)
- (multiplicative-expression / cast-expression)
- (multiplicative-expression % cast-expression))
+ (multiplicative-expression * cast-expression) : `(* ,$1 ,$3)
+ (multiplicative-expression / cast-expression) : `(/ ,$1 ,$3)
+ (multiplicative-expression % cast-expression) : `(% ,$1 ,$3)
+ (cast-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.6
- (multiplicative-expression)
- (additive-expression + multiplicative-expression)
- (additive-expression - multiplicative-expression))
+ (additive-expression + multiplicative-expression) : `(+ ,$1 ,$3)
+ (additive-expression - multiplicative-expression) : `(- ,$1 ,$3)
+ (multiplicative-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.7
- (additive-expression)
- (shift-expression << additive-expression)
- (shift-expression >> additive-expression))
+ (shift-expression << additive-expression) : `(<< ,$1 ,$3)
+ (shift-expression >> additive-expression) : `(>> ,$1 ,$3)
+ (additive-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.8
- (shift-expression)
- (relational-expression < shift-expression)
- (relational-expression > shift-expression)
- (relational-expression <= shift-expression)
- (relational-expression >= shift-expression))
+ (relational-expression < shift-expression) : `(< ,$1 ,$3)
+(relational-expression > shift-expression) : `(> ,$1 ,$3)
+ (relational-expression <= shift-expression) : `(<= ,$1 ,$3)
+ (relational-expression >= shift-expression) : `(>= ,$1 ,$3)
+ (shift-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.9
- (relational-expression)
- (equality-expression == relational-expression)
- (equality-expression != relational-expression))
+ (equality-expression == relational-expression) : `(== ,$1 ,$3)
+ (equality-expression != relational-expression) : `(!= ,$1 ,$3)
+ (relational-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.10
- (equality-expression)
- (AND-expression & equality-expression))
+ (AND-expression & equality-expression) : `(bitwise-and ,$1 ,$3)
+ (equality-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.11
- (AND-expression)
- (exclusive-OR-expression ^ AND-expression))
+ (exclusive-OR-expression ^ AND-expression) : `(bitwise-xor ,$1 ,$3)
+ (AND-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.12
- (exclusive-OR-expression)
- (inclusive-OR-expression pipe exclusive-OR-expression))
+ (inclusive-OR-expression pipe exclusive-OR-expression) : `(bitwise-ior ,$1 ,$3)
+ (exclusive-OR-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.13
- (inclusive-OR-expression)
- (logical-AND-expression && inclusive-OR-expression))
+ (logical-AND-expression && inclusive-OR-expression) : `(and ,$1 ,$3)
+ (inclusive-OR-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.14
- (logical-AND-expression)
- (logical-OR-expression pipe2 logical-AND-expression))
+ (logical-OR-expression pipe2 logical-AND-expression) : `(or ,$1 ,$3)
+ (logical-AND-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.15
- (logical-OR-expression)
- (logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression))
+ (logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression) : `(ternary ,$1 ,$3 ,$5)
+ (logical-OR-expression) : $1)
;; 6.5.16
- (conditional-expression)
- (unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression))
+ (unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression) : `(,$2 ,$1 ,$3)
+ (conditional-expression) : $1)
- (=)
- (*=)
- (/=)
- (%=)
- (+=)
- (-=)
- (<<=)
- (>>=)
- (&=)
- (^=)
- (pipe=))
+ (=) : $1
+ (*=) : $1
+ (/=) : $1
+ (%=) : $1
+ (+=) : $1
+ (-=) : $1
+ (<<=) : $1
+ (>>=) : $1
+ (&=) : $1
+ (^=) : $1
+ (pipe=) : $1)
;; 6.5.17
- (assignment-expression)
- (expression comma assignment-expression))
+ (assignment-expression) : `(begin ,$1)
+ ;; (This is the comma operator)
+ (expression comma assignment-expression) : (append $1 (list $3)))
;; 6.6 constant expression
- (expression))
+ (expression) : `(constexpr ,$1))
;; 6.7
- (declaration-specifiers semicolon)
- (declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list semicolon)
+ (declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list semicolon) : ($2 $1)
+ ;; TODO when is declare-specifiers without init-declarator-list case relevant?
+ ;; It when enabled, it thinks just about everything is this:
+ ;; (compile-string* "int x;")
+ ;; ⇒ (translation-unit (define (named x ((type int))) <undefined-value>))
+ ;; ⇒ (translation-unit (declare1 ((type int) (type (typedef x)))))
+ ;; NOTE this case is for structs
+ ;; "struct s;"
+ (declaration-specifiers semicolon) : `(struct-like-declaration ,$1)
- (storage-class-specifier)
- (storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers)
+ (storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
+ (storage-class-specifier) : (list $1)
+ (type-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
+ (type-specifier) : (list $1)
+ (type-qualifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
+ (type-qualifier) : (list $1)
- (type-specifier)
- (type-specifier declaration-specifiers)
+ (function-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
+ (function-specifier) : (list $1)
- (type-qualifier)
- (type-qualifier declaration-specifiers)
+ (alignment-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
+ (alignment-specifier) : (list $1))
- (function-specifier)
- (function-specifier declaration-specifiers)
- (alignment-specifier)
- (alignment-specifier declaration-specifiers))
- (init-declarator)
- (init-declarator-list comma init-declarator))
+ (init-declarator-list comma init-declarator) : (lambda (type) (append ($1 type) (list ($3 type))))
+ (init-declarator) : (lambda (type) `(begin ,($1 type))))
- (declarator)
- (declarator = initializer))
+ (declarator = initializer) : (lambda (type) `(define ,($1 type) ,$3))
+ (declarator) : (lambda (type) `(define ,($1 type) <undefined-value>)))
;; 6.7.1
- (typedef)
- (extern)
- (static)
- (_Thread_local)
- (auto)
- (register))
+ (typedef) : '(storage typedef)
+ (extern) : '(storage extern)
+ (static) : '(storage static)
+ (_Thread_local) : '(storage thread-local)
+ (auto) : '(storage auto)
+ (register) : '(storage register))
- ;; 6.7.2
- (type-specifier
- (void)
- (char)
- (short)
- (int)
- (long)
- (float)
- (double)
- (signed)
- (unsigned)
- (_Bool)
- (_Complex)
- (atomic-type-specifier)
- (struct-or-union-specifier)
- (enum-specifier)
- (typedef-name))
- (struct-or-union lbrace struct-declaration-list rbrace)
- (struct-or-union identifier lbrace struct-declaration-list rbrace)
- (struct-or-union identifier))
+ (struct-or-union lbrace struct-declaration-list rbrace) : `(,$1 ,$3)
+ (struct-or-union identifier lbrace struct-declaration-list rbrace) : `(,$1 (named ,$2) ,$4)
+ (struct-or-union identifier) : `(,$1 (named ,$2)))
- (struct)
- (union))
+ (struct) : 'struct
+ (union) : 'union)
- (struct-declaration)
- (struct-declaration-list struct-declaration))
+ (struct-declaration-list struct-declaration) : (append $1 (list $2))
+ (struct-declaration) : (list 'struct-declaration-list $1)
+ )
- (specifier-qualifier-list semicolon)
- (specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list semicolon)
+ (specifier-qualifier-list semicolon) : $1
+ (specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list semicolon) : ($2 $1)
- (type-specifier)
- (type-specifier specifier-qualifier-list)
+ (type-specifier specifier-qualifier-list) : `(specifier-qualifier-list ,$1 ,@(cdr $2))
+ (type-specifier) : `(specifier-qualifier-list ,$1)
- (type-qualifier)
- (type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-list))
+ (type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-list) : `(specifier-qualifier-list ,$1 ,@(cdr $2))
+ (type-qualifier) : `(specifier-qualifier-list ,$1))
- (struct-declarator)
- (struct-declarator-list comma struct-declarator))
+ (struct-declarator-list comma struct-declarator) : (lambda (type) (append ($1 type) (list ($3 type))))
+ (struct-declarator) : (lambda (type) (list 'struct-declarator-list ($1 type)))
+ )
- (declarator)
- (: constant-expression)
- (declarator : constant-expression))
+ (: constant-expression) : (lambda (type) `(of-width *nothing* ,$2))
+ (declarator : constant-expression) : (lambda (type) `(of-width ,($1 type) ,$3))
+ (declarator) : $1)
- (enum identifier lbrace enumerator-list rbrace)
- (enum lbrace enumerator-list rbrace)
+ (enum identifier lbrace enumerator-list rbrace) : `(enum (named ,$2) ,$4)
+ (enum lbrace enumerator-list rbrace) : `(enum ,$3)
- (enum identifier lbrace enumerator-list comma rbrace)
- (enum lbrace enumerator-list comma rbrace)
+ (enum identifier lbrace enumerator-list comma rbrace) : `(enum (named ,$2) ,$4)
+ (enum lbrace enumerator-list comma rbrace) : `(enum ,$3)
- (enum identifier))
+ (enum identifier) : `(enum (named ,$2)))
- (enumerator)
- (enumerator-list comma enumerator))
+ (enumerator-list comma enumerator) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (enumerator) : (list $1)
+ )
- (enumeration-constant)
- (enumeration-constant = constant-expression))
+ (enumeration-constant = constant-expression) : (list $1 $3)
+ (enumeration-constant) : $1
+ )
- (_Atomic lparen type-name rparen))
+ (_Atomic lparen type-name rparen) : `(atomic ,$3))
;; 6.7.3
- (const)
- (restrict)
- (volatile)
- (_Atomic))
+ (const) : `(qualifier const)
+ (restrict) : `(qualifier restrict)
+ (volatile) : `(qualifier volatile)
+ (_Atomic) : `(qualifier atomic)
+ )
;; 6.7.4
- (inline)
- (_Noreturn))
+ (inline) : 'inline
+ (_Noreturn) : 'noterun)
;; 6.7.5
- (_Alignas lparen type-name rparen)
- (_Alignas lparen constant-expression rparen))
+ (_Alignas lparen type-name rparen) : `(aligned-as ,$3)
+ (_Alignas lparen constant-expression rparen) : `(aligned-as ,$3))
;; 6.7.6
- (pointer direct-declarator)
- (direct-declarator))
+ (pointer direct-declarator) : (lambda (type) ($2 ($1 type)))
+ (direct-declarator) : (lambda (type) ($1 type)))
- (identifier)
- ( lparen declarator rparen )
- (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack )
- (direct-declarator lbrack assignment-expression rbrack )
- (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack )
- (direct-declarator lbrack rbrack )
- (direct-declarator lbrack static type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack)
- (direct-declarator lbrack static assignment-expression rbrack)
- (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression rbrack)
- (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list * rbrack)
- (direct-declarator lbrack * rbrack)
- (direct-declarator lparen parameter-type-list rparen )
- (direct-declarator lparen identifier-list rparen )
- (direct-declarator lparen rparen ))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length (,$3 ,$4))
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length ,$3)
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length (,$3))
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-indeterminate-length)
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack static type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack) : (lambda (type) `(array (static)
+ (containing ,type)
+ (of-length (,$3 ,$4))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack static assignment-expression rbrack) : (lambda (type) `(array (static)
+ (containing ,type)
+ (of-length ,$4)))
+ ;; TODO static position
+ (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression rbrack) : (lambda (type) `(array (static)
+ (containing ,type)
+ (of-length (,$3 ,$4))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list * rbrack) : (lambda (type) ($1 '(array (containing ,type) (of-variable-length ,$3))))
+ (direct-declarator lbrack * rbrack) : (lambda (type) ($1 '(array (containing ,type) (of-variable-length))))
+ (direct-declarator lparen parameter-type-list rparen ) : (lambda (returning) ($1 `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking ,@(cdr $3)))))
+ (direct-declarator lparen identifier-list rparen ) : (lambda (returning) ($1 `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking ,@(cdr $3)))))
+ (direct-declarator lparen rparen ) : (lambda (returning) ($1 `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking *any*))))
+ ( lparen declarator rparen ) : (lambda (type) (list ($2 type)))
+ (identifier) : (lambda (type) `(named ,$1 ,type))
+ )
- (* type-qualifier-list)
- (*)
- (* type-qualifier-list pointer)
- (* pointer))
+ (* type-qualifier-list) : (lambda (to) `(,$2 (pointer-to ,to)))
+ (* type-qualifier-list pointer) : (lambda (to) `(,$2 (pointer-to ,($3 to))))
+ (* pointer) : (lambda (to) `(pointer-to ,($2 to)))
+ (*) : (lambda (to) `(pointer-to ,to)))
- (type-qualifier)
- (type-qualifier-list type-qualifier))
+ (type-qualifier-list type-qualifier) : (append $1 (list $2))
+ (type-qualifier) : (list 'type-qualifier-list $1)
+ )
- (parameter-list)
- (parameter-list comma ...))
+ (parameter-list comma ...) : `(parameter-list ,$1 ...)
+ (parameter-list) : `(parameter-list ,$1)
+ )
- (parameter-declaration)
- (parameter-list comma parameter-declaration))
+ (parameter-list comma parameter-declaration) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (parameter-declaration) : (list $1)
+ )
- (declaration-specifiers declarator)
- (declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator)
- (declaration-specifiers))
+ (declaration-specifiers declarator) : ($2 $1)
+ (declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator) : ($2 $1)
+ (declaration-specifiers) : $1)
- (identifier)
- (identifier-list comma identifier))
+ (identifier-list comma identifier) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (identifier) : (list 'identifier-list $1))
;; 6.7.7
- (specifier-qualifier-list)
- (specifier-qualifier-list abstract-declarator))
+ (specifier-qualifier-list abstract-declarator) : ($2 $1)
+ (specifier-qualifier-list) : $1
+ )
- (pointer)
- (pointer direct-abstract-declarator)
- ( direct-abstract-declarator))
+ (pointer direct-abstract-declarator) : (compose $1 $2)
+ (pointer) : $1
+ ( direct-abstract-declarator) : $1
+ )
- ( lparen abstract-declarator rparen )
- (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack )
- (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack )
- (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack assignment-expression rbrack )
- ( lbrack rbrack )
- ( lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack )
- ( lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack )
- (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack * rbrack)
- ( lbrack * rbrack)
- (direct-abstract-declarator lparen parameter-type-list rparen )
- (direct-abstract-declarator lparen rparen )
- ( lparen parameter-type-list rparen )
- ( lparen rparen ))
+ ( lparen abstract-declarator rparen ) : (lambda (type) (list ($2 type)))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length (,$3 ,$4))
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length (,$3))
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-length ,$3)
+ (containing ,type))))
+ ( lbrack rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (of-indeterminate-length)
+ (containing ,type)))
+ ( lbrack type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (containing ,type)
+ (of-length (,$3 ,$4))))
+ ( lbrack type-qualifier-list rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (containing ,type)
+ (of-length (,$3))))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack static type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (static)
+ (of-length (,$4 ,$5))
+ (containing ,type))))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack static assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (static) (of-length ,$4) (containing ,type))))
+ ( lbrack static type-qualifier-list assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (static) (of-length ,($4 $5)) (containing ,type)))
+ ( lbrack static assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (static) (of-length ,$3) (containing ,type)))
+ ;; TODO static position
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (static) (of-length (,$3 ,$4)) (containing ,type)))
+ ( lbrack type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression rbrack ) : (lambda (type) `(array (static) (of-length (,$2 ,$3)) (containing ,type)))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lbrack * rbrack) : (lambda (type) ($1 `(array (of-variable-length) (containing ,type))))
+ ( lbrack * rbrack) : (lambda (type) `(array (of-variable-length) (containing ,type)))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lparen parameter-type-list rparen ) : (lambda (returning) ($1 `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking ,$3))))
+ (direct-abstract-declarator lparen rparen ) : (lambda (returning) ($1 `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking *any*))))
+ ( lparen parameter-type-list rparen ) : (lambda (returning) `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking ,$2)))
+ ( lparen rparen ) : (lambda (returning) `(procedure (returning ,returning) (taking *any*))))
;; 6.7.8
- (identifier))
+ (identifier) : `(typedef ,$1))
;; 6.7.9
- (assignment-expression)
- (lbrace initializer-list rbrace)
- (lbrace initializer-list comma rbrace))
+ (lbrace initializer-list rbrace) : $2
+ (lbrace initializer-list comma rbrace) : $2
+ (assignment-expression) : $1)
- (designation initializer)
- (initializer)
- (initializer-list comma designation initializer)
- (initializer-list comma initializer))
+ (initializer-list comma designation initializer) : (append $1 (list `(designate ,$3 ,$4)))
+ (initializer-list comma initializer) : (append $1 (list $3))
+ (designation initializer) : `(initializer-list (designate ,$1 ,$2))
+ (initializer) : `(initializer-list ,$1))
- (designator-list =))
+ (designator-list =) : $1)
- (designator)
- (designator-list designator))
+ (designator-list designator) : (append $1 (list $2))
+ (designator) : (list 'designators $1))
- (lbrack constant-expression rbrack)
- (dot identifier))
+ (lbrack constant-expression rbrack) : `(idx ,$2)
+ (dot identifier) : `(slot ,$2))
;; 6.7.10
- (_Static_assert lparen constant-expression comma string-literal rparen semicolon))
+ (_Static_assert lparen constant-expression comma string-literal rparen semicolon)
+ : `(static-assert ,$3 ,$5))
;; 6.8
- (labeled-statement)
- (compound-statement)
- (expression-statement)
- (selection-statement)
- (iteration-statement)
- (jump-statement))
+ (labeled-statement) : $1
+ (compound-statement) : $1
+ (expression-statement) : $1
+ (selection-statement) : $1
+ (iteration-statement) : $1
+ (jump-statement) : $1)
;; 6.8.1
- (identifier : statement)
- (case constant-expression : statement)
- (default : statement))
+ (identifier : statement) : `(labeled ,$1 ,$3)
+ (case constant-expression : statement) : `(case ,$2 ,$4)
+ (default : statement) : `(case-default ,$3))
;; 6.8.2
- (lbrace block-item-list rbrace)
- (lbrace rbrace))
+ (lbrace block-item-list rbrace) : `(begin ,$2)
+ (lbrace rbrace) : '(begin))
- (block-item)
- (block-item-list block-item))
+ (block-item-list block-item) : (append $1 (list $2))
+ (block-item) : `(let () ,$1)
+ )
- (declaration)
- (statement))
+ (declaration) : $1
+ (statement) : $1)
;; 6.8.3
- (expression semicolon)
- (semicolon))
+ (expression semicolon) : $1
+ (semicolon) : '(noop))
- (if lparen expression rparen statement)
- (if lparen expression rparen statement else statement)
- (switch lparen expression rparen statement))
+ (if lparen expression rparen statement else statement) : `(if ,$3 ,$5 ,$7)
+ (if lparen expression rparen statement) : `(when ,$3 ,$5)
+ (switch lparen expression rparen statement) : `(switch ,$3 ,$5))
;; 6.8.5
- (while lparen expression rparen statement)
- (do statement while lparen expression rparen semicolon)
- (for lparen expression semicolon expression semicolon expression rparen statement)
- (for lparen expression semicolon expression semicolon rparen statement)
- (for lparen expression semicolon semicolon expression rparen statement)
- (for lparen semicolon semicolon rparen statement)
- (for lparen semicolon expression semicolon expression rparen statement)
- (for lparen semicolon expression semicolon rparen statement)
- (for lparen declaration expression semicolon expression rparen statement)
+ (while lparen expression rparen statement) : `(while ,$3 ,$5)
+ (do statement while lparen expression rparen semicolon) : `(do-while ,$5 ,$2)
+ (for lparen expression semicolon expression semicolon expression rparen statement) : `(for (init ,$3) (cond ,$5) (step ,$7) ,$9)
+ (for lparen expression semicolon expression semicolon rparen statement) : `(for (init ,$3) (cond ,$5) (step ) ,$8)
+ (for lparen expression semicolon semicolon expression rparen statement) : `(for (init ,$3) (cond ) (step ,$6) ,$8)
+ (for lparen semicolon semicolon rparen statement) : `(for (init ) (cond ) (step ) ,$6)
+ (for lparen semicolon expression semicolon expression rparen statement) : `(for (init ) (cond ,$4) (step ,$6) ,$8)
+ (for lparen semicolon expression semicolon rparen statement) : `(for (init ) (cond ,$4) (step ) ,$7)
+ (for lparen declaration expression semicolon expression rparen statement) ; TODO
(for lparen declaration expression semicolon rparen statement)
(for lparen declaration semicolon expression rparen statement)
(for lparen declaration semicolon rparen statement))
;; 6.8.6
- (goto identifier semicolon)
- (continue semicolon)
- (break semicolon)
- (return expression semicolon)
- (return semicolon))
+ (goto identifier semicolon) : `(goto ,$2)
+ (continue semicolon) : `(continue)
+ (break semicolon) : `(break)
+ (return expression semicolon) : `(return ,$2)
+ (return semicolon) : `(return))
;; 6.9
- (translation-unit
- (external-declaration)
- (translation-unit external-declaration))
- (function-definition)
- (declaration))
+ (function-definition) : $1
+ (declaration) : $1)
;; 6.9.1
(declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-list compound-statement)
- (declaration-specifiers declarator compound-statement))
+ (declaration-specifiers declarator compound-statement) : `(define ,($2 $1) ,$3))
- (declaration)
- (declaration-list declaration))))
+ (declaration-list declaration) : (append $1 (list $2))
+ (declaration) : `(declaration-list ,$1))
+ ;; 6.7.2
+ ;; Placed AFTER init-declarator to handle "int x = 5;" case. Otherwise it's
+ ;; only treated as a (really badly formed) typedef
+ (type-specifier
+ (void) : `(type ,$1)
+ (char) : `(type ,$1)
+ (short) : `(type ,$1)
+ (int) : `(type ,$1)
+ (long) : `(type ,$1)
+ (float) : `(type ,$1)
+ (double) : `(type ,$1)
+ (signed) : `(type ,$1)
+ (unsigned) : `(type ,$1)
+ (_Bool) : `(type bool)
+ (_Complex) : `(type complex)
+ (atomic-type-specifier) : `(type ,$1)
+ (struct-or-union-specifier) : `(type ,$1)
+ (enum-specifier) : `(type ,$1)
+ (typedef-name) : `(type ,$1))))
(define (build-lexical-analyzer tokens)
diff --git a/module/c/preprocessor2.scm b/module/c/preprocessor2.scm
index 3f9552c5..b9b11d0a 100644
--- a/module/c/preprocessor2.scm
+++ b/module/c/preprocessor2.scm
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@
:use-module (srfi srfi-88)
:use-module (c cpp-environment)
- :use-module (c eval2)
+ :use-module ((c eval2) :select (c-boolean->boolean))
+ :use-module ((c eval-basic) :select (eval-basic-c))
:use-module ((c cpp-environment function-like-macro)
- :select (function-like-macro variadic? identifier-list))
- :use-module ((c cpp-environment object-like-macro) :select (object-like-macro object-like-macro?))
+ :select (function-like-macro variadic?))
+ :use-module ((c cpp-environment object-like-macro)
+ :select (object-like-macro object-like-macro?))
:use-module ((c cpp-environment internal-macro) :select (internal-macro))
- :use-module ((hnh util) :select (-> ->> intersperse aif swap unless unval break/all))
+ :use-module ((hnh util) :select (-> ->> intersperse swap unless unval break/all))
:use-module ((hnh util lens) :select (set modify cdr*))
:use-module (hnh util path)
:use-module (hnh util type)
:use-module (hnh util object)
:use-module ((hnh util values) :select (abort* on-fst on-snd apply/values))
+ :use-module ((hnh util io) :select (read-file))
:use-module ((c lex2)
:select (lex
@@ -27,15 +30,16 @@
:use-module (c unlex)
:use-module (c cpp-types)
:use-module (c cpp-util)
+ :use-module ((c ast) :select (build-ast))
:export (_Pragma-macro
- defined-macro
+ ;; defined-macro
- handle-preprocessing-tokens))
+ handle-preprocessing-tokens
+ preprocess-string
+ make-default-environment
+ ))
-(define (read-file path)
- (call-with-input-file path (@ (ice-9 rdelim) read-string)))
(define-syntax-rule (alist-of variable key-type value-type)
@@ -55,12 +59,6 @@
(define (ellipsis-token? token) (equal? "..." (punctuator-token? token)))
-;; TODO
-;; > #if defined X
-;; is equivalent to
-;; > #if defined(X)
;; parameters is a lexeme list, as returned by parse-parameter-list
(define (build-parameter-map macro parameters)
(typecheck macro cpp-macro?)
@@ -201,15 +199,6 @@
-;; Expand object-like macro
-;; #define VALUE 10
-;; #define str(x) #x
-;; #define OTHER str(VALUE)
-;; ⇒ "VALUE"
;; remaining-tokens should be the token stream just after the name of the macro
(define (expand-macro environment macro noexpand-list remaining-tokens)
(typecheck environment cpp-environment?)
@@ -378,19 +367,6 @@
body: (lex (number->string (current-line environment)))))))
-(define defined-macro
- (internal-macro
- identifier: "defined"
- body: (lambda (environment arguments)
- (typecheck arguments (and (list-of (list-of lexeme?))
- (not null?)))
- (aif (identifier-token? (car (list-ref arguments 0)))
- (let ((in-env (boolean->c-boolean (in-environment? environment it))))
- (values environment (lex (number->string in-env))))
- (scm-error 'cpp-error "defined"
- "Invalid parameter list to `defined': ~s"
- (list arguments) #f)))))
(define _Pragma-macro
identifier: "_Pragma"
@@ -436,21 +412,65 @@
-;; 6.10.1 p. 4
-(define (resolve-constant-expression cpp-tokens)
- ;; (typecheck tokens (list-of lexeme?))
+;; (next-token-or-group (lex " x y")
+;; => (car (lex "x"))
+;; => (lex " y")
+;; next-token-or-group (lex " (x) y")
+;; => (lex "(x)")
+;; => (lex " y")
+(define (next-token-or-group tokens)
+ (let loop ((tokens (drop-whitespace tokens)))
+ (cond ((null? tokens)
+ ;; TODO error here?
+ '())
+ ((left-parenthesis-token? (car tokens))
+ (parse-group tokens))
+ ((preprocessing-token? (car tokens))
+ (car+cdr tokens))
+ (else
+ (loop (cdr tokens))))))
+(define (parse-if-line environment cpp-tokens)
(define zero (car (lex "0")))
- #;
- (define tokens
- (map preprocessing-token->token
- (map (lambda (token)
- (cond ((identifier-token? token) zero)
- (else token)))
- (remove whitespace-token? tokens))))
+ (define one (car (lex "1")))
+ (define (drop-identifiers tokens)
+ (map (lambda (x) (if (identifier-token? x)
+ zero x))
+ tokens))
+ (drop-identifiers
+ (let ((environment (join-file-line environment)))
+ (let loop ((tokens cpp-tokens))
+ (cond ((null? tokens) '())
+ ((identifier-token? (car tokens))
+ (lambda (s) (and s (string=? s "defined")))
+ => (lambda _
+ (let ((next rest (next-token-or-group (cdr tokens))))
+ (cons (if (and=> (identifier-token? (if (parenthesis-group? next)
+ ;; TODO empty group
+ (car (drop-whitespace (parenthesis-group-tokens next)))
+ next))
+ (lambda (it) (in-environment? environment it)))
+ one zero)
+ (loop rest)))))
+ ((and (identifier-token? (car tokens))
+ (not (marked-noexpand? (car tokens))))
+ (let ((_ tokens
+ (maybe-extend-identifier environment
+ (identifier-token? (car tokens))
+ (lexeme-noexpand (car tokens))
+ (cdr tokens))))
+ (loop tokens)))
+ (else (cons (car tokens)
+ (loop (cdr tokens)))))))))
- ;; eval as per 6.6
- )
@@ -498,13 +518,16 @@
(typecheck environment cpp-environment?)
;; (typecheck tokens (list-of lexeme?))
- (-> (extend-environment environment (list defined-macro))
- ;; no newlines in #if line
- ((unval resolve-token-stream 1) tokens)
- resolve-constant-expression
- c-boolean->boolean
- (if (enter-active-if environment)
- (enter-inactive-if environment))))
+ (if (->> tokens
+ (parse-if-line environment)
+ (remove whitespace-token?)
+ merge-string-literals
+ build-ast
+ ;; 6.10.1 p. 4
+ eval-basic-c
+ c-boolean->boolean)
+ (enter-active-if environment)
+ (enter-inactive-if environment)))
;; environment, string, (list token) → environment, (list token)
(define (maybe-extend-identifier environment identifier noexpand-list remaining-tokens)
@@ -719,11 +742,10 @@
(unless (in-conditional? env)
(err "#endif outside conditional"))
(leave-if env)))
- ((else) (lambda (env _)
- (unless (in-conditional? env)
- (err "#else outside conditional"))
- (flip-flop-if env)))
- ;; ((elif) (lambda ))
+ ((else elif) (lambda (env _)
+ (unless (in-conditional? env)
+ (err "#else outside conditional"))
+ (flip-flop-if env)))
((define) resolve-define)
((undef) (lambda (env body) (remove-identifier env (identifier-token? (car body)))))
((line) handle-line-directive)
@@ -750,3 +772,45 @@
(else (err "Unexpected middle of line, (near ~s)"
(unlex tokens))))))
+(define* (make-default-environment key: (now (localtime (current-time))))
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda ()
+ (preprocess-string
+ (format
+ #f
+ "
+#define __STDC__ 1
+#define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1
+#define __STDC_VERSION__ 201112L
+#define __DATE__ \"~a\"
+#define __TIME__ \"~a\"
+ ;; TODO format should always be in
+ ;; english, and not tranlated
+ (strftime "\"%b %_d %Y\"" now)
+ (strftime "\"%H:%M:%S\"" now))
+ (make-environment)))
+ (lambda (env _) env)))
+(define* (preprocess-string str optional: (environment (make-default-environment)))
+ (on-snd
+ (->>
+ (abort*
+ (->> str
+;;; Phase 1-3
+ tokenize
+;;; 4. Execution of preprocessing directives, all preprocessing directives are then deleted
+ (handle-preprocessing-tokens environment)))
+;;; 5. (something with character sets)
+;;; 7. Whitespace tokens are discarded, each preprocessing token is converted into a token
+ (remove whitespace-token?)
+;;; 6. concatenation of string literals
+;;; Should be done before removal of whitespace, but I don't understand why
+ merge-string-literals
+ )))
diff --git a/module/c/util.scm b/module/c/util.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f258d3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/c/util.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(use-modules (c lex2)
+ (srfi srfi-1)
+ (srfi srfi-88)
+ (c to-token)
+ (c cpp-types))
+(define (tok s)
+ (map preprocessing-token->token (remove whitespace-token? (lex s))))
+(define* (parse tokens optional: (parser make-parser))
+ ((parser)
+ (build-lexical-analyzer tokens)
+ error))
+(define (mm)
+ (lalr-parser
+ (x)
+ (y (x))
+ ))